1 may be irrelevent with magic in the picture. Perfect reversibility may, in fact be possible. 2 is solid. For 3 we can know success/failure because in the matter of success we've grown a new body and in failure we haven't. 4 and 5 are values judgements. They are entirely based on morals, not science. They presuppose a huge amount of prior information which works fine in an academic environment but simply does not exist for magic. For 6 we have a model: If a new body is made and a magical girl from her stone collection is able to take control of it, then success. If not, then failure. We really don't need a more complicated model unless it gives better results. 7 implies that we would create a model then not test its validity.
Now can we please not do this? I've already said I'll stay within your moral framework even though I disagree with it.