That's a lot of edgedancing which can get toppled over a bit too fast for my liking.
Dancing around 25 like this while limi is somewhere over 30 is acceptable, dancing right on the edge is not. Maybe guilds do a stupid, maybe we need emergency wood supply, maybe sudden forest fire or a new sort of blight starts killing d3 forest slots per turn starting at the midturn with no way to react in time...
Point is, dancing on the edge in a bad idea. Give 5- 10 slots worth of gap in case of something, and it's nice.
That's not remotely the point. If you want to keep our current value 5 from the limit, you can do that too. If your total forests are 30, you can do
Do 28{25} -> 31{25} -> ... -> 46{25}->49{25}, and the only reason you aren't getting to 50{25} is because this is a constructed example and you are going up by exactly 3 each time. You are just using a "soft-cap" of 25 for your forests instead of your somewhat-harder cap of 30; just work off of the soft-cap and you are fine.
Econ is a much more useful stat to have than martial, and it's a bigger drip, yes. I'd be happy enough with that.

I mean. For us, Econ is Martial, at least a third of Econ.
And it's the biggest drip, unless you count free Infrastructure projects....I mean, they are free, which in case of Block Housing or Ironworks means a lot of free stats...but they are not exactly stat incomes, so I am not sure whether they count.
Plus, again, they are liable to start chewing through our forest slots if we get any more Infrastructure which consumes a lot of fuel; like Level 2 Baths or Ironworks.

That's not remotely the point. If you want to keep our current value 5 from the limit, you can do that too. If your total forests are 30, you can do
Do 28{25} -> 31{25} -> ... -> 46{25}->49{25}, and the only reason you aren't getting to 50{25} is because this is a constructed example and you are going up by exactly 3 each time. You are just using a "soft-cap" of 25 for your forests instead of your somewhat-harder cap of 30; just work off of the soft-cap and you are fine.

Of course; and if we have enough voting discipline to always work off the soft-cap, I am going to be happy enough* with the results.

*Full happiness is, of course, terraforming and foresting steppes partially because forests partially because fuck you nomads
Honestly, City Support aka "2 Econ out of the blue" is not the worst way to invest passive policy or two. That's 2 Econ with no EE cost per turn, which is kinda nice.
'fraid not. It reduced our Econ City Upkeep by 2, but our City Upkeep refunds EE, so e lose out on that EE.

So yeah; it is just two econ, or half of a current Expand Economy action. Only 40% once the Ironworks come up and said action gets better.
'fraid not. It reduced our Econ City Upkeep by 2, but our City Upkeep refunds EE, so e lose out on that EE.

So yeah; it is just two econ, or half of a current Expand Economy action. Only 40% once the Ironworks come up and said action gets better.

Really, for now, we really want to put our passive policies on Infrastructure actions. We know that the free cities will dynamically move their policies around every turn in response to what they see is needed, which gives us some buffer, as player directed infrastructure policies are much better than free city ones, and so we don't want them deciding that infrastructure is an unmet priority.
'fraid not. It reduced our Econ City Upkeep by 2, but our City Upkeep refunds EE, so e lose out on that EE.

So yeah; it is just two econ, or half of a current Expand Economy action. Only 40% once the Ironworks come up and said action gets better.

Wait, so Panem is defacto +1 EE/turn per city? o_O

Plus narratively it does not make a lot of sense to me. EE refund is representation of people leaving farmland to go to the city. City Support simply means city feeds itself. How does having city feed itself cancel out people still leaving farmland to go into city?
Of course; and if we have enough voting discipline to always work off the soft-cap, I am going to be happy enough* with the results.
Well, I'm not staking a claim there one way or another. My entire point was constrained to stating that we can use kilns to effective double our forest supply, not merely increase it by 50%. Currently, with 25 undoubled forests, we are going to be able to do another 8 or so Main Kiln actions, assuming demand keeps up.

Of course, we will almost certainly add more forests during that time (from forest policy if nothing else); and those too can get doubled...

Point is. I expect that we WILL need to worry about running out of Kiln space eventually - but not now, and not in the next century ingame, and maybe not in twice that either. In the meantime, we can safely take valuable actions like completing the Priest quest and building Roads and sorting out diplomacy and building our Palace Annexes up.
Wait, so Panem is defacto +1 EE/turn per city? o_O

Plus narratively it does not make a lot of sense to me. EE refund is representation of people leaving farmland to go to the city. City Support simply means city feeds itself. How does having city feed itself cancel out people still leaving farmland to go into city?
I mean, take a look at our income right now:

Economy 10 (+4) [-6+5]
-Sustainable Forests 24/27.5
-Econ Expansion 10 [+6-5] [Overcrowding Min: -5]
The -6 on Economy income is from city upkeep and Panem. The +6 is that being refunded.

I also don't understand how it works narratively, and I've said as much in the past as well. So I'm afraid I can't clear that up for you.
I mathed out with Black Soil and Expand Econ, we can meet our Priest quest goal, unless I am wrong?
We don't need to Black Soil either. Just do an Expand Economy, and then have our econ go 18->28, overflowing 4 points into Wealth as we gleefully take our new value slot.

The main point is that we can't spend more than 4 points of econ this turn. If we did (e.g. by building Ironworks), we don't get to finish the priest quest this turn.
I mean, take a look at our income right now:

The -6 on Economy income is from city upkeep and Panem. The +6 is that being refunded.

I also don't understand how it works narratively, and I've said as much in the past as well. So I'm afraid I can't clear that up for you.
Well, I imagine it comes from population increases due to the importation of food from the colonies. Econ isn't just food, after all, it is also manpower to get things done.
Now in reality, we don't get an infinite number of kilns, but the point is that the kiln limit is reached when you have as much of a bonus from Kilns as you have baseline forests.
If we have 2 sustainable forests we're using out of 2 available, we can go down to virtual 1 (1/2 of 2) and then back up to virtual 2, using a factual 3. With 3 total usage we can go back down to 1.5, then back up to 2, getting another .5 for 3.5, + 2 - 3.5/2, + 2 - 3.75/2, + 2 - ...
Sure, we can use twice our baseline forests ignoring the granularity of forest usage.
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Well, I'm not staking a claim there one way or another. My entire point was constrained to stating that we can use kilns to effective double our forest supply, not merely increase it by 50%. Currently, with 25 undoubled forests, we are going to be able to do another 8 or so Main Kiln actions, assuming demand keeps up.

Of course, we will almost certainly add more forests during that time (from forest policy if nothing else); and those too can get doubled...

Point is. I expect that we WILL need to worry about running out of Kiln space eventually - but not now, and not in the next century ingame, and maybe not in twice that either. In the meantime, we can safely take valuable actions like completing the Priest quest and building Roads and sorting out diplomacy and building our Palace Annexes up.

No, seriously, Dam is better than ever because it connects us to vassals and allows to way better trade with Harmurri. With channel I mean.
Plus we need more Econ now. It's not like it's shiny even: it gives us a lot of benefits for, what, 8-12 Econ commitment?

Sooo I'd like to say we should try to fit either Dam or Influence Thuner Horse into the next vote. Can we?
I mean.
One of Guild actions is obviously Kilns; another one is preferably the same.

The main point is that we can't spend more than 4 points of econ this turn. If we did (e.g. by building Ironworks), we don't get to finish the priest quest this turn.

You mean midturn? Or you mean on the next full turn?
Spending no more than 4 Econ on main turn is a tricky prospect, seeing as guild actions alone will most likely take 4. Means we either have to do Mills or something.

But we cannot really do the exact plan until we see the midturn, can we?

I mean, take a look at our income right now:

The -6 on Economy income is from city upkeep and Panem. The +6 is that being refunded.

I also don't understand how it works narratively, and I've said as much in the past as well. So I'm afraid I can't clear that up for you.

Yeah, I've looked at income when posting and noticed it. That's weird, honestly.
Oh, oh, Black Soil also generates stats (EE) out of thin air! Terraforming gogogo!

You know, using the cities to generate EE is narratively a bit screwy for me. Mechanically, it's wonderful.

But narratively it means a fuckton of second, third and so on sons being forced into effective poverty and ground up in the industrial machine that is a city.

Black Soil may not be as easy as just the passive effect of the cities, but it represents us actually expanding useable farmland and as you said, leads to terraforming.

Of course, it also has the downside of the Half Exile troubles getting worse, so we can't really use it without a lot more roads and a few strategic temples that make sure that the spirit of the system is kept. But the damn priests themselves are ironically blocking that from happening as we are scared of them actively interfering in the government.

And yet, we have an actual separate stat that tracks their governmental interference. And we really don't know what red Religious Authority for us even means. For all we know, it just means the priests are actively cracking down on disharmonious behavior and people have enough faith in them to follow along.
We don't need to Black Soil either. Just do an Expand Economy, and then have our econ go 18->28, overflowing 4 points into Wealth as we gleefully take our new value slot.

The main point is that we can't spend more than 4 points of econ this turn. If we did (e.g. by building Ironworks), we don't get to finish the priest quest this turn.

We need black soil for wealth generation to fulfill the patrician quest and to give EE so we don't overcrowd.
We need black soil for wealth generation to fulfill the patrician quest and to give EE so we don't overcrowd.
No we don't? We refund up to our True City count (should be at least 5 by midturn) worth of Econ overflow per turn as EE. No need for any black soil.
You mean midturn? Or you mean on the next full turn?
Spending no more than 4 Econ on main turn is a tricky prospect, seeing as guild actions alone will most likely take 4. Means we either have to do Mills or something.
I am saying that for this turn's action (i.e. the Reaction vote and anything else that might come up), we can't spend more than 4 econ. I'm not going to try spending 4 or less econ in a main turn; while it might be possible, it basically isn't happening barring really strong incentives.
No, seriously, Dam is better than ever because it connects us to vassals and allows to way better trade with Harmurri. With channel I mean.
Plus we need more Econ now. It's not like it's shiny even: it gives us a lot of benefits for, what, 8-12 Econ commitment?

Sooo I'd like to say we should try to fit either Dam or Influence Thuner Horse into the next vote. Can we?
I mean.
One of Guild actions is obviously Kilns; another one is preferably the same.
Our Guild actions next turn are probably L2 Ironworks + Charcoal Kilns.

I want the Dam, but putting it next turn is probably bad timing. We get the free megaproject at that time, and I don't know how it would interact with a dam action. However, I would totally vote for a main Expand Forest, or even a double main if circumstances permit. What say you?
Our Guild actions next turn are probably L2 Ironworks + Charcoal Kilns.

I want the Dam, but putting it next turn is probably bad timing. We get the free megaproject at that time, and I don't know how it would interact with a dam action. However, I would totally vote for a main Expand Forest, or even a double main if circumstances permit. What say you?
Is our LTE high enough for this to be reasonable?
So, do we know of any ways to increase passive tech gain besides building Arsenal's?

Since it seems that the more ironworks we build, the more important tech will become.

The best tech increasing action, support artisans, also has a one for one exchange of tech and wealth, which we are starting to run rather low on as of late.

Is there any plan for increasing our tech gains in the future?
So, do we know of any ways to increase passive tech gain besides building Arsenal's?

Since it seems that the more ironworks we build, the more important tech will become.

The best tech increasing action, support artisans, also has a one for one exchange of tech and wealth, which we are starting to run rather low on as of late.

Is there any plan for increasing our tech gains in the future?
Its not... actually that bad of a problem right now, as it is very very easy to get +5 or so refund out of it. *scratches head*
+3 is easier and means we have time, so it hasn't really been considered that I've seen.