Heh, i actually have the opposite idea.
I think the Great Forge, since it focuses on production, and streamlining and focusing said production to capitalize on economy of scale, will be more likely to produce a tech drip, if it produces either (might be like the Great Docks and produce innovations per turn, nowthat we know thats possible...). Meanwhile the artisan competitions will ensure that techniques are shown and displayed and shared instead of hoarded, producing a tech refund if it does either (though that one actually might be the innovation per turn one, now that i think about it)
Hmm..Actually, yeah, innovations per turn makes sense for Artisan Competitions. And from a mechanics side instead of a narrative side, it makes sense for it to have a tech drip (based on number of true cities, like the Games' culture drip), while the Ironworks has extended projects to get more refunds a la the library.
So my narrative logic and my mechanical logic are at odds
Edit: Wait, random thought: Library+shrine+arsenal gave our existing tech refund. So it does make sense that hte Ironworks, which is unlocked in part by teh arsenal, would give us tech refund, yeah.