The "or Sayaka, and you think it might be making things worse between them" part of that doesn't seem like something to blab about out loud with her right there. Mostly, we really, really need a better reason than mumbling about potential, and the truth works just fine.
Yes, SWB's line works fine. I don't see any reason to exclude Sayaka from hearing it. Commenting that you think it's making the relationship worse between them seems about as unsupported as the 'potential' excuse.
...No, it really isn't, Kine, and I really don't get your reasoning there. One's blatantly the case and everyone can see it. Sayaka's clearly trying to deal with the strain being placed by everything on her friendship with Hitomi with this as a major contributing factor to the awkwardness between them. This makes complete sense, and they'll recognize it as a more valid reason.
The potential excuse is either trying to lie to someone who knows quite a bit about how that works and can shut it down or is shadowrunning to the same group. I don't see how you can draw comparisons between the two.
The houses are sparser in this area- there is a remarkable amount of greenery and open ground around here, and you frankly have no idea how that works with land-starved Japan, unless the Kanames actually happen to be richer than gods, plural. But then again, it's not like theirs is the only house in this read, and nor is this land fenced off and 'Property of...'
You guys can put together alternatives, you know...
Mura had one earlier, but it was staying the course for the "potential" idea and I've said why I don't think that works very well. Kine suggested SWB's one line which 1. isn't enough on its own, 2. doesn't really do the job despite being a good point to make.
Ugo's vote could use some refinement, but it's basically what I want. Perhaps more emphasis in how it'd be good to have good, level headed friend in the know, and how we seem be pushing her away as it is.
[q] Grab Madoka and make Homura look at her troubled face.
Plotting Shock Twist: The reason there's so much empty space in Japan in the PMMM!verse is that witches and familiars have drastically reduced the worldwide population compared to our world.
Why does it not do the job? Madoka and Sayaka are already thinking this way, it's definitely something Mami can appreciate, and a different part of the vote is addressing Homura's concerns or lack thereof.
[x]How about pasta?
[x]Telepathically ask Homura if she thinks it's a bad idea or just unnecessary?
-[x] Drop it for now if it's a bad idea. Otherwise,
--[x] It's becoming impossible for us to interact normally while magic is still a secret. I don't like that.
[x]Visit Kyosuke. Try and see how he's doing.
[x]Try to get back before 5 unless something comes up.
[x] If an opportunity presents itself at any point in the update, ask what to call someone with green hair.
Also, nudging Sayaka to talk to her friend is not the way to handle if she isn't talking to her friend.
Failure to pad out a conversation is not a reason that the point doesn't do what it's supposed to, particularly when you're also rolling the Kyousuke visit into the next update.
Social awkwardness is survivable and having them talk is necessary to solve the underlying communication problem, derp. Dancing around the issue by not pushing them to talk is just missing a chance to deal with it.
Are we thinking about the same problem? Because none of the issues I can think of will be helped by getting Sayaka to talk to Kyousuke in front of everyone else if she doesn't want to.
The underlying problem here is Sayaka not talking to Hitomi/Hitomi not knowing there's a problem, and there's no reason that needs to happen in front of everyone else.
The underlying problem here is Sayaka not talking to Hitomi/Hitomi not knowing there's a problem, and there's no reason that needs to happen in front of everyone else.
What. One of us is clearly missing the point here...
The idea is to get Sayaka and Hitomi to talk. What Kyosuke knows doesn't factor into things at all, for now and won't until we actually get around to healing him.
Ok, so basically, we have two jobs here, making sure Homura isn't too ruffled and pushing the right angle with Sayaka and Madoka. Mami is nervous (probably the traumatic bits) but I can't see her raising any kind of objection of her own unfortunately.
I would caution against reading too much into Homura's statement. The simple explanation is that our stated reason, that Hitomi might contract, makes our suggested actions pointless. It therefore isn't necessary to tell Hitomi because she will never have the potential. Other factors might additionally apply, like a desire not to complicate things, but again, I'm not going to baselessly read into things.
The Hitomi-Sayaka thing I don't put any stock in Ugo's approach, but neither does my suggestion below make it impossible so...
[x] To all: I agree with Madoka too. Moments where she's left out, like at lunch, or even right now, are going to keep happening. I don't want it to be difficult to interact normally because we're keeping magic secret. It isn't right.
[x] If Homura continues to obviously object:
-[x] Privately: Homura, I think this is necessary so that Madoka is happier, so Sayaka and Hitomi can have an honest conversation about Sayaka's current struggles, and so they don't become isolated from the nonmagical people in their lives. Is there something specific you're worried about?
[x] Unless Homura vetos, make plans to tell Hitomi about magic as a group. Either before visiting Kyouske, after, or tomorrow at lunch, depending where we expect to have time.
[x] On visiting Kyouske, try to get a read of what things bother him and what if anything he responds positively to.
-[x] Leave once our welcome is up.
-[x] If Kyouske is particularly down, suggest to Sayaka by telepathy that maybe she should see if she can get him talking about how he's feeling. Sometimes, trying to get someone to think positively can only go so far.
[x] If Mami and Sabrina and whoever else have to leave early to receive Nagisa, do so.
Here's what I think about the Sayaka-Kyouske interaction:
I reviewed the relevant episodes of the anime and frankly, Sayaka's approach doesn't work at all. The situation is shitty all around barring a miracle, but even if trying to distract him and focus on the positives would work for some people, it obviously doesn't for Kyouske specifically. And as a teenager, Sayaka isn't going to be able to read the subtleties here. Maybe Madoka or Hitomi could, but they're not the ones close to him.
ALSO, and this is important to today specifically, according to the best estimate of the timeline when Sayaka went to visit Kyouske on April 5th (Ep. 4 after the halfway point), he was in super-depressed mode and quite bitter, having just been told that current medical science can't heal his hand and that that the best he could hope for was a miracle. Sayaka then tells him that miracles and magic do exist. She contracts that night.
The previous time (possibly the 4th), he was unavailable and in rehab. The time before that, he was somewhat more upbeat.
If we want to get Sayaka and Kyouske to talk, I think we have to be even more blunt than just telling her to talk to him. She does talk to him in canon and frankly, I'm not sure what help she actually did both for him and for her. We could slowly nudge this one in, but that would take patience which I don't think we, the quest players, have.
Seriously, rewatch Ep4 and tell me what we say to turn that conversation into a healthy one.