Let's not get into the credibility of Wikipedia here.

On a quest-related note, has AN talked about what kind of numerals and calendar system the Ymaryn use? Do they use a wonky base-7 system written in re-purposed letters? 19 month calendar with 19~20 day months?

EDIT: Oh wait this is Ancient Era. Does each city and province have their own calendar?
@Oshha No I know why Wikipedia is considered a bad source at times. I was asking what source makes you believe that "the blood of the covenant is stronger than the water of the womb" is the original/correct version. Because as I see it if I have a mediocre source for one claim and no real source for the opposite one then I'll follow the mediocre source for now.
Sure. Wikipedia is unreliable because it can be publically changed with limited accountability and there are several examples 'edit wars' where people try to push their preferred version/interpretation of things.
Wikipedia 'edit wars' revealed
Study reveals bot-on-bot editing wars raging on Wikipedia's pages
Wikipedia:Edit warring - Wikipedia

Because of this, I stand by my claim that wikipedia is an unreliable source unless it has proper sources to back up what it claims. In this case, Rafin's claim of what the original version of the phrase isn't sourced while there are two sources claiming that the Malevo usage of the phrase is the original version.

So looking at, according to Wikipedia, Malevo's usage of phrase isn't right, but according to Wikipedia's sources, Malevo is correct.

I will also note that I don't care which is the version of the phrase is the correct one. I just don't like it when people use unreliable sources to assert their points, which is my claim here, Wikipedia is an unreliable source unless properly sourced.

Yeah, basically what Rafin said above - a bad source is better than no source at all. At least unless you've got some reason to believe Wikipedia is more likely to contain active falsehoods than accurate information, which seems like a stretch and is not supported in your linked sources.
I apologise to all of you for starting an irrelevant discussion and then dragging it on for so long. I behaved as if this were Reddit or something :oops:.

Just on a hiatus due to conflict between QM's RL load and a mechanics retool to try to reduce the clunk.

On a side note, theres a chinese saying that probably has an equivalent in Ymaryn culture(translation being crude as hell but the picture comes across, it runs a lot smoother in the native dialect):
-The Difficult Wife gives way before the Official
-The Official gives way before the Governor

Its a Bigger Fish saying that seems oddly appropriate.
On a side note, theres a chinese saying that probably has an equivalent in Ymaryn culture(translation being crude as hell but the picture comes across, it runs a lot smoother in the native dialect):
-The Difficult Wife gives way before the Official
-The Official gives way before the Governor

Its a Bigger Fish saying that seems oddly appropriate.
Also the irl version for our GM:
-The Complicated Quest gives way before the Difficult Trip.
-The Difficult Trip gives way before the PhD Defense.

Sure hoping our GM is good at swimming, cause those are some big fishes.
Yes! YES!

IT'S BACK, AND SO AM I! (To bring concrete/cement buildings to the Ymaryn, just like I did with iron!)
Don't Old Ones view time differently than us? A few hours for them, will be a few weeks for us. If I have my lore right.
The stars have spoken! We need to drown ourselves in our enemies' blood to please the Godfist! - Crazed cultist.
Do the Ymaryn do tarot readings? I know tarot readings are a lie (take the same reading 9 times, and find a reading that can't be linked to your life in some vague manner. The set up is impressive that 9/9 in some vague manner the situation reflects something in your life. 9/9 odds of doing that are a little too good unless the odds are rigged) Just want to know if the ymaryn have invented the tarot deck yet. Good scam money in tarot readings done well.