Actually i'm thinking about a double pronged attack, the worst possible one, the HK attacking the core from south, and the MH together with the discontent thunder twins who said they could't pay full food tribute attacking from the east. So yep, we into a rough ride.
The Thunder Twins are both at loyalty 5, dependency 4-5. A revolt on their end would imply that those stats are utterly meaningless.

So the situation may be dire, but I doubt that it is catastrophic.
Damn, this is probably a bad time to be at wealth 5. That means we can't even raise an army if we are attacked, unless we devote an action to generating more wealth somehow.
Damn, this is probably a bad time to be at wealth 5. That means we can't even raise an army if we are attacked, unless we devote an action to generating more wealth somehow.

Fuck it. Let's go all in.

Also, I found this in Fun and Games.: One Main and Two Secondary actions, and One Main [Guild] action. Entering the midturn under 2 Wealth costs 1 Stability, but over 10 Wealth gives 1 Stability

Spend the kingdom's wealth all the way down to zero. Worry about how to pay it next turn.
It would be kinda funny if the Mountain Horse fucked off and were counted as far enough away to become their own King of the Hill, and they remembered the Hill People who could summon meteors and decided to take a swing at them.

It's probably wishful thinking though, since a great power war would let us get super swole without taking any actions, and it would unite the Lowlands closer to us since they're being buttfucked by a surprise enemy.
Fuck it. Let's go all in.

Also, I found this in Fun and Games.: One Main and Two Secondary actions, and One Main [Guild] action. Entering the midturn under 2 Wealth costs 1 Stability, but over 10 Wealth gives 1 Stability

Spend the kingdom's wealth all the way down to zero. Worry about how to pay it next turn.
Yeah, we'll probably have to take the hit if we really do need the army. Double main that shit if we can, and hit the enemy with a 10 martial banner along with our 8 martial regulars.


Why must you torture us so? I had this wonderful plan for our next turn, all in order so that we could meet our current quests. I even managed to salvage the Patrician quest (which is expensive as heck) and fairly tricky to pull off.


Think happy thoughts.

Can we afford to give out that LTE? Well, it depends on what we do, but I don't see why not. The only reason we care about LTE like that in the short-term is if we want to max our Econ, and we won't need to do that. All we really need to do is leave space for our policies to do an Expand Econ (which is to say, 10 points from cap), and we are going to get that from a combination of our own spending with the ~5 points of upkeep our cities should be eating by then.

What are we looking to have for EE if we go with [M] Expand Econ and overflow into Wealth? 5, correct (9 at mid-turn - 8 [M] EE + 4 as a refund for each of our cities overflowing into Wealth)?

I don't think that we can fit in a [M] Expand Forest next turn during the normal course of our actions, not if we want to pass the Patrician quest. The issue is our Wealth; it's too low right now in order to use the three More Spiritbonded actions that we need in order to succeed the quest by the Mid-Turn of the turn after next.

I also think we need to be paranoid of the possibility that we're required to do a [M] or [2M] Raise Army, we're going to be blowing 5 Wealth during the Mid-Turn. That means we're liable to go into next turn with 4[+2] Wealth (from 4 overflow from Econ as a result of PSN [M] Expand Econ.

We're currently only projected to have 5 EE going into next turn. Plant Poppies gives the best bang for our buck for EE and it costs 3. [M] Expand Forest does as well, we can't afford it unless we take some kind of [React] during the Mid-Turn. Given our high need for Wealth (we'll need a buffer, plus 15 to do {S} More Spiritbonded x3 and we'll probably need to fit in a few Kilns or other Wealth draining actions too). We should look at pushing Wealth as much as possible so that we have the chance to do those quests and (potentially) Influence Subordinate if people want to go that way.

Unless we get a [React] that gives us a lot of Wealth or EE, I'm thinking:

[M] New Settlements
[M] Build Mine OR New Settlements (depending on if we discover any gold or silver mines)
{S} Plant Cotton
{S} Survey Lands
[G] Plant Poppies
[G] Efficient Charcoal Kiln

That will give us enough Wealth to tide ourselves over until we start to overflow directly into it. Given most of our Stats are full, that shouldn't be too long, but we will be burning a lot of Wealth (potentially 20+) soon. [G] Plant Poppies and {S} Plant Cotton is the most efficient arrangement we can make for creating Wealth at the lowest possible Econ and EE cost.

The narrative of this is also fairly simple: a time of growth and consolidation.
I don't think AN will rest until upwards of 2000 years of contiguous Ymaryn governace is finally disrupted.
Until the update lands, I'm just going to assume the Khemetri just had the mother of all (slave) uprisings.

Way less stress that way.

Stress can come in the morning.
@Academia Nut How likely is it that the update will be out in the next 3 hours or so? Trying to decide between going to bed super early (i.e. now) or staying up till what i hope to make the normal time and the update is a nontrivial factor in that decision :p
If we are under attack by the Mountain Horse, we'll probably want to spam spiritbonded as much as we can. Cavalry has a separate score for a reason, they're just that good.
If we are under attack by the Mountain Horse, we'll probably want to spam spiritbonded as much as we can. Cavalry has a separate score for a reason, they're just that good.
Problem is that, if we want to do this, we'll have to spend basically all of our actions to do so. Need wealth generating actions on top of actually training the Spiritbonded and performing any other near mandatory actions such as war missions or raising armies.

I'm not necessarily against more Spiritbonded if they're an appropriate response to a threat, but it's a tall order.
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Problem is that, if we want to do this, we'll have to spend basically all of our actions to do so. Need wealth generating actions on top of actually training the Spiritbonded and performing and other near mandatory actions such as war missions or raising armies.

I'm not necessarily against more Spiritbonded if they're an appropriate response to a threat, but it's a tall order.
The way I see it is that we really ought to start doing it sooner rather than later.
With the possible surprise Mountain Horse and the threat of hard mode Nomads on the horizon, getting the cavalry to properly contest them will be super important.