Nah, we'll just invent the concept of "Village Outcast". You can't be a drain on society if society gets tired of your shit and kicks you out! ... Which would probably be embodied by an ethics system, so point to you.

We're still in a fairly tribal era, so such complexities are basically lost on us (mostly because there is not yet enough people to necessitate such complexity).

Are you saying that there will be... Unintended Consequences? SWEET! Sign me up!
At such stages a dictator or direct democracy are both effective forms of government. What matters is the legitimacy the institution holds, but I personally would go for Big Man. Leadership skill is valuable, after all. The important thing is having a mechanism to eject a bad king from his throne when he misbehaves.
At such stages a dictator or direct democracy are both effective forms of government. What matters is the legitimacy the institution holds, but I personally would go for Big Man. Leadership skill is valuable, after all. The important thing is having a mechanism to eject a bad king from his throne when he misbehaves.
Oh, one of those comes pre-installed! It's called a 'civil war'... What? An easier way to do it? Well, that seems rather self-defeating... OK, OK! We'll invent a parliamentary monarchy! Eventually. When it comes up. Should we meet a very specific set of circumstances. And still feel like it. And we're british.
[X] Caretakers of the Land
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] A Big Man is Needed!

Is the "big man" elected by a council of chiefs or is the position inheritable? First one prevents terrible rulers from taking power... well at least terrible rulers like Charles II.
An authoritian leader is actually a good thing this early in a civilization, Democracy and such would actually be kind detrimental. We can transition to one or grow more authoritian for awhile later.
Entirely dependent on the culture of the group. A more egalitarian government is actually easier to initiate when there's fewer dissenting voices with fewer and more limited differences of opinion. In early settlement phases of the world, the development of a democratic government is easier simply because there are far fewer issues people can disagree on.
[] No Need for Change

Let the confusion brew a bit so that other ideas for organization can arise. This depends on the other options, but it's how traders can come to power naturally, by dint of knowing the most people.
Actually, I would suspect No Need for Change is the access point to a purer democratic system than the current three choices. As it is, the system is such that 'the politically and culturally experienced/elite' meet on roughly even terms with everybody else, and must convince the people that their views and choices are the best ones to take.
Just so everyone knows, while some choices have obvious outcomes, some are vague in order to simulate how people in the moment would have no idea the long term consequences of say what part of a story they emphasize as a teaching tool, and how that gets transmitted and amplified down the generations until it becomes part of a culture defining how people view the world and weight their decisions. Sometimes the choices even run counter to expectations (I'll let you try to puzzle out which Path would give Early Sailing as the starting tech out of the original options, and the implications over which would have given you Animal Domestication). There are also some hidden synergies at times (see if you can spot the ones for this update ;)) that can open up extra opportunities or pitfalls, and sometimes after a decision is made new information will become available (check the front page and notice that there are now stats).

So, just remember that sometimes you will be looking to make a choice that ends up leading to an unexpected outcome later, possibly even one that runs counter to your intent.
Allow me~
Choose a Social Enhancement...
[] Make My Own! (individualism, creativity, morals and ideologies are developed on a person-to-person basis and as such should emphasize personal integrity in future cultural development)
[] Caretakers of the Land (class-oriented identities, develop mastery of early agriculture allowing specialization, moral development fractures along class lines in the future, but begins community-oriented)
[] Sacred Hospitality (communal identity, what we recognize as a far-eastern social value system, naturally develops a more advanced social code, morals dictated by the community)

Economic Change...
[] Pressure for Charity (capitalistic model, make one's own way synergy with individual achievement, risks of heightened corruption in bribery)
[] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort (communal model, needs a strong authority and large bureaucracy to give the government the influence necessary to manage communalism)
[] Families Tend the Land (feudal/ownership model, make one's way synergy and Caretaker synergy through moderated individualism, deliberate ownership of land leaves potential for early taxation of property, flexible politically, best synergy of options with democracy or the republic)

Political Change...
[] A Big Man is Needed! (Despotism, develops into either Inherited Monarchy or Elective Monarchy)
[] A Council of Chiefs (Early Oligarchy, develops into Oligarchic Republics and Aristocratic Oligarchies)
[] A Council of Elders (Early Republic, develops into Aristocratic Republics or Elective Republics)
[] No Need for Change (Early Stratified Democracy, risks devolving into Anarchy, but can also develop into more advanced forms of Democracy)

[X] Make My Own!
[X] Families Tend the Land
[X] A Council of Elders

Big Man/Families Tend is instantaneous feudal fiefdoms, with some additional push into serfdom with Caretakers.
Communal Distribution/Hospitality/No Change sets up an extremely powerful mob rule that toes a line between anarchy and communism
[X] Make My Own!
[X] Families Tend the Land
[X] A Big Man is Needed!

This seems to best for a pioneering people divided into clans ruled by a King. Can we be like Vikings, or has that ship sailed heh heh​ ?​
[x] Sacred Hospitality
[x] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[x] A Council of Chiefs
I want to change my vote. What do i do with my previous post?

[x] Sacred Hospitality
[x] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] Council of Elders
This seems to best for a pioneering people divided into clans ruled by a King. Can we be like Vikings, or has that ship sailed heh heh ?
Judging by our Civ stats? It's not IMPOSSIBLE that we'll be able to swing around to that, although boats was probably locked behind Wanderer or something. We may have another go at it though, who knows?

risks of heightened corruption in bribery)
It's only corruption if it's socially unacceptable! I actually recall a story where a Tlingit (pronounced "klink-it" because Russian spelling) tradesman repented for literal murder by blowing his entire fortune on a massive party for the whole village, and lavishing the victim's family with gifts. Bit of Orange and Blue morality going on, but that just illustrates that Western morality isn't the only morality.
[x] Caretakers of the Land
[x] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[x] A Council of Chiefs

This seems to have hit the right balance of inquisitiveness and sense of progression that makes for good ... overarching civ games. It reminds me of a few I've played in the past.

That is to say, I'll be watching.
[X] Make My Own!
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] No Need for Change
Sorry about this. I'm changing my vote again

[x] Caretakers of the Land
[x] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[x] A Council of Elders
Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 3 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[x] Caretakers of the Land
[x] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[x] A Council of Chiefs
No. of Votes: 9

[X] Make My Own!
[X] Families Tend the Land
[X] A Big Man is Needed!
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Caretakers of the Land
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] A Big Man is Needed!
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Sacred Hospitality
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] A Big Man is Needed!
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Make My Own!
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] A Council of Chiefs
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Sacred Hospitality
[X] Pressure for Charity
[X] A Council of Chiefs
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Sacred Hospitality
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] A Council of Chiefs
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Make My Own!
[X] Pressure for Charity
[X] A Big Man is Needed!
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Caretakers of the Land
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] A Big Man is Needed, But So is A Council!
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Sacred Hospitality
[X] Pressure for Charity
[X] A Council of Elders
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Make My Own!
[X] Pressure for Charity
[X] A Council of Chiefs
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Make My Own!
[X] Families Tend the Land
[X] A Council of Elders
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Sacred Hospitality
[X] Families Tend the Land
[X] Council of Elders
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Sacred Hospitality
[X] Families Tend the Land
[X] A Council of Elders
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Sacred Hospitality
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] A Council of Elders
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Make My Own!
[X] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[X] No Need for Change
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Caretakers of the Land
[x] Communal Distribution for Communal Effort
[x] A Council of Elders
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 41

A few powerful people manage the distribution of goods to all members of each tribe they represent based on their contribution of labors, where the early farmers and hunters are taught religious veneration of their practice, including aspects of ritualism to time harvests, leave land fallow, and venerate hunted game.
