I don't think the Ymaryn have surnames.
If I recall correctly the Ymaryn take on their mothers surnames, but AN mentioned that forever ago so that may no longer be true.
As of Magwyna's indexing efforts, we had this as a setup:
most of the People had three or four names: a personal name, a matronymic, and at least one of a clan name, village name, or nickname.

I am not actually sure what this is supposed to hint at o_O
Can someone with more ranks in Pop Culture than me tell me what message this is supposed to convey?
I mean, the first words of the song are 'I've been shoved in a corner, I've been kicked in the teeth. Pushed down to the lowest depths, now I'm coming up from beneath'...

And we have WoAN that the Highlanders were prepping something...
Oh shit, what did the Highlanders do?

Edit: I mean, the first words of the song are 'I've been shoved in a corner, I've been kicked in the teeth'...

Why the **** would the highlanders try to do that?

Can someone with more ranks in Pop Culture than me tell me what message this is supposed to convey?

Roaring rampage of revenge from the lyric.

That's my interpretation. The only question is who the fuck would be dumb enough to attack us?

I assume it's just the pirates getting stomped real bad.
You know, depending on how 'clan or village name' has evolved for the urbanites, people might be named after their neighborhood, or their guild, which is an interesting thought.
Why the **** would the highlanders try to do that?
Because they are surrounded by a kingdom that they are terrified will conqueror them any day, with no allies, no way to match said kingdom's resources or population, and no way to grow further.

Why wouldn't they risk it all at this point?

If they win, they have a future. If they lose, they die.

But if they did nothing, they would do worse than die. They would stagnate.
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From the lyrics I can only assume either a Half exile/ slave revolt just happened, the HK just got a genius martial that want to reclaim the lowlands, or the nomads just showed up in force to remind us of their orky goodness.
The highlands have been so insular I'm surprised they haven't collapsed from stagnation, yet alone be capable of whatever this is, but I guess we're not the only ones capable of bullshit.

Edit: thinking on it, given their hero King Freehills might have done something surprising.
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The highlands have been so insular I'm surprised they haven't collapsed from stagnation, yet alone be capable of whatever this is, but I guess we're not the only ones capable of bullshit.
Remeber the Xoh. We thought there was no way to come back from being turned into a single city state, and then all of a sudden they conquered the TH empire.

With enough patience, they could do something similar in scale, if not greater.

Edit: Well, either that, or the WY just showed why nobody attacks the Ymaryn. That would be my second guess.

Followed by 'suddenly nomads'.
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If the HK has been doing nothing but increasing their intrigue score then they may have assassinated some important people before they rush in and burn down Valleyhome. Its a good strategy and if it succeeds then the ensuing chaos lets them regain a significant amount of strength as we fall into civil war.
Hm, maybe I'm being too paranoid. Found the lyrics for those who want them.

Been shoved in a corner
Been kicked in the teeth
Pushed down to the lowest depths
And now I'm
Coming up from beneath

Cause I ain't got time
To hold my hurt in such regard
I just kick life back in its face yeah
Twice as hard

Hammers in my head
I feel fury rise
Violence in my blood
Will not be dehumanised

Forget every failure
Forget every fall
They're just stepping stones on the road
And I am
Damn well done with them all

Cause I ain't got time
To hold my hurt in such regard
I just kick life back in its face yeah
Twice as hard

Hammers in my head
I feel fury rise
Violence in my blood
Will not be dehumanised

Will not be dehumanised!!

Hammers in my head
I feel fury rise
Violence in my blood
Will not be dehumanised
Hm, maybe I'm being too paranoid. Found the lyrics for those who want them.

Been shoved in a corner
Been kicked in the teeth
Pushed down to the lowest depths
And now I'm
Coming up from beneath

Cause I ain't got time
To hold my hurt in such regard
I just kick life back in its face yeah
Twice as hard

Hammers in my head
I feel fury rise
Violence in my blood
Will not be dehumanised

Forget every failure
Forget every fall
They're just stepping stones on the road
And I am
Damn well done with them all

Cause I ain't got time
To hold my hurt in such regard
I just kick life back in its face yeah
Twice as hard

Hammers in my head
I feel fury rise
Violence in my blood
Will not be dehumanised

Will not be dehumanised!!

Hammers in my head
I feel fury rise
Violence in my blood
Will not be dehumanised

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If the HK has been doing nothing but increasing their intrigue score then they may have assassinated some important people before they rush in and burn down Valleyhome. Its a good strategy and if it succeeds then the ensuing chaos lets them regain a significant amount of strength as we fall into civil war.

Even if this did not happen now it is something that could happen at any time our Martial is low (like now) and the Mercenary Company's are not home.

The only way to stop this dagger cold is if we use the next golden age on Defence Policy and not Megaprojects.

Or you know kill them before it happens.
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Even if this did not happen now it is something that could happen at any time our Martial is low (like now) and the Mercenary Company's are not home.

The only way to stop this dagger cold is if we use the next golden age on Defence Policy and not Megaprojects.

Or you know kill them before it happens.
Defense policy and a high amount of roads. We are going to regret not putting up colossal walls when the nomad horde come through and wrecks our shit.
Do you think that the heaven's hawk trade mission threatened their control of the Eastern trade route?

Actually i'm thinking about a double pronged attack, the worst possible one, the HK attacking the core from south, and the MH together with the discontent thunder twins who said they could't pay full food tribute attacking from the east. So yep, we into a rough ride.

Nah, it's not the trade, we basically stumbled on their army on the east and the attack started.
people might be named after [...] their guild
So something like Shepherd, Potter, or Smith? It was a pretty standard practice IRL.
Even if this did not happen now it is something that could happen at any time our Martial is low (like now) and the Mercenary Company's are not home.
We've got 8 effective Martial plus an E:8 Merc. That should be enough to ensure we don't immediately lose.