Could just be the Liquidity Crisis. The People thought they beat it, but here it is again.

Reaching back a couple pages on how to write down Sustainable Forest, I slap Primal silly for his shenanigans I offer this solution

Used Wood Units/Available Forest Units/Total Wood Units Available

No complicated parenthesis, or brackets or confusing order of numbers. All the info you need is right there. Here are some examples


We use 20 Forests and have 30 total, but with Kilns we can reach 40.


We use 33 Forests and have 30 total, but we are managing because Kilns gives us 45


We have used up all our available resources, even with Kilns. Danger of reaching into unsustainable forest cutting.


Increased Forest Planting by two, increasing our total by two. Opens up a possibility of another Kiln to reach hardcap of 48

WTF do you get out of a defense policy during a golden age?

Also, we have not been neglecting defenses. It's not how it works.
Point there is that Defense Policy mulches up our stats for zero stat benefits. Thus grab a Golden Age to help pay for it.
Point there is that Defense Policy mulches up our stats for zero stat benefits. Thus grab a Golden Age to help pay for it.

Last time I check, defense policy mulches our stats up only 5 econ for two massive walls and one significant walls. So it doesn't cost that much. But the problem is that the defense policy just costs us too much actions that could be used to keeping our society not falling apart.

It would take forever to go anywhere.
Last time I check, defense policy mulches our stats up only 5 econ for two massive walls and one significant walls. So it doesn't cost that much. But the problem is that the defense policy just costs us too much actions that could be used to keeping our society not falling apart.

It would take forever to go anywhere.
But we get zero usable stats out of it while we still have ongoing costs. Yet is is still super important because we border the Steppes.

Something has to pay for it somehow. Thus the Golden Age idea.
But we get zero usable stats out of it while we still have ongoing costs. Yet is is still super important because we border the Steppes.

Something has to pay for it somehow. Thus the Golden Age idea.

Sorry, it's not 5 econ per turn, but more like 10 econ per turn. Expensive. Build Watchtowers are much cheaper, 1 econ regardless if it's a main or a secondary. And we can complete that if our provinces and us went all out for a turn or two.

Passive defense policy effectively pay 2 econ per turn to build walls, unless we really want to go full on building spree. If we have five defense policy, we should be able to finish significant walls in the span of six main turns. That is, if they don't devote their effort to massive walls.

I'm hoping we get another Baby Boom at some point. It would be a decent use for it...

Even if we have the baby boom, it won't change the fact that our progress will be mind boggling slow. It will take centuries to complete walling every settlements, significant and massive.
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Our Guild actions next turn are probably L2 Ironworks + Charcoal Kilns.

I want the Dam, but putting it next turn is probably bad timing. We get the free megaproject at that time, and I don't know how it would interact with a dam action. However, I would totally vote for a main Expand Forest, or even a double main if circumstances permit. What say you?

Forests have my vote.

Why must you torture us so? I had this wonderful plan for our next turn, all in order so that we could meet our current quests. I even managed to salvage the Patrician quest (which is expensive as heck) and fairly tricky to pull off.


Think happy thoughts.

He did warn us that with bigger land come way more fires.
Another reason to not grow too fast, hah: number of problems growth faster with size than our ability to solve them.
*looks at all the foreshadowing of something bad*

:cry: I just want to build dams and plant trees and influence the lowlands. Is that too much to ask? :cry:
*looks at all the foreshadowing of something bad*

:cry: I just want to build dams and plant trees and influence the lowlands. Is that too much to ask? :cry:

Shouldn't have gone full empire then?
Going full empire necessitates investing huge amounts of time into keeping said empire in one piece, after all.

Like. Longest-living empire of this era, Cyrus' one, lasted....10 generations tops.
Our empire, even if you count us as empire only after we got lowlands, is about, what...about 10 main turns or so since meteor update?
Shouldn't have gone full empire then?
Going full empire necessitates investing huge amounts of time into keeping said empire in one piece, after all.

Like. Longest-living empire of this era, Cyrus' one, lasted....10 generations tops.
Our empire, even if you count us as empire only after we got lowlands, is about, what...about 10 main turns or so since meteor update?
It does help that most of our "empire" is basically autonomous, and they hadn't contributed to the well being of the Core until we introduced food tax this turn.

They are less part of an empire and more allies that follow our lead in all things.

This will change as we integrate more, of course.
Guild Quest > Cavalry > Roads > Forest > Dam > Other Stuff Unless I Forgot Something

How long till the update, as a guess?
My guess is that the Half Exiles finally had enough and revolt. As our Enforce Justice spam ought to produce HE as punishment, their numbers have probably swollen significantly.

Then again, the core has decent temple coverage that ensures the punishment is actually following the spirit of the institution rather than perpetual pseudo slavery. I still propose we try and spare an action to set up a temple in Blackmouth to use it's position as a trading hub and push religious influence further into the Northern and Western Provines.
Then again, the core has decent temple coverage that ensures the punishment is actually following the spirit of the institution rather than perpetual pseudo slavery. I still propose we try and spare an action to set up a temple in Blackmouth to use it's position as a trading hub and push religious influence further into the Northern and Western Provines.
we alrdy have the observatory there
consider horse valley instead

or am I super backwards and confused, idr
But we get zero usable stats out of it while we still have ongoing costs. Yet is is still super important because we border the Steppes.

Something has to pay for it somehow. Thus the Golden Age idea.

This, the cost of going all out on defense policy means that you either need the savings for a golden age or a Baby Boom to pay for it.

A golden age is batter for defense Innovations, and we can work towards a golden age but have to just wait for a baby boom.
we alrdy have the observatory there
consider horse valley instead

Even better. Then lets look at another place that needs a temple! Like the area where we plan to build the Dam and Canal.

Or Hatvalley.

Btw, I think I know what AN was hinting at: The Urban Poor Quest just finished along with the army reforms. The Urban Poor have just massively swollen in number and also political power. Odds are, we now have to deal with a matured Urban Poor faction.
Shouldn't have gone full empire then?
Going full empire necessitates investing huge amounts of time into keeping said empire in one piece, after all.

Despite my hawkishness during the Trelli invasion debate, I'm actually perfectly happy to just chill and not attack anyone and just build nice things. I'd be fine not expanding past our current borders for the next 500 - 1000 years.

Guild Quest > Cavalry > Roads > Forest > Dam > Other Stuff Unless I Forgot Something

Of course, in the long run, aren't all of our actions just investments to ensure maximum Forest spread? :V
Even better. Then lets look at another place that needs a temple! Like the area where we plan to build the Dam and Canal.
Horse Valley will help consolidate the HH's and our northern core provinces' culture. It's also an observatory site.
The Dam & Canal will be in the badlands, relatively close to VH and a major stopping point for traders. Though I guess it might be nice to have a temple near two of our wonders.
Instead of Hatvalley, Gulvalley.
I would support a Doublemain Forest action; I'd support adding on a Main Build Roads as well (After PSN consideration it should be safe Centralization), Economy permitting.
I would support a Doublemain Forest action; I'd support adding on a Main Build Roads as well (After PSN consideration it should be safe Centralization), Economy permitting.

I suspect we're not going to be THAT free to act next turn, unfortunately.

And I also kinda think we should do some influencing or start the Dam if we have more space to breathe.
I would support a Doublemain Forest action; I'd support adding on a Main Build Roads as well (After PSN consideration it should be safe Centralization), Economy permitting.
I will support a double main Forest if whatever's happening isn't a major disaster.
An army secondary action should be slotted for this coming turn, for both seeing how it changes the narrative and for a possible nomadic incursion.
Potentially more, if we're trying to desperately fight off DefinitelyNotCyaxares and the DefinitelyNotMedes.

I wouldn't hold my breath for a full size army but it would be incredibly awesome and sad when we are in survival mode against the nomad again. The voters can be quite clever/determined/united(once doesn't count:p) when death comes knocking.