A sliding scale of Witchiness
The witchy feeling is "This is Grief."
The 'wrong' feeling is "This is Grief, but it's not mine, even though I wished to control all Grief! Error! Paradox!"

It's 'wrong' to us the same way witches are 'wrong' to Godoka.
  Sabrina's reaction Other meguca's reactions
Solid/Inert Grief
Eg. Grief marbles
Grief spheres
Mobile Oppression Fortress
Meh. Grief is Grief is Grief OK, there's something there, but not really sure what it is...
Gaseous/Raw/Energetic Grief
Eg. Fresh from Soul Gem
Enchanted but not specifically active Grief as per [1]
OK, that feels kinda but not quite Witchy...
Enchanted Grief
Eg.Enchanted Grief Chibi[1]
Witch? Kind of weak...
Active Grief
Witch! There's a Witch!
Sabrina's Barrier WIIIIIIITCH
Grief under Witch control Bad wrong no bad WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH
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Grief bending!
Sabrina's Griefbending:

A. Proven to work
1. Sense Grief and Magic, better than the average magical girl
2. Shape, compress and manipulate Grief
3. Intuitive in nature
4. Change Grief properties:
a. Basic (instant cast)
- Acoustics (e.g. Sonic shower, musical instruments)
- Hardness/softness
b. Witch-like (has a cast delay)
- Magnetism
- Corrosion
- Gravity
- Density
- Transparency
- Energy (e.g. Generate fire, smoke, blaster/phaser shots, lasers)
- Chemical (e.g. Fire that doesn't burn through and is not extinguished by water)
- Material (e.g. Metal, water, plastic)
- Color
- Invisibility
- Conceptual (e.g. Painkilling, magic amplifying, enchanting, privacy, skill enchancement)
5. Create a Barrier
6. Sense the names of Witches, including unborn ones
7. Grief manipulation range: 100 meters from the Soul Gem
8. Enchant Grief constructs
9. Grief sensing range: 200 meters from the Soul Gem, can be increased with sensing stone
10. Obtain information about something nearby (e.g. Concrete mixtures)
11. Disperse Grief into nano-sized particles, like salt dissolving in water
12. Mami's ribbons can conduct magic, and extend grief control range, but it gives an intrusive feeling

B. Doesn't work
1. Space Expansion tube
2. Slow Time tube
3. Item that lets the user communicate with deactivated seeds and gems.
4. Grief that doesn't feel witchy

C. Headache/Out of reach
1. Changing the sensation of grief ("a cube that doesn't feel like anything but a Witch... A headache grows in the back of your head, a pounding migraine that steadily ramps up in intensity until you stop")
2. Item that identifies and analyzes all the parts of a soul gem
3. Item that scans a Soul Gem and projects an image of the body
4. Guide to Soul Gems

D. Ideas to test
1. Create Familiars
2. Retry the Soul Gem component analyzer, with the aid of the faux Infinity Gauntlet
3. Use the Enchanting Bracelet as an intermediary to make Grief stuff
4. Skyrim style enhancement
5. Make a railgun
6. Feed Grief to familiars and see what happens
7. Add "Sanity" and/or other properties to Grief and insert it into Grief Seed
8. Will Grief into existence
9. More Barrier shenanigans
10. Create a Kyubey detector
11. Create a Kyubey repellent
12. Create a Grief artifact that increases Grief construction speed and control
13. Use Grief to gain the status effect "Haste" on ourselves and inflict "Slow" on enemies
14. Make a modified replica of Ravenclaw's Diadem, without the Horcrux but with Grief knowledge
15. Make Grief glasses that prevent zoning out
16. Make a Grief alarm that indicates feasibility and possible negative side effects of Grief constructs
17. Make a Grief replica of Homura's shield, complete with Time-stop, or just make a Grief construct that can stop or slow time
18. Make Grief Cubes
19. Turn a Grief Seed into a Soul Gem
20. Create a Sabrina aura for IFF purposes
21. Debug Clear Seeds
22. Find ways to extend Grief control range
23. Find ways to improve enchantment
24. Explore the idea of altering Grief Seeds
25. Explore the limits of making Grief books
  • Can we access publicly available information in-universe that is unobtainable with metaknowledge? (This is "Grief Google".)
  • Can we access private, earth-based, non-magical knowledge? (This gives us full access into basically all aspects of communications, and can be leveraged into a quasi-legal identity and unlimited funds).
  • Can we access general magical knowledge? (At the very least, saves us time and lets us print Sayaka off a textbook).
  • Can we access specific magical knowledge, in particular pertaining to our own abilities or Oriko's condition? (Obvious utility).
  • Can we access future knowledge? ("Will this coin land heads or tails?")
26. Make Grief relays to extend range
27. Use Grief to create curses and enchantments on living things, such as Incubators
28. Know more about Grief trances
29. Create Spicier-Angel's Grief vehicle
30. Use Grief lasers to overcome 100 meter range limit
31. Create Grief spycams, mirrors and crystal balls for observation/reconnaissance purposes
32. Impart Grief with the property of "belonging to X" to see if X can take that Grief out of range and use it
33. Create a Grief Marauder's Map, tracking all megucas of interest
34. Collaborate with the Pleiades Saints
  • Dewitch a Clear Seed, Kazumi style
  • Create an empty clone body, and connect it to a Clear Seed
  • See if a Soul Gem can switch bodies
  • See if an entire body can be grown from a Soul Gem
35. Create a Magic measuring device made of Grief, to help with enchantment
36. Make Grief goggles which would show and analyze the effects of Magic in-depth
37. Make a Grief device that returns souls to a healthy state
38. Make a Grief skill duplicator and a practice enhancer to copy Mami's enchantment skill and improve from there
39. Create an anchoring enchantment for a Grief construct, to make it persist outside our range
40. Make a Grief detector which distinguishes whether a witch or grief seed came from a meguca or a familiar
41. Create Grief stations, similar to gas stations but for Grief, enchanted to persist outside our range, and with pipes or something to transport the Grief to us
42. Create a Grief Lantern Corps, with rings and batteries and everything, or at least a limited version of that. The ringbearer would have the following abilities:
  • They maintain grief constructs in their sphere of control automatically.
  • They allow the wearer to grief cleanse.
  • They allow the wearer to turn grief into more Grief Lantern rings (and only Grief Lantern rings).
43. Use Grief to think with portals
44. Make Grief clones of ourselves
45. Use Time-stop and Grief interdiction field to block outside influence while creating the Soul Gem Scanner
46. Persistence of summoned hammers outside of 100m
47. Is our range dependent on our body or our soul gem or both?
48. Try making the following:
  • Item that remotely views a location/person.
  • Item that induces happiness.
  • Item that allows magic to be put directly into a grief seed.
  • Item that blocks mental influence on the wearer (owner's soulgem is an exception).
  • Item that converts grief to matter.
  • Item that converts grief to energy.
  • Item that takes grief and produces whatever we specify.
  • Item that takes non-grief input and produces what we specify (without any grief at the output).
  • Item that takes non-grief inputs, scans a body and heals it.
  • Item that automatically draws grief from soul gems and stores it as marbles.
  • Item that destroys grief.
  • Item that creates magic.
  • Item that re-creates a soul gem around a soul (i.e. the inert core of a defeated witch before the grief seed forms).
  • Item that measures the magical potential of a normal human.
  • Grief compass that points towards whatever the user specifies.
  • Anti-gravity
  • Anti-magic
  • Item that affects Probability
  • Notice-me-not field
  • Incubator Isolation Field device
  • Spaceship with warp drive
  • Grief body
  • Teleportation plate
  • Grief book containing information about a particular witch
  • Grief radar
49. Try filling a large area with grief mist under our control and attempting to imitate telekinesis with it
50. Use grief to emulate mass effect fields
51. Try eating grief

E. Grief Artifacts
1. Painkiller ring
2. Magic amplifying stone
3. Sensor/Ioun stone
4. Enchanting bracelet
5. Clear seed (requires Grief seed)
6. Privacy bracelet
7. Combat harness
8. MECHA GURREN ZILLA LAGANN (All-caps is required)
9. Grief Books
10. Tricorder (cannot scan grief seeds)
11. Healing Rod (effects do not persist)
12. Absolute Interdiction Barrier
13. Wings
14. Armor
15. Jet
16. Flying Carpet
17. Mobile Oppression Fortress
18. Human Detector
19. Magic Scanner
20. Forge/Mold/Polisher (gold into ring)

F. Proposed Grief Books
1. How do I Social: THE big book on Other People and you!
2. 60-minute Crash Course on Enchanting, and other helpful learning techniques on magic
3. Magical Chicken Soup for the Soul: A simple study on healing mangled spirits and finding ones' purpose in the universe
4. The Abridged and translated incubator treatise on Soul Gems and Grief seeds
5. Healing Magic for Beginning Magical Girls
6. An Analysis of Oriko's Malady
7. Your Magical Weapon and You
8. Story of my Life
9. Enchantment for Dummies
10. Incubators and the War on Entropy
11. Guide to Grief Seeds

G. Sereg's Suggestions
- I agree that we need to try creating properties that don't exist like "attracts wood and only wood".

- I also agree that we need to try creating a clip/aerial with the property "expands our grief control radius"

- We should also try creating fictional materials like mithril and orichulcham as well as ones we've made up ourselves such as a bright red metal with a lower density than water

- We can also try making less consistent properties like "folds as easily as paper when touched by human hands but is as hard as vanadium to anything else" or even "feels like a fluffy pillow to everyone we regard as friends and red-hot iron to anyone we regards as enemies".

- Then we can try things like relativity-ignoring warp-drives.

- We can also try the property "attracts grief" and see if we can make that property strong enough to pull grief into our range.

- Then we can try "produces energy in violation of the laws of thermodynamics more efficiently than a grief seed"

- We can also try the property "converts other grief into hope (or any other emotion we specify)"

- We should also see if we can make duplicates of ourselves. If we armour ourselves up, we should feel like grief too. It should be useful even without the ability to go far from each other.

- Then the property of "acts as a router for telepathy that can be used as an alternative to Kyuubey". No more danger from telepathic conversations if this is successful.

- Also, an "incubator detector". That'll be useful.

- For a bigger project, something that will take a while t develop and will be dangerous, but could have high payoff if successful: Develop a kind of "brain-leech thing" designed to attach to an incubator body whereupon it immediately severs the incubator body from the hive mind and gives us absolute control of said incubator body while retaining all knowledge owned by said incubator. We will then have access to a lot more useful information among other things.

- Finally, and most significant to our current discussion. See if we can create books containing information we don't know. Test it with something easy to find out afterwards. (Has the property of "contains information on the colour of the car parked in the next driveway" or something) Then we can attempt to discover Homura's loop where Kyousuke get a crush on her (we want to know and it's been indicated that it might be discoverable, but not through her), our origins, incubator and magical girl demographics, incubator technology, how to get grief to do the things we want it to do, what the feathers are etc.
Construct that stops us from trancing, one that speeds up our construction, one that warns us about how successful the next construct we want to make will be, one that allows us to make several constructs simultaneously, one that ups the power of all our constructs and one that will help deal with other meguca freaking out from all the witchstuff we'll now be constantly wearing.

Make a grief device that reverts souls to their healthy state. Also, ask the book about the specifics of Oriko's condition and recommended treatment. If that doesn't work, try more mundane treatments and also get into contact with Euroguca to begin negotiations. Assuming that we have to return to enchantment, first create a device that let's us copy the skill of another individual to acquire Mami's enchantment experience. Also create a device that improves the efficiency of practice. Also, create grief device that improves our enchantment ability. Due to the problems with using this directly, use it to enchant anenchantment that does the same thing and use that to improve our enchantments.

Also, try making grief relays to extend our power. This might make the painblocker effectively permanent. Otherwise a range extender. Otherwise, a ring that grants our powers to the wearer. Oriko may be able to maintain it herself after that.

After dealing with Oriko,there's a lot we need to do which can have it's order and details altered a little, but generally, go Sasa hunting. To prep for this, create a grief device that blocks magical mental influence. We could also create a crystal ball/mirror that shows us what is happening elsewhere and a meguca detector that extends our detection range. Incubator and witch detectors would also help.

Then, using our various information gathering devices, try to assess what is going down in Asunaro and what we can use. Prep for their arrival or head there depending on what we learn.

Use what we discover to make dewitching progress and simultaneously, gather information on and begin prepping for Wally to try take her out before she enters the city.
This plan adjusts depending on circumstances and based on what we discover we can and can't do, but rough outline:

Grief up:

perception glasses

High speed grief construction bracelet

Multitasking glove

Amulet of construction power improvement

Broach of "friendly Sabrina" aura

Grief relays

Radar which pinpoints the locations of witches, meguca, Incubators, incubator-technology and high-risk potentials

Hairclip that allows us to think and not be overwhelmed while using our grief to act as and receive sensations from multiple bodies simultaneously.

Hat of magical and technological mental influence blocking

Floating buckler of automatic shielding

Ring of "griefbending" granting

teleportation shoes

timestop shield

Device that projects an intangible barrier that blocks all incubators and incubator technology (barring soul gems) from passing through

This lets us gain practically total control of the city in hours and means that there's basically no Incubator influence or witching out within it

Then make:

Microphone of mental messaging

Use this to send a message to every meguca on the planet simultaneously, informing us of who we are, that we want to help and to contact us.

We now have a planetwide meguca network.

Hack into every television channel, radio station and the internet and broadcast our intentions shattering the masquerade and reassuring all meguca.

Use our information granters to identify all planets being preyed on by Incubators and telepathically contact them.

Create grief hyperdrive space ship and travel to every such planet, bestowing our gifts upon them

Use our grief information granters to track down every Incubator body and capture them all.

Use grief to fry the part of their brain capable of understanding how to make witches

Dewitch every grief seed in the Universe

Terraform several planets to accommodate the increased Universal population

Welcome to an age of intergalactic cooperation
H. Redshirt Army's Tech Tree
(Confirmed, Speculative, Goals)

Movement of Raw Grief (Griefbending)
Grief Wings
Gem Cleansing
Grief Seed Cleansing (Clear Seeds)
Property Alteration (Physical Properties)
Property Alteration (Conceptual)
Spacial Alteration
Barrier Creation

Temporal Alteration
Celerity Effects
Time Stop

Time Travel
Intelligence Creation
Familiar Creation
Wraith Creation
Grief Cube Creation
Emotional Alteration
Grief Transmutation
Grief/Hope Conversion
Grief/Energy Conversion
Grief/Matter Conversion
Adfligo Systema (Entropy)
Sanity Inducement
Grief Artifact Creation
Combat Artifacts
Direct Energy Generation

Directed Light Weapons
Mass Drivers

Grief Control Relays
Enhancement Artifacts
Melee Enhancement
Enchantment Enhancement
Mental Enhancement
Multitasking Enhancement
Social Enhancement
Magic Enhancement
Magic Amplification
Grief Property Alteration Enhancement
Trance Avoidance
Construct Creation Speed Enhancement
Information Control
Privacy Generation
Mental Influence Resistance
Soul Observation

Soul Gem Scanning
Grief Seed Scanning

Sensory Inputs
Mundane Information Network Control
Grief Based Hacking
Teleknowledge Acquisition
Metainformation Acquisition

In-Universe Information Acquisition

Grief Generation
Grief Deletion

Hope Generation
Karma Revision
Adfligo Systema (Laws of Karmic Destiny)
Grief Sensing
Sense Barriers
Sense Witches
Grief Seed Identification
Sense Magical Girls
Soul Gem Identification
Pain Suppression
Grief Artifact Reproduction
Grief Enchantment

Grief Construct Maintenance
Grief Sensing Suppression
Grief Seed Enchantment

Adfligo Systema (Puella Magi)
Weapon Summoning
Modified Metabiology

Pain Suppression
Range Enhancement
Combination Effects
Metaphysical Soul Gem Connections

Infinite Timestop
Remote Timestop Inclusion
Shared Construct Control
Infinite Feather Blizzard
Universal Barrier Creation
Burden of All The World's Grief
Madokami Summoning Family Reunion
Anything else I missed?
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On Japanese Orphanages
It gets worse!

Fun Fact: Most orphanages in Japan also function as private Catholic schools, segregated by gender.

Moreover, a lot of people who come out of the Japanese orphanage system end up being behind in their education, many of them not getting a high school education at all, and are alienated and passed over for lasting careers. They tend not to self-actualize very well, because like hell there's funding and personal investment for, say, becoming a ballerina.

...Yea, the orphanage thing is only recently getting looked at in Japan as of a few years ago. Most orphanages are privately owned and there's waaaay less orphans compared to the Western world. "I went to a Catholic School" in Japan means either "My parents are hyper-involved and I'm RICH, BITCH" or "I'm an orphan, please politely change the subject."

So yea Homura was likely a mass orphanage kid that was transferred to Mitakihara due to her severe health problems. Her struggling with her studies in timeline 1 also implies her education might have been subpar. Like, in a Real World AU Homura would have little chance of getting into a good high school and few tools to prepare for the workforce because no one has personal investment in her, likely resigning her to a life of temporary entry-level jobs like a NEET, with no skills or ability to indulge in things like expensive or time-consuming hobbies.

Sooooo yeaaa when Homura was super suicidal and shit? YEAAAAAAAAAAAH.

Just a reminder that to a Japanese audience there is 100% no doubt that Homura is an orphan and Madoka was probably the first person to ever claim to be happy to have met her.

Because most orphans in Japan don't have dead parents. They were given up. :D :D :D :D

A lot of kids in these orphanages are also abused, physically or mentally, and while there's little evidence of physical abuse canonically, given Homura's constant self-hatred for her unnaturalness, her willingness to put herself down, her abysmally low self-esteem throughout the series, and her homosexuality, there can be no doubt that she was tormented in some way and punished constantly by the nuns in her orphanage for whatever 'behaviors' they saw fit to punish. Homura exhibits a lot of symptoms of an emotional abuse victim, and with her health problems and medical intervention in Mitakihara, plus her now permanent residence there, implies that she might have been removed from said orphanage by social services, as 14 is old enough to become emancipated from your current legal guardians and live independently.

Homura is most likely living on social security, so her modest living decisions are probably necessity. She probably isn't living off a nice inheritance like Mami.

It took one day at Mitakihara, a very nice and friendly school, to break her will to live. She failed at class lessons and doesn't accept that it's just due to hospital absence; she doesn't know this material at ALL because her curriculum wasn't up to national standards. She failed at PE not just because she was sickly, but because she doesn't have the tools to overcome it. Her social interaction went from pleasant to light jeering and pity, but she's apparently been emotionally abused enough to take all of this in the worst possible light.

She was already thinking of killing herself before the Witch came upon her. She wasn't kissed. This has been brewing for a long time.

This is why Homura fell in love with Madoka so immediately, so perfectly, so beyond any of our ability to empathize with or truly understand. Madoka might truly have been the only person who ever showed Homura any love. Madoka might have sincerely been the only person who assigned Homura value. Homura lived a life of being a burden. Worse than a waste of space; a drain on society and the taxpayer, a problem for her caretakers and her fellow orphans, an embarrassment at school.

But Madoka said she was cool. Madoka talked to her once, then talked to her again after 'new student courtesy' wore off.

Madoka...this perfect girl, who had all the virtues she herself lacked, who was loved by friends and family, and had every possible future open to her, who had every blessing of the modern dream and who deserved all good things life had to offer...

...Said that meeting her was the happiest thing in her life.

Homura and Madoka are truly opposites, in personality, backround, disposition, and futures. If Homura is Dante, Madoka is her Beatrice. She worships Madoka and what she represents and what she gave to her, and so protecting Madoka became her holy quest; the one thing that justifies her waste of an existence. If she can't do this one thing, she'll continue to be a hopeless, helpless degenerate waste of everyone's time and resources. An unwanted, unloved, useless child who will never amount to anything.

But she can be Madoka's shield.

So that's what she became.
Sayaka's powers
Sayaka Powers Copied

September 2018 Update: Check the Day Planner - that's where the up-to-date listing is!

March 2019 Update: The wiki also has an up-to-date listing.

Also, with elemental powers, flight, paper control, and cloning, Sayaka can do a scary good Konan cosplay. :V
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Hisaomi's diary
Yvonne-Today at 12:58 PM
(Page 47)
Different, more caligraphic font. Either Shuchiro Mikuni or Kenzaburo:
邪魔 者を陥れ


関 係があるの?

美国 久臣だ
(Page break to p48)(edited)
(p47, according to google)
Different, more caligraphic font. Either Shuchiro Mikuni or Kenzaburo:

I got a nuisance
Truncate incompetence

It's also his
I am skillful.
It was a horrible person

Do not talk
With my grandfather
What's on my father's story?
Is there a relationship?

He also had children
Mikuni Hisaomi
Yvonne-Today at 4:07 PM
(Page 48)






(Page break to p49)(edited)
(Page 48)
It can not be helped you never met Shuichiro

You guys were not allowed to cross the threshold of Mikuni Shuichiro [name translated, may be imperfect]

It seems that Kimihide was rebelling against it

Hisaomi-kun seemed to have been afraid of his father even though he was an adult

When I talked about Mr. Shuichiro's old story

My complexion had changed

I'm telling you not to talk!
[Other iterations of the google translation look like she may be telling him off for irrelevant details]
(Page break to p49)(edited)
(Page 49)

国 織莉子
(Page Break to p50)(edited)
(Page 49, google translated)
I will not forgive you who defeated my father and killed himself

You are telling me き You are the one who killed you
(alterate translation: I am talking about you, it is you who killed me)

Mikuni Oriko
(Page Break to p50)(edited)
Translation seems pretty broken, but I'm reading it as: "You drove my father to suicide!" "No, Oriko, you drove your father to suicide."
My reading in this case is also because of Oriko's shocked stare, and the fact that the next page cuts to a young Oriko.(edited)
Yvonne-Today at 5:41 PM
(Page 50)
Flashback, appears to be Oriko narrating:






(Page break to p51)
(Page 50, google translated)
Flashback, appears to be Oriko narrating:

Yuruko passed away

Oriko has changed

That child, who was a crybaby, ceased to cry at all

It began to do anything without any

When I go on to higher education, I gather a lot of people's attention and I stand on people

I became "too much" to the extent I could not imagine being a child
(Page break to p51)
Onmar-Today at 7:03 PM
You doing Madokami's work
/Pat Yvonne and Kai and Google Translate
̣BOT-Today at 7:03 PM
( ^ᴗ^)ノ" headpats Yvonne and Kai and Google Translate
Yvonne-Today at 7:11 PM
(Page 51, continuing flashback, Hisaomi is meeting Kenzaburo)
Kenzaburo, to Hisaomi:





Speech bubble, appears to be Hisaomi:


(Page break to p52)
(page 51, google translation)
Kenzaburo, to Hisaomi:
Are you going to do national affairs, of course I will boost you

I am afraid I know it


Capable and highly promising

Speech bubble, appears to be Hisaomi:
I had a father's tea

Human beings who coldly smiled

No, no doubt it is Mikuni's daughter
(Page break to p 52)
Yvonne-Today at 8:05 PM
(Page 52)
End flashback, return to present time

Probably Kenzaburo?:

Probably Oriko?:





Narration, may be the diary:

Oriko, wide eyed and sweating:

(Page break to p53)
(Page 52, google translation)
Probably Kenzaburo ?:
Parents and girls are not assured that they are truncated

Probably Oriko ?:
I would not have wanted to realize my incompetence and stretched out disproportionately with national affairs etc.

You look more like him than anyone

"A beautiful country"
Mr. Shuichiro Mikuni

Narration, may be the diary:
I am already tired.
I think I will run away

Oriko, wide eyed and sweating:
People who have never met are irrelevant
(Page break to p53)
(Page 53)
Narration, likely the diary:

Oriko, angry:



Kenzaburo, probably:
(Page break to p54)
(Page 53, google translation)
Narration, likely the diary:
From this world (Oriko)
I think I will run away

Oriko, angry:
I will kill you!

To get rid of my father
I ... My ideal of my father ...!
I lose my father's mind ... my ideal of my father ...!

Kenzaburo, probably:
You are the one on this side
(Page break to p 54)
Just two more pages of this conversation.
Yvonne-Today at 9:29 PM
(Page 54)
Probably Oriko:


Looks like it switches to Kenzaburo here:

面白 かろうと

Oriko: *Flashes back to Sasa and how Mio witched out Lina. Looks like the theme is "people she talked into dying" She looks kinda horrified*
(Page break to p55)(edited)
(Page 54, google translation)
Probably Oriko:
It is a human who is willing to cut off another person for his ideal

Looks like it switches to Kenzaburo here:
That's why I thought it would be interesting if you go to politics (matsuri)

Oriko: * Flashes back to Sasa and how Mio witched out Lina. Looks like the theme is "people she talked into dying" She looks kinda horrified *
(Page break to p55)(edited)
(Page 55)
Unknown Person:


Unknown person:

Kenzaburo, probably:

*Kenzaburo offers the person what looks like a sake bottle*

*Cut to Kirika and what seems to be the sound of things breaking*
(Page break to p56)(edited)
(Page 55, google translation)
Unknown Person:
Did anyone come in?

I was drinking alone

Unknown person:
I see
I felt like I could hear people 's voice

Kenzaburo, probably:
I wonder if there are sounds of wind

* Kenzaburo offers the person what looks like a sake bottle *

* Cut to Kirika and what seems to be the sound of things breaking *
(Page break to p 56)(edited)
(page 56)
* Kirika walks in on Oriko screaming and breaking things *
Annnnnnd. that's that conversation.
Gonna call it here for today.
If @Kaizuki or someone wants to give a proper translation, now it's complete.
I may take a look at Oriko and Kirika's conversation after this, which goes to the end of the chapter.
But that'll be later.
Onmar-Today at 9:41 PM
hugs the witch
Redshirt Army-Today at 9:41 PM
Thank you
This'll probably be very helpful
Yvonne-Today at 9:41 PM
So yeah, I think the "killed his wife" angle is wrong. Instead it's "Was afraid of his daughter, who resembled her grandfather way, waaaaay to much for comfort."
Onmar-Today at 9:42 PM
I'm kind of not connecting Kirika's reaction wholly with this :/
specially given the framing of the scene in SP 3
AuraTwilight-Today at 9:44 PM
Yvonne-Today at 9:44 PM
It's Kirika. "You left your fucking daughter alone in the world, because you were afraid her? YOU ASSHOLE." Seems like a Kirika response.
AuraTwilight-Today at 9:44 PM
I can see "Oriko's father fucking hated her" as justifying it.
Oriko thought her father was her only ally
and suffered through all of this in the name of that belief
and Kirika learned that her father never believed in her.
that everything Oriko suffered for was a lie.
Yvonne-Today at 9:46 PM
Well, their conversation is six more pages. I should be able to get through that with a day of work.
Or so.
Kaizuki-Today at 10:06 PM
美国修一郎 きみの祖父だ きみは会ったことはないだろうが Shuichiro Mikuni Your grandfather I don't think you ever met him, but 彼は 政治手腕もだが その人柄で 人気があってね He had political skill as well With that personality, he is/was popular with the people, and appeared elegant/good/nice, so he was beloved ただ But 彼の返く... 特にこども逹は 彼がそれだはの 人間ではないことを 知っていた Especially when he returned (when he retired??? He might well have been a diet member before a time when it would have been convenient for him to return home routinely?) the children knew that he wasn't human. Okay this next bit really requires someone who is in the know. 者 is one of many kanji for "person." 邪魔者 is, in this context, literally referring to someone who is in the way. 陥れ I have no idea about -- best Jisho is giving me is fall... eh, hold on. Can't believe I'm doing this but let's break out the paperback dictionary... Fall, entrap, ensnare, sink, capture, surrender... Probably entrap or capture here? 邪魔者を陥れ (I) entrapped (someone who was) an obstacle (in my way). 無能 Noun, "incompetent person." 切り捨てる Transitive verb, "to cut down; to slay." Literally, "I entrapped someone who was in my way. (I) Kill incompetent people."
Everything after that is almost fill-in-the-blanks with that context.
I have no idea whether the grandfather was corrupt or not
but either way, he was murderously competent.
And I rather don't think, based on the stuff about Kimihide "rebelling against it" and Hisaomi being afraid of him, that he was anything less than an absolutely uncompromising disciplinarian.
He wouldn't have allowed his children to be incompetent...
That's the sort of attitude that is being conveyed here.
And anyone who crossed him -- they'd be killed.
I can definitely see Hisaomi killing himself if his daughter was turning out the same way...
Yvonne-Today at 10:13 PM
Yeah, and Oriko definitely echoes him near the end.
Kaizuki-Today at 10:13 PM
Damn straight.
Yvonne-Today at 10:13 PM
... Hold on, I think I need to hunt for some typos. Found one already.
Or rather, feel free to continue, but I will be hunting for them.
What I found was pretty near the end.
But I'm going to go through and make sure the symbol count in stuff matches up to the manga.
...or not. It looks like my ride just arrived.
Bah, will be back to proofread in a couple hours.
And thanks for your help Kai.
Kaizuki-Today at 10:22 PM
Oriko, angry: 殺す! 貴方を殺す! "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!" 父の無念を たらす Can't make heads or tails of that. I'd guess at there being some aphorism for suicide in there, and Oriko... Uhm. わたしは... わたしの父の理想を "I... My father's ideals...!" 自分の理想の為に For the same of my ideals -- or "because of my ideals" -- I think it's the former 他者を切り捨て 消すことを 厭わない人間だ (I) am not a person who detests slaying and erasing others.(edited)
> Oriko concluding that she's totally her grandfather
Ot3'd Sketchy Lurker-Today at 10:23 PM
holy shit kai
you da real MVP
BRINA Gangsta!Gold! BEST MATCH!-Today at 10:28 PM
...Oriko you fucked up in da head
Kaizuki-Today at 10:32 PM
政をよったら 面白 かろうと 政 -- government よったら -- hypothetical quantifier form attached to either よう, よつ, or よる -- it would be rather helpful if it was written as a fucking kanji but it's not. My inclination is to agree with translate and treat it as よる with the definition "to choose, to select" because that's the only way it makes sense, I think. 面白 かろうと -- everything after 面白 か is over my head. But 面白 か is 面白, "interesting", with a question designator attached. So I'm guessing google is pretty right and this is Kenzaburo asking Oriko whether she thinks choosing politics would be interesting.
scuse me(edited)

The fallout of this is as follows: that fucking diary? Basically describes how Oriko drove her father to suicide by coming off as too much like his Illuminati-boss diet member Father who may or may not have been corrupt but is totally confirmed to have been the kind of guy to casually murder people for being incompetent and/or in his way, and all his kids were scared shitless of him and thought he wasn't human.
Yurako's death (by hisaomi or the grandfather, unclear, personal theory is grandpa ordered it and Hisaomi was too scared to say no) ended up turning Oriko into Grandfather 2.0 and Hisaomi couldn't deal at all. So he hung himself. And then Oriko promptly proved him right by going around being completely okay with -- well, she literally says, "I am not a person who detests slaying and erasing others." And we promptly get images of all the people she has puppeteered into being murdered, etc.

So... That thing is just bad. Let's toss it in a grief bubble and forget about the damn thing until Sadness Prayer concludes and we know for certain whether to burn it.

(*) Meanwhile, Kirika thinks Hisaomi is Oriko's enemy because his response to Oriko trying to grow up quickly to help him while idolizing him was to be scared shitless of her and fucking kill himself, which promptly led to her actually becoming the person he was scared that she was.

All he had to do was love her. Instead he caused her fall into, well, her grandfather / his father.

Catgirl's note: I am far from fluent in Japanese. We won't have a concrete basis until the official translation comes out. However, everything before the (*) is very high confidence, like, 99.5%. The stuff about why specifically Kirika hates Hisaomi is admittedly conjecture, but it's probably the case?
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A listing of canon Kazumi Magica characters
Righto, since we're apparently talking an assault on Asunaro at some point, I figured I would at least write up a threats list first. Using my extremely rusty knowledge because fuck you not reading it again.

Kazumi/Michiru Kazusa/Kazumi Subaru
Wish: To let her grandmother live long enough for them to make peace./To obtain a human body.
Personality: Bubbly, childish, and not particularly bright, but earnest enough and basically a good person. Think Season 1 Sailor Moon. Possesses no memory of her original self. Has an obsession with food (specifically risotto and parfait) that borders on the fetishistic. Gets pretty angsty once realizing her true nature. Matures (somewhat) after the series. As Michiru, she was apparently so beloved by her team that I can only assume she extruded magic pheromones. Do not waste food around her.
Abilities: Kazumi is basically a big pile of raw destruction. Her weapon - a giant cross - can fire lasers powerful enough to annihilate witches. Most of her other abilities, including the creation of muskets and bonds, can best be described as Mami-lite. Under certain circumstances, she may revert to a witchlike form (though this takes time, so don't expect her to do it mid-combat).
Fashion sense: Going Commando/10.

Umika Misaki
Wish: To get a better editor.
Personality: A fairly successful writer, who uses the money she obtains in her career to support the others. The smart one of the KM characters, which is a bit like being the beauty queen of the third-degree burn clinic. Has the generic personality that all smart people in manga have. Imperious and proud, but otherwise basically sane. Put the memory spell over the town.
Abilities: Umika is pretty dang hax. Her weapon is a book (GET IT BECAUSE SHE'S A WRITER) that can read an enemy's thoughts and actions, analyze something's weaknesses, copy certain techniques, and turn into a two-bladed spear. She can also manipulate and remove memories. If it comes to it, take her down first.
Fashion sense: Nun/10.

Kaoru Maki
Wish: To heal the people she injured playing soccer (which is what it is called in Japan, shaddup).
Personality: Where Umika is The Smart One, Kaoru is The Sporty One. Spunky, strong-willed, and athletic. Guilty about injuring others, but not about kidnapping megucas and locking them up. Umika's girlfriend, probably.
Abilities: Very strong and agile, particularly in the legs because soccer. Weapons are cleats, because soccer, a ball that she kicks like a cannonball, because soccer, and a staff that she never uses because not soccer. And now the European SV users are sharpening their own cleats at me, so I'll move on.
Fashion sense: Painted On/10.

Saki Asami
Wish: That the flower owned by her dead cousin would bloom forever. Kyubey presumably spent the rest of the day laughing his ass off.
Personality: The Tough Girl, pulling double duty as The Commander Girl. Reasonable enough, I guess, if you don't mind the creepy incestuous undertones. Seems to have been closest to Michiru, to the point that even her witch form ignored orders to attack Kazumi (however, these were not normal circumstances, so don't count on it).
Abilities: Has a riding crop that shoots lightning and can turn itself into some kind of vine. She can also speed herself up or slow herself down. All these powers, I'd imagine, come in very handy in bed ha ha ha kill me
Fashion sense: You Know Maybe Tight White Pants In A B&W Manga Is A Bad Idea/10

Mirai Wakaba
Wish: Teddy bear museum. This is canon and I hate you all so much.
Personality: Immature and proud. Also a yandere for Saki. Goes berserk whenever Saki is injured. None too bright, even by Kazumi standards. Obsessed with teddy bears. Avoid poking.
Abilities: Wields a staff that can shoot fire and turn into a giant pink greatsword. Can conjure up teddy bear troopers, in both "horde" and "boss monster" varieties.
Fashion sense: Pink Fluffy Senketsu/10.

Satomi Usagi
Wish: To talk to animals hey wait where are you going
Personality: Outwardly, friendly animal-lover. Inwardly, homicidal loon who wants to kill the clone, as well as the others, and break the cycle. Unstable, do not annoy. Not sided with Hijiri, merely a rogue element.
Abilities: To talk to animals (duh) and mind control. Fortunately, it's that kind of mind control where you can break it by thinking really hard about how much you love your friends. Weapon is a wand with a cat head.
Fashion sense: Catgirl/10.

Niko Kanna
Wish: To create another version of herself to live out her own life.
Personality: The mad scientist of the group, having created Juubey and orchestrated the Kazumiclones. Quiet and rather emotionless. When she was young, she played with a loaded gun and accidentally shot her friends, and her wish was designed to help her cope with the guilt - the clone would lack her own memory of the event, and she gave it her original name while changing hers. Seems very affectionate toward Kazumi. Probably the most useful member for us, which is why she's also first to perish, witching out after battling the Soujus.
Abilities: Reconstruction of matter. Her weapons are a wand and CD-shaped shuriken, but she rarely uses them, favoring her reconstruction ability to create clones of herself, heal others, or turn parts of her body into weapons. She can also combo her powers with Kazumi's to create some kind of lesbian laser beam.
Fashion sense: Goggles/10.

Yuuri/Airi Anri
Wish: To become a clone of the girl Yuuri Asuka, so as to get revenge on the girls. Jesus, what is it with this fucking manga and clones?
Personality: Remember Nie from Resonance Days? Yeah, she's nowhere near as cool here. Basically your standard vengeful supervillain. Fortunately, It Was All A Big Misunderstanding and they aren't actually responsible for her death. Psychotic, gloating, the works. Not especially useful, though talking her around could work. Was given Evil Nuts by Hijiri. Really liked Yuuri. No, I mean the girl Yuuri. But she also liked yuri.
Abilities: About fifty of them. Weapons are magic guns similar to Mami's (though they're more modern-looking). Can also conjure up a giant bull to fight for her. Can also create force fields, change her appearance, and make explosions. Pretty hax, but not so hax that Sabrina couldn't take her apart.
Fashion sense: Cutie Honey/10.

Luca/Ayase Souju
Wish: Unknown.
Personality: A set of twins with half a personality between them. Luca is the calm one, Ayase is the hot-tempered one. Probably the most well-known Kazumigirl, and probably the most irredeemable, since they have no real backstory. They wander around collecting Soul Gems because... well, they're pretty, apparently, and they need a hobby. They're all about brute power, and required two MGs to put them down. If we see them, no one will miss them... though that trick of theirs is pretty nifty.
Abilities: Two MGs share a single body, and can switch between two powersets. It's unclear if this is something only they can do, or if any MG could do it with proper training. Luca has ice powers and Ayase has fire powers, because a fire-and-ice duo with hot-tempered and calm personalities has never been done before. They can also synchronize their powers to create a big blast of sisterly love, which I think is how Frozen ended.
Fashion Sense: Rule 63 Two-Face/10.

Kanna Hijiri
Wish: To connect to others without them knowing.
Personality: The most overtly supervillainous of the bunch. Kanna has two plans: kill the Pleiades Saints for revenge, and WORLD DOMINASHUN. She hates everything because she's a clone and not real a bloo bloo bloo, and wants to make a world full of artificial people like herself, believing that Niko created her as a doll. The fact that Niko gave Kanna her original name while changing her own apparently never crossed her mind. Bombastic speeches, pointless sadism, and over-the-top antics are the order of the day with her, but it's nothing a friendship speech can't solve.
Abilities: Her weapons are strings (think Walter from Hellsing), but her powers are the real worry. They basically amount to "anything you can word as a connection." So she can insert herself into people's memories because she's connecting to them. She can control witches because she's connecting her will to them. She can merge witches together into an IKEA Walpurgisnacht because she's connecting witches to each other. She also has all the powers of the other Saints because she's connecting their powers. She can also create Evil Nuts because I give up. She's basically the equivalent of schools that insist that they have a balanced menu because ketchup is a vegetable.
Fashion Sense: Jeff Bridges In Tron Legacy/10.

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Languages spoken by Sabrina
@Languages(yeah I know we're never not using English outside of attack names):

Greek [rusty Homeric and Attic]
Darija Arabic
Malaysian (Bahasu Melayu)


Should probably save/update this post.

In fact, THIS POST shall be that post.
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Soul Gem capacities
Hey @Firnagzen
It's been a few weeks in-quest, we've cleansed a lot of soul gems, at a lot of different levels of corruption.

About how many marbles results from different levels of corruption of different magical girls' soul gems? How much capacity does Sabrina have?
So in truth, I've never really formalized the numbers; I never really needed to. But I'd say...

In terms of marbles from a full cleanse, Mami stands at about 240 or so. Homura at about 170, and Sayaka at about the same. Sabrina stands at around 200 - yes, less than Mami. Sabrina's potential remains... weird. Nadia's a healthy 230. Oriko clocks in about 190.

These are just fuzzy estimates, mind you. Take them as better for comparison than for hard numbers. And the thing about Soul Gem capacities is that the effect of corruption runs on... more or less a logarithmic scale1​, because of Grief spiralling. Those last few drops don't last as long as you'd hope they might.

1​Not literally, but you get the idea.
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On the nature of Grief accumulation pt. 2
Alright, so. I'm probably not updating more than once this week, hopefully tonight, if not, then tomorrow. It's been a hectic week for me, and I haven't had much writing time, and my weekend is going to be fairly busy as well with events. Hopefully, I'll be back to a normal schedule next week.

Now, unrelated... @Godwinson asked me in Discord:
@Firnagzen In light of your clarification on the capacity of soul gems, does that at all impact your description of accumulation rates?
Day to day living - A fraction to a marble-ish.
Power use - Anywhere from three or four to double digits.
Emotional trauma - Lots.
Disassemble a Witch - All da marbles
None of these change except for the day to day living and power use - I'll peg the former at solidly a marble or so and the latter at anywhere from virtually nothing to triple digits. Keep in mind the caveat that power use covers a very large range of effects from party tricks to suicide attacks, hence the large range.
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Canonicity of MagiReco
Trying to do a model based on this image (see spoiler), which was posted by @Godwinson a few days ago. Can't quite figure out the geometry of the crystal at the top of the soul gem – from outside in, I'm reading it as flat, toward-camera, ???. Table cut doesn't make sense, with the lines meeting in the middle. A hollow just seems weird. Or is that supposed to be the back of the stone, visible through the front? The badge version doesn't have the extra lines (but then, it's also proportioned slightly differently).

Also, is there an explicit statement anywhere of what Sabrina's Soul Gem looks like in expanded gem form, or is that drawing just extrapolation from the SV logo (and not sure where the diamond part came from)? I mean, I like the diamond design, but given that I can't tell from the drawing I'd like to either be sure of what it's meant to look like, or know that it's unset.

Firnagzen was repeatedly consulted while that reference drawing was made - to the best of my knowledge, the drawing is a canonical source in and of itself for Sabrina's appearance, even if it contains details that weren't mentioned in any of the updates.
Yep, that's pretty much the canonical character sheet for Sabrina. The Soul Gem tip is more like the badge form - the badge form is a truncated rhombic pyramid, the Gem form is two of those attached together at the base.

Though anyway, yes - I'm calling Kamihama off-canon in the same way Homura Tamura is. The events didn't happen as I can't square them up, the characterizations are mostly canon (I reserve the rights to veto parts, as I see it. Like Nagisa's backstory in MagiReco; what the hell is up with that?) and the abilities/reveals about magic are... well, ask me before assuming anything from MagiReco counts.