I'm the one with the warrior inside
My dominance can't be denied
Your entire world will turn
Into a battlefield tonight
As I look upon you, through the warrior's eyes now
I can see the fear
That will ensure my victory this time

Feels fitting for current situation.
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This is a possible starting point for another law crisis I imagine: large armed populace, now with experience of actual war. We likely lack law tools for dealing with it.
Experience in shooting crossbows that we'll take back up, though.
I'm really thinking what would be if we put raise army and retraining as redundant actions like... conscription?
Well, it's a little like the countries with mandatory military service and subsidized colleges.
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Good or bad? And to whom?
Well, it could be anything from the HK boiling out of their hills to attack the core in a surprise attack, to the Forhuch soundly defeating our army in the field and rampaging through the TH and Txolla territories, or even to our vanguard utterly crushing the army through pure, overwhelming passion.

Pretty much anything, honestly.
Hmmm, Ragnthorrokk, interesting times for somebody are coming.

Hopefully the Thunder Horse area wasn't destroyed again.