Hellllo, Golden Centralization! What fun!

Though, uh, I'm actually pretty confused about this. @Academia Nut - didn't we have a non-yellow centralization of 7 before Intervening In Foreign Affairs? Since then, we've added 6 more roads (11->17, +2 Max Cent), gained two provinces over cap (under 12 -> 14, -1 Max Cent), and lost two non-free cities (6 -> 4, +2 Max Cent). Not sure about GPs, but even then, shouldn't 7 be well under our gold threshold?
Well it seems that we have a bracket martial of 13, even though our actual martial is 10.

We also still have the Second Sons crisis, so we might actually just have to bite the bullet and go for a civil war, since it's now super expensive to suppress factions.

Edit: Here are the stats for everyone's benefit.

Diplomacy 16 [+4]
-Intrigue 4
Economy 14 (+4) [-6] {10}
-Sustainable Forests 24/27.5
-Econ Expansion 6 [+6]
Martial 3(+1) {13}
-Light Cavalry 1
Naval 2
Wealth 8 [-1]
+3 Salt
+2/2 = 1 Strategic
+4/2 = 2 Luxury
-2 Units
-5 Maintenance
Total: -1

Culture 24 [+4]
Mysticism 23 (+9) [+3-3]
Tech 18 (+3) [-1]
Prestige 87

Stability -2 (fearful)
Legitimacy 3 (max)
Well fuck me on a pike.

Where's our Temp Econ damage resistance? We shouldn't have taken any from the refugee wave, just tanked it.

@Academia Nut why was our Temp Econ damage resistance not applied to the refugees? Or was it and it leaked over that anyway?

E: Nevermind! He fixed it! Thanks AN!.

We can't spend more than 4 Econ, le sigh. That's gonna be tricky.

Phew, now we can safely spend 8. Vassal Tax doesn't seem to be applied right now.

Also we would not win on a civil war. We'd lose, probably from too much shit accumulating and we die.

What we need is to get our Econ lower, and continue the Myranyn reforms so that the Martial limit rises. I.e Second Son is going to take a few more turns to figure out, but it is possible to do now without suppressing the Yeomen.
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Though, uh, I'm actually pretty confused about this. @Academia Nut - didn't we have a non-yellow centralization of 7 before Intervening In Foreign Affairs? Since then, we've added 6 more roads (11->17, +2 Max Cent), gained two provinces over cap (under 12 -> 14, -1 Max Cent), and lost two non-free cities (6 -> 4, +2 Max Cent). Not sure about GPs, but even then, shouldn't 7 be well under our gold threshold?
This is when we find out the periods of low cen lowers the cap :V
Gotta admit, it felt far more draining than it felt fun.

It felt like I was arguing for entirely different things than my opponent, and it got to the point that I was debating to hopefully persuade a reader to my point of view than I was to persuade my opponent.

Fun in small bursts, but increasingly frustrating as time went on.
It seemed like the people arguing for taking Not!Constantinople were taking it in turns, whereas those against were the same people constantly debating. So I imagine that was part of the issue.
Well fuck me on a pike.

Where's our Temp Econ damage resistance? We shouldn't have taken any from the refugee wave, just tanked it.

@Academia Nut why was our Temp Econ damage resistance not applied to the refugees? Or was it and it leaked over that anyway?

E: Nevermind! He fixed it! Thanks AN!.

We can't spend more than 4 Econ, le sigh. That's gonna be tricky.

Also we would not win on a civil war. We'd lose, probably from too much shit accumulating and we die.

What we need is to get our Econ lower, and continue the Myranyn reforms so that the Martial limit rises. I.e Second Son is going to take a few more turns to figure out, but it is possible to do now without suppressing the Yeomen.

Stats update. So don't count your chicken before they stop quantum hatching/dying.
What did I just said about counting your chicken?
Second Son Crisis - Lesser warriors are flowing outward, attacking outsiders and risk bringing retribution to the rest of the People. They must be reined in, but once the seed of the frontier has been planted it is hard to uproot. Causes trouble each turn, may end on its own but can be definitively ended with: Max Legitimacy? and 2 of (Cent Greater than 6?, Martial Less than 5, Yeomen Power 0?); or a Civil War
I checked after you said this, guess what ? ITS NOT GREEN.
@Academia Nut - I have questions.
  1. Why is our Econ Tax not counted under Econ Income?
  2. Why are we at -2 stability? We should have gone up by 1 from the combination of EJ (+2) and refugees (-1)
  3. Why is Centralization 7 yellow? If you can't/won't answer that, can you at least confirm that currently, the Cent value of 7 being Yellow is correct, and the same is true for the 7 NOT being Yellow back at Intervening in Foreign Internal Affairs?
Considering that our new mercenary company is call "Blood Rain", I'm going to bet that we participated in a slaughter. Although it's possible that we suffered from a new wave of disease or other random calamity.
Doubtful, since we didn't send them. They weren't even around to be sent.
Probably a reference to their high crossbowman membership.
Not to worry. {S} EJ + {S} Improve Festival is even better for stability. Or if we want more stability than that (and we almost certainly do), {S} PG + {M} RoO + {S} EJ is an even stronger combo, albeit at double the cost.
Economy and Guild Actions.

We can do a minimum of 2 Econ in Guild Actions. If we want to send Wealth negative. In fact we can't spend more than four wealth right now, and probably no more than 3.

So as far as I can see our spending limits are 3 Wealth, and 8 Econ.

E: Though our income for it is -1 right this second so that limit is probably -2 Wealth.
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