We're currently at 14/12 provinces. Increasing it to 15 grants +1 Sec Province Action, +1 Sec Guild Action and -0.5 Cent Tolerance due to Admin Strain. No idea if this would lead to more narrative consequences.

> 14/12

Okay, change of plans.

On the other hand, 1 more province would give us 1 more secondary Guild action, 2 more would add another normal Secondary, but is it really worth it? Especially since subordinates have their own action sets.
Then maybe we can squeeze out Influence Subordinate somewhere? Folks, can we?
Also, are we seriously at 10 Temp Econ Damage Resistance after finishing the Prototype Weapons Storage? We had 7 before and currently have 3 Governor's Palaces, so that should be the case. That lets us tank max refugees if we want to. I would not be surprised if we could outright blow up struggling minor powers if we want to.
*Waves the glorious Bendy Straw!*

Yeah, we can outright absorb the entire econ cap of a 3 province minor power (1 province which is the capital and provides the base 8 and then +2 from two more provinces). The Trelli might qualify but we don't know how extensive their southern holdings are. The HK are probably the next closest but they have damage resistance against our shenanigans.

So best we can do is probably do about half their cap in damage to the Harmurri or Mountain Horse, maybe two thirds.

Then maybe we can squeeze out Influence Subordinate somewhere? Folks, can we?
We could afford it this turn.

Next turn we can afford it even more. Squeezing it in is a little tricky since other things do have some pressing needs (Liquidity, Myranyn).
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We could afford it this turn.

Next turn we can afford it even more.

Uh, yes, but we cannot bumrush cultural conversion, so a lot of small steps are better than a big one.

Then again, we need to brace for impact: liquidity crisis and nomads with cavalry (or rather, endless wave of cavalry with occasional non-combatant), so I am not sure what can we delay.
War Mission - mandatory
Proclaim Glory - mandatory due to crisis

Other currently leading votes:
Ironworks - Redshore
Block Housing - Redshore
Invite to Games - Freehills

I...hm. Maybe replacing ironworks with influence works? We do have an option to build them + survey via Myranyn reform after all.
Alternatively, if we want to use your plan of doing "Myranyn reform action" right here and now to take advantage of him (he is likely to be next king btw), we can replace block housing with Survey, which is fine too.
You know what, I like your idea.

[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)

[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands
[X] [Secondary] Ironworks - Redshore
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Pirate Clans
[X] [Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Txolla
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns x2

With minor alteration because I foresee a lot of need for forests soon. Should work out?
Alternatively, if we want to use your plan of doing "Myranyn reform action" right here and now to take advantage of him (he is likely to be next king btw), we can replace block housing with Survey,
I feel like our Provinces will almost guaranteed take Survey Lands for us. It costs basically nothing and we need it for a quest.
Adhoc vote count started by 8bitBob on Oct 16, 2017 at 9:22 AM, finished with 116613 posts and 47 votes.
I feel like our Provinces will almost guaranteed take Survey Lands for us. It costs basically nothing and we need it for a quest.

Then we will survey more. That's a great thing: we need domestic sources of precious metals enough to not rely imports for coinage. Because if the foreign production of silver randomly collapses, we are just screwed. It's literally a matter of national security, so if we accidentaly two surveys instead of one, I don't mind.
So my first thought is that the guilds will probably hijack the Balanced and passive actions rather than our actions (since they don't need to pay power to steal those).

The Culture isn't a bad thing to burn right now. We're on the edge of a Gilded Age, we're going to need to burn some of the trifecta stats if we want to avoid it. Myst/Tech/Culture are already maxed so everything will overflow into Wealth.

That's true. We're doing very well on Culture though, so I'm not too fussed about spending some more, and this ensures we don't hit a Gilded Age since we'll for sure be at max Stab. Seems pretty worth it to me still.

What is with all the people thinking Gilded Ages are bad?

Sure, we pay 1 stability and 2 econ for then per turn. But in exchange we get 6 wealth (one per True City), and get to spend our stats on super-useful bonuses like admin tech or Megaproject slot. Why in the world is this something we should avoid?
Uh, yes, but we cannot bumrush cultural conversion, so a lot of small steps are better than a big one.

Then again, we need to brace for impact: liquidity crisis and nomads with cavalry (or rather, endless wave of cavalry with occasional non-combatant), so I am not sure what can we delay.
War Mission - mandatory
Proclaim Glory - mandatory due to crisis

Other currently leading votes:
Ironworks - Redshore
Block Housing - Redshore
Invite to Games - Freehills

I...hm. Maybe replacing ironworks with influence works? We do have an option to build them + survey via Myranyn reform after all.
Alternatively, if we want to use your plan of doing "Myranyn reform action" right here and now to take advantage of him (he is likely to be next king btw), we can replace block housing with Survey, which is fine too.
You know what, I like your idea.

[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)

[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands
[X] [Secondary] Ironworks - Redshore
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Pirate Clans
[X] [Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Txolla
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns x2

With minor alteration because I foresee a lot of need for forests soon. Should work out?

Eastern horse seems more urgent as they were never influenced.
What is with all the people thinking Gilded Ages are bad?

Sure, we pay 1 stability and 2 econ for then per turn. But in exchange we get 6 wealth (one per True City), and get to spend our stats on super-useful bonuses like admin tech or Megaproject slot. Why in the world is this something we should avoid?

Narrative repercussions of them are scary. I mean, Gilded Age narratively is the age of great societal imbalance and situation where few with money invest into things while masses languish in poverty...even more than usual, that is :V
Basically, I, at least, do not want Gilded Age solely due to its narrative being squeaky.

But mechanically I would not mind a separate track for Dam at all.
What is with all the people thinking Gilded Ages are bad?
If Western Ymar didn't exist, I'd be more into Gilded Ages , but unfortunately they do exist. The narrative implications of constantly funneling refugees into WY while perpetually enforcing justice is pretty unattractive. I'd still be willing to give it a try, but I prefer Golden Ages when possible.
What we need is more governors palaces.
You know GPs now narrow our Cent window by .5 each?

Also Guild actions generate obscene amounts.
Only if we are willing to consume econ and LTE in the process. This is what makes losing both Econ and Wealth simultaneously so dangerous.
Econ + Econ Expansion total is less than 24, preventing us from meeting the priest quest without Mills or New Settlements.
By my count,
Guilds may burn their Power to hijack and build Block Housing/Ironworks if we don'
We are at max, actually. 10+4+10 brings us to 24.
Ok, looking at what needs to be done, here's the action that I think I'm going to insist we do:
[Secondary] Invite to Games - Freehills
This costs us 1 point of Diplo. In exchange, we get +1 Diplo/turn and a bit of Prestige.
Freehills seems guaranteed to accept considering our now positive relations, and so we should definitely do it since this is by far our best action both mechanically (add stat drip at extremely low cost) and narratively (if you care about international relations at least)

What is with all the people thinking Gilded Ages are bad?
Are you quoting the right person there?
Shouldn't we integrate one of our polities, so we don't go max on our polity limit from the crisis?
I'd like for us to integrate our polities and then probably change policies from vassal support to something else. And probably avoid new vassals.

I'm all for Gulvalley to begin with.
[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Build Roads
[X] [Secondary] War Mission-Pirates Clans
[X] [Secondary] Block Housing (Redshore)
[X] [Secondary] Ironworks (Redshore)
[X] [Guild] Build Porcelain Works
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
I'm confused why no one is voting for more warships. Our navy is pathetic right now and it's causing a lot of problems. We can't defend against pirates and any attack against the Trelli is doomed from the start. We really need to build up the navy.
Look at our traits again:
-Greater Justice - Working with criminals to fight criminals is Justice when it minimizes harm to the innocent.
-Joyous Symphony - Working in sync with people being disharmonious.

This is in fact, perfectly in line with the Justice trait.
It's damaging to Crown Authority because people are ignoring the King, but attacking Pirates is Just even if their motives are impure.

Its even argable that leaving them to hang for doing vigilante justice is Unjust

Similarly. It wouldn't hurt at least.

If you are sure people who pillage, plunder, and enslave are good choice to work with. And Storm Wolf wouldn't mind us doing the opposite of what we said ~40ish years ago.
I'm confused why no one is voting for more warships. Our navy is pathetic right now and it's causing a lot of problems. We can't defend against pirates and any attack against the Trelli is doomed from the start. We really need to build up the navy.

Because we have a lot of chainsaws in the air:
1. Nomads have light cavalry. Getting hellish tumens of doom is a question of "when", not "if".
2. Liquidity Crisis is going to return with a vengeance once trade is back on track. We need to brace for impact: look for gold, try to figure out banking, the works.
3. We have to finally build Dam if we want (and we want) Lowlands to pay the dividends they can once developed. Food surplus is cornerstone of civilization, after all.
4. We have to make sure subordinates do not drift too far away culturally.
5. We can get a Spiritual Slot if we get maxed out Econ soon. That's amazing.
6. We have to finally deal with PK being too advanced for us via building Academy.

Any of those takes precedence over naval power because we are not playing nomads we are bad at conquests compared to other stuff.
And because Econ and Wealth can be used for something more productive, like roads or ironworks or literally anything else.
[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] War Mission-Pirates Clans
[X] [Secondary] Build Roads
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Invite to Games - Freehills
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns x2
Oh, by the way. Can we feed the Blood Rain from our general supply this turn so they don't cost wealth? We certainly have the room for it, and it was supposed to be one of the options.

@Academia Nut - what do we have to do to make that happen?
I still have no idea why we only count our Martial and not that of our mercenaries
Our mercenaries are somewhat specialized formations, I believe. E. g. the Blood Rain Banner are a crossbow force.

So, they do their own training and experimentation and have their own composition, but in turn they don't represent a reserve for the types of training demanded by our conventional military.