The lowlanders were smashed so hard I doubt they would be able to stop our army from marching in and claiming their territory, but diplomacy works too (though with the diplo maluses from our conflicting traits i'm not sure it's gonna work out as well as we might hope).

Ehhhh, logistics are pretty much the backbone of an army and we don't have them built up enough to support a permanent expansion into the lowlands right now. :/

If any threats start to emerge in the lowlands again, hit-and-runs would be pretty feasible with what we have now.

Instead of expanding into the lowlands, I'd love to find some way, in get the survivors of the not!assyrian collapse, particularly those who were formerly enslaved/descended from those who were enslaved and also the artisans, and encourage them to migrate our way and assimilate into our settlements and villages.

We'd get both the people who can make shiny and wonderful things and technologies for us AND we'd encourage a labor shortage over there that would make it harder for the not!assyrians to rebuild and reorganize. :)
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Ehhhh, logistics are pretty much the backbone of an army and we don't have them built up enough to support a permanent expansion into the lowlands right now. :/

If any threats start to emerge in the lowlands again, hit-and-runs would be pretty feasible with what we have now.

Instead of expanding into the lowlands, I'd love to find some way, to find the survivors of the not!assyrian collapse, particularly those who were formerly enslaved/descended from those who were enslaved and also the artisans, and encourage them to migrate our way and assimilate into our settlements and villages.

We'd get both the people who can make shiny and wonderful things and technologies for us AND we'd encourage a labor shortage over there that would make it harder for the not!assyrians to rebuild and reorganize. :)
That's good thinking :) hopefully the ones who survived the flood and the subsequent inquisition by the spirit talkers are the slaves and not the warriors.
Funny. I was thinking of defensive. Using mini-forts in or near farms. Acting as emergency storage and watchtowers. Because walls are too long.
I would prefer forts too but thats not available, mayne we don't have the tech or (more likely) social/"diplomatic" incentive to do so yet?
If we go full econ next turn then i think we might have enough econ points to survive a full martial turn. Im thinking warriors as main then walls(or forts, maybe expanding our military will inspire someone to station them on our borders) for either or both settlements. If we choose just one then we can make a third choice for something else
The walls we build don't include the farms...they only surround the village itself.
Most Societies do just that, Avatar earth kingdom was weird like that, but hey they had earth benders
Ehhhh, logistics are pretty much the backbone of an army and we don't have them built up enough to support a permanent expansion into the lowlands right now. :/

If any threats start to emerge in the lowlands again, hit-and-runs would be pretty feasible with what we have now.

Instead of expanding into the lowlands, I'd love to find some way, in get the survivors of the not!assyrian collapse, particularly those who were formerly enslaved/descended from those who were enslaved and also the artisans, and encourage them to migrate our way and assimilate into our settlements and villages.

We'd get both the people who can make shiny and wonderful things and technologies for us AND we'd encourage a labor shortage over there that would make it harder for the not!assyrians to rebuild and reorganize. :)

Here you go!
[] Trade Mission
-[] Lowlanders remnants
Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
That would the option that would help make that happen. Also might help give the slaves a direction to run away to instead of just away.
The walls we build don't include the farms...they only surround the village itself.

Honestly, is it me that's missing the point or is it him?

Look. We have to build retaining walls to hold the earth in place when we make our Step Farms. If we make the walls a little higher, they can also function as defenses, making our farms into forts as well. Savvy? That way any raiders that roll up have to fight their way into a series of literal hill forts the whole time they're trying to attack us, instead of being able to do lightning raids.
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Honestly, is it me that's missing the point or is it him?

Look. We have to build retaining walls to hold the earth in place when we make our Step Farms. If we make the walls a little higher, they can also function as defenses, making our farms into forts as well. Savvy? That way any raiders that roll up have to fight their way into a series of literal hill forts the whole time they're trying to attack us, instead of being able to do lightning raids.

No, that's a bad idea because it block lights for the plants.

Honestly, is it me that's missing the point or is it him?

Look. We have to build retaining walls to hold the earth in place when we make our Step Farms. If we make the walls a little higher, they can also function as defenses, making our farms into forts as well. Savvy? That way any raiders that roll up have to fight their way into a series of literal hill forts the whole time they're trying to attack us, instead of being able to do lightning raids.
I think it is you that is missing the point.

This is step farming

Those are not walls for defense or applicable for it.

Honestly, is it me that's missing the point or is it him?

Look. We have to build retaining walls to hold the earth in place when we make our Step Farms. If we make the walls a little higher, they can also function as defenses, making our farms into forts as well. Savvy? That way any raiders that roll up have to fight their way into a series of literal hill forts the whole time they're trying to attack us, instead of being able to do lightning raids.
Ah, I misread your first post concerning the idea. I thought you were talking about building walls around the hills as well if we took the step farms as an action along side the walls.

Still don't think that would work. The retaining walls would be more likely to collapse from the extra strain than help in the long term. It would be fine if we actually had the room to build a thick enough base for it though.
Attacking up a terraced hill can be quite a bit harder than one that isn't. But hopefully if we've got idiots charging up hills we hopefully we can defend ourselves regardless of whether said hill is terraced or not.
Hey! We're on the same page now!
Those are not walls for defense or applicable for it.
Number one might not be, but number two and three could be just by being higher and a little more permanent in the case of Two. And we're in a steeply hilly region (I think), so we're not going to have the super low walls of the first picture.

Ah, I misread your first post concerning the idea. I thought you were talking about building walls around the hills as well if we took the step farms as an action along side the walls.

Still don't think that would work. The retaining walls would be more likely to collapse from the extra strain than help in the long term. It would be fine if we actually had the room to build a thick enough base for it though.
While I don't think the height would present a particular engineering challenge, what I would be worried about is some bright spark thinking of catapults or something similar to break the walls from afar, causing a massive landslide that wipes out everything on the hill.

I'm less worried about rams, because the thing being buried there would be the ram carriers.
Locking in as

[X] Regulate such activities
[X] No (high chance of social strife, mitigated by certain other choices)
[X] [Main] Dedicate Place to Spirits
[X] [Secondary] Organize Settlement
-[X] Valley
-[X] Coast
Hey! We're on the same page now!

Number one might not be, but number two and three could be just by being higher and a little more permanent in the case of Two. And we're in a steeply hilly region (I think), so we're not going to have the super low walls of the first picture.

While I don't think the height would present a particular engineering challenge, what I would be worried about is some bright spark thinking of catapults or something similar to break the walls from afar, causing a massive landslide that wipes out everything on the hill.

I'm less worried about rams, because the thing being buried there would be the ram carriers.
We're in a valley with the terraces going up on the inside. Invaders would be going down those hills not up.
Plan: Make Friends and Acquire Sweet Mediterrean Treasure v1
[Main] Trade Mission
-[] Lowlanders remnants
[Secondary] Expand Managed Forests
- [] Coastal
[Secondary] Expand Fishing
I'm thinking we could do this either next turn or the one of the turns soon afterwards

My reasons for the first:
Instead of expanding into the lowlands, I'd love to find some way, in get the survivors of the not!assyrian collapse, particularly those who were formerly enslaved/descended from those who were enslaved and also the artisans, and encourage them to migrate our way and assimilate into our settlements and villages.

We'd get both the people who can make shiny and wonderful things and technologies for us AND we'd encourage a labor shortage over there that would make it harder for the not!assyrians to rebuild and reorganize.

There's only so much time before the remnants regrow. While it would be nice if the remnants went in a different direction, the nobles and warriors there have already tasted blood and gotten way too attached to slavery as a model. They know the model works, as long as the climate is within your favor, so they'll probably start trying to cheese that strategy again.

The worst possible situation is them rebuilding, vassalizing us, and learning enough to avoid the ecological collapse pitfall and becoming an empire that sweeps over everything around.

Right now, I want to kick them while they're down and take their lunch money free the slaves and incentivize the artisans to come with us.

My reasoning for the second:

Ecological management has been one of our BIGGEST sources of strength and it helped preserve us through those bloody droughts and floods. The more we do it, the more resilience we have.

Managing and expanding coastal forests would give us more wood to build ships
  • for fishing,
  • For the golden goose that is naval trade, not just in the Mediterranean, but elsewhere. This was one of the strategies that allowed the Phoenicians and their Descendents to become the rich naval powers that they were. We'd be able to acquire resources that we simply can't find in our lands at the moment. The main thing is we'd have to avoid cheesing trade to the point of severely depleting the valuable resources and disrupting distant ecologies, otherwise that golden goose will stop laying eggs.

My reasoning for the third:

It synergies with the second task in the sense that it'll help encourage the building of naval infrastructure that will get us to become a glorious mediterranean power one day in the future. We expand our sources of food, more shipbuilding will be done which means statistically there'll be a number of builders who experiment and find different techniques to build better ships, and more people fishing will mean they'll become more and more familiar and better with handling the winds and currents in the nearby seas. All it'll take then is for one of our traders to be wowed by the speed and range of travel that boats get you, and sooner or later, we'll get that sweet sweet mediterranean trade. :)
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Plan: Make Friends and Acquire Sweet Mediterrean Treasure v1

I'm thinking we could do this either next turn or the one of the turns soon afterwards

My reasons for the first:

There's only so much time before the remnants regrow. While it would be nice if the remnants went in a different direction, the nobles and warriors there have already tasted blood and gotten way too attached to slavery as a model. They know the model works, as long as the climate is within your favor, so they'll probably start trying to cheese that strategy again.

The worst possible situation is them rebuilding, vassalizing us, and learning enough to avoid the ecological collapse pitfall and becoming an empire that sweeps over everything around.

Right now, I want to kick them while they're down and take their lunch money free the slaves and incentivize the artisans to come with us.

My reasoning for the second:

Ecological management has been one of our BIGGEST sources of strength and it helped preserve us through those bloody droughts and floods. The more we do it, the more resilience we have.

Managing and expanding coastal forests would give us more wood to build ships
  • for fishing,
  • For the golden goose that is naval trade, not just in the Mediterranean, but elsewhere. This was one of the strategies that allowed the Phoenicians and their Descendents to become the rich naval powers that they were. We'd be able to acquire resources that we simply can't find in our lands at the moment. The main thing is we'd have to avoid cheesing trade to the point of severely depleting the valuable resources and disrupting distant ecologies, otherwise that golden goose will stop laying eggs.

My reasoning for the third:

It synergies with the second task in the sense that it'll help encourage the building of naval infrastructure that will get us to become a glorious mediterranean power one day in the future. We expand our sources of food, more shipbuilding will be done which means statistically there'll be a number of builders who experiment and find different techniques to build better ships, and more people fishing will mean they'll become more and more familiar and better with handling the winds and currents in the nearby seas. All it'll take then is for one of our traders to be wowed by the speed and range of travel that boats get you, and sooner or later, we'll get that sweet sweet mediterranean trade. :)
I don't think we'll need the trade mission to be a major action, since there's so few of the lowlanders left. I'm also wary that the spirit talkers will be pissed that we've assimilated the savages on top of not giving them a gift.

I'd rather prioritize domesticating the snails for a steadier source of the dye, and then focus on developing sea trade.