- Location
- New Zealand
D'awwww this is making me all giddy and hopeful. Have some hugs!Have less regrets basically?
Well how I've kept myself motivated and actually optimistic is well, actually a couple of things.
I know, comparatively, that the Ymaryn are amazing in the field of caring for people. Our public health works and tech, where many children can survive to adulthood. Our half-exile system which, while it can and is going wrong in places is quite good for the time. Our technology enriching the lives of all our citizens slowly. Our literature which clearly shows depth of understanding of the human condition. Our high crime rate makes me unhappy, but I both understand the cause and what we need to fix it. Our social structure needs improving, but it can be improved with time and effort. Our curious religion and wise priests. Our acts of basically saving at least millions of lives over the course of history since we got the Land of Opportunity line.
I can thus look at our neighbors and equivalent societies of the time from RL and I can say, we are actually doing pretty well. And that motivates me to do better because it makes me happy to do that. It's a fun challenge to tackle.
I can look at what we have wrought over time, and realize with joy that even if the Ymaryn fractured into warring states from a societal collapse that the general lot of humanity has actually been improved permanently, outside of this entire region being atomized by an impact. We have left an indelible mark on history and that kinda legacy is encouraging. We have beaten some insane odds to get here.
I can also just take a moment to think about the current state of affairs and realize that, really, it's all opportunities. We are actually doing well. These problems we face right now are rather terrifying and new, but they are actually easy to solve with some elbow grease and Civilizational WD-40. There is a clear solution and path to bringing the TS and RTH into our arms with minimum pain, it is only the exact steps and timing we have to figure out, instead of just fumbling around in the dark looking for even the barest fragment of a solution.
So yeah, I have hope and lots of it free to share.
Hope this helped.
Yeah, we're not 100% matching modern social values and quality of life yet. That's ok, we're still really damn good for the time. Progress in society is achieved mostly through hard work and resources, according to the peeps in the thread our lowest class is 1/4 of the size of most iron age lower classes, and our laws are specifically made to encourage health and happiness in our community.
If we keep this kind of thing up, I'm hopeful that we'll reach modern standards by our equivilant 1000-1500AD.