What did you expect? We did not know what it would do. Besides, better we have it than someone else get a chance at it.
I expected it to be not very useful, and was right. I mean, -1 Stab per turn just doesn't do much. We are losing one stability per phase and still treading water. Situations where it will be critical are super rare, even without the fact that any big "Take the Crown" wars will probably be Levy time for us, so time wouldn't be on our side, even with the legacy. Thus I am sorry that we took it and hope it'll evolve into something more useful.
Right, we would not get a choice...because it would just happen. We would just automatically go with whatever was left. That is why we would have no choice.
I'm interpreting "you don't get any choices" as "you don't get a trigger, at all, depending on things you don't know".

Thus I am asking. If he says yes woop woop. We can use it next update.
It said it right in quote you gave. We get no choice because many of the options would be disabled.

Even if we only had one option you would think there would be a vote prompt detailing how much if any cent hit to take. The fact he specifically said it's unlikely we'd get even that seems to read to me that there was a possibility we'd get a trigger for an option but it was unlikely.

Deep Battle (or Deep Operations) was the name of the primary Soviet military doctrine during WW2. I like to shitpost about it because it was one of the more successful early attempts to build a effective doctrine of modern industrial warfare, so the changes the Soviet military theorists had to deal with are superficially similar to the ones that the Ymaryn have to address (increasing scale and scope of warfare, massively expanded manpower and industrial capacity, how to utilize enormous manpower reserves effectively, etc)
It said it right in quote you gave. We get no choice because many of the options would be disabled.
That's just one interpretation. Right after, he says that we might get a choice based on survey results, but does not say it is in lieu of an automatic option.

Personally, I think this would be a long ass turn if we have not even hit the mid turn yet. I'm assuming we won't be getting a PSN.
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I expected it to be not very useful, and was right. I mean, -1 Stab per turn just doesn't do much. We are losing one stability per phase and still treading water. Situations where it will be critical are super rare, even without the fact that any big "Take the Crown" wars will probably be Levy time for us, so time wouldn't be on our side, even with the legacy. Thus I am sorry that we took it and hope it'll evolve into something more useful.

It's kinda niche, but in a situation where the opposing force is far enough away neither of us can properly get to grips with each other it's good for forcing better terms.
So, I've been thinking about how we're going to pay for all this, and feed all these levies, I think we should integrate the Txolla, use their econ to keep the levies from starving.
I expected it to be not very useful, and was right. I mean, -1 Stab per turn just doesn't do much. We are losing one stability per phase and still treading water. Situations where it will be critical are super rare, even without the fact that any big "Take the Crown" wars will probably be Levy time for us, so time wouldn't be on our side, even with the legacy. Thus I am sorry that we took it and hope it'll evolve into something more useful.
It should be noted that it does have narrative effect with making war-declarations using that CB less likely to happen.
I am so very glad I caught up just in time to see Ymaryn Alexander the Great. Like that was total bullshit, we wrecked a massive cavalry army, practically destroying the Forhuch as a civ. Unless we go in and 'help' keep order :evil:

Nomads next, then the Highlanders. I hope we arrive in time to save the Harmurri. They've got traits we've yet to ste-*cough* I mean, they are our friends and we should help them out. :D

[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains
[X] [React] Sec Improve Annual Festival
[X] [Regulars] Horse Mountains
[X] [Levies] Horse Mountains

[X] [React] Sec Improve Annual Festival

This is a triumph, where we make a note of his huge success and find it hard to overstate our satisfaction.
[X] [Regulars] Northern Nomads
[X] [Levies] Northern Nomads

I dont want anymore land in that direction. We were doing very well on the whole "convert the Forhuch into a productive neighbour" thing until some critfail made them attack us, so we should try again.

I am pretty doubtful a vasall at the end of our logistics will actually do better at guarding against nomads than an independent kingdom that can grow rich through trade between us and the salt people.
Speaking of the salt people, they probably are KotH. And there is a decent chance we will border them if we really take the mountains. This is a terrible time for a thunderdome.

So, lets just save our marches and then kick the highlanders in the teeth without letting a Geniuses greed distract us.
[X] [Regulars] Northern Nomads
[X] [Levies] Northern Nomads

I dont want anymore land in that direction. We were doing very well on the whole "convert the Forhuch into a productive neighbour" thing until some critfail made them attack us, so we should try again.

I am pretty doubtful a vasall at the end of our logistics will actually do better at guarding against nomads than an independent kingdom that can grow rich through trade between us and the salt people.
Speaking of the salt people, they probably are KotH. And there is a decent chance we will border them if we really take the mountains. This is a terrible time for a thunderdome.

So, lets just save our marches and then kick the highlanders in the teeth without letting a Geniuses greed distract us.

The salt people are in central Asia somewhere. the Forhuch held he end of the Salt Road.
[X] [Regulars] Northern Nomads
[X] [Levies] Northern Nomads
[X] [React] Sec Build Mills
@Academia Nut

Hey, Alyxunmyn seems like an intelligent, organized fellow. With the recent invention of cheap ragpaper, he seems like the exact kind of person that would chronicle his military campaigns throughout. Afterwards, he may even decide to use them to write a book about War. Maybe even the Art of it? :V

I dont want anymore land in that direction. We were doing very well on the whole "convert the Forhuch into a productive neighbour" thing until some critfail made them attack us, so we should try again.
I sympathize. I'm not exactly enthusiastic about more land past the edge of our administrative range, either.

On the other hand, a Genius told us to do it. And Geniuses are Magic (or sufficiently advanced narrativium, which is functionally indistinguishable from magic). The last time a Genius told us to do something, we thought it was stupid, but it turns out that it would have "coincidentally" saved us from multiple crises. The time before that, we did it and then a meteor fell on our enemies. So... even if there are major qualms to be had about the decision, I'm voting with the Genius.
I sympathize. I'm not exactly enthusiastic about more land past the edge of our administrative range, either.

On the other hand, a Genius told us to do it. And Geniuses are Magic (or sufficiently advanced narrativium, which is functionally indistinguishable from magic). The last time a Genius told us to do something, we thought it was stupid, but it turns out that it would have "coincidentally" saved us from multiple crises. The time before that, we did it and then a meteor fell on our enemies. So... even if there are major qualms to be had about the decision, I'm voting with the Genius.

There is a big geographical reason to take HM over, though: mountain passes into Lowlands.
It is way too far and we will need to invest a lot of Influences and roads-in-that-exact-direction to control them, but it's worthwhile investment if we intend to hold to Lowlands.

As long as voters understand what a task it is going to be, that is. Hope colonies debacle taught us a lesson there.