Honestly, if I wasn't totally sure nobody would vote for it, I'd be supporting two settlements and a main wall in the lower valley next turn. One generation of low stability is bad, but it's not cripplingly bad. Half of the reason stability drops in a massive refugee action is the overcrowding anyway! I would consider possible synergy with adding enough settlements to handle the influx would reduce the stab hit after the fact.

The problem is, do we spam a Main New Settlement and two little settlements, or we do Two main settlements?
[FUT][MAIN] Restore Harmony

This is, frankly, obvious. We're taking a big ol fat stab hit to grow our people and economy. Let's get it under control so we don't implode.
I have to disagree with this. The Restore Harmony action involves using the military to keep order and root out dissent, which was fine when we were dealing with legitimate corruption but is a bad idea when the instability is caused by fleeing refugees. Establish Annual Festival is listed as an action that also improves stability and unlike Restore Harmony does not do so through military means, but instead through celebration and entertainment. It was also noted by AN that it's an action that binds the People closer together, which pretty much makes it the perfect action to take to integrate the refugees.
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Honestly, if I wasn't totally sure nobody would vote for it, I'd be supporting two settlements and a main wall in the lower valley next turn. One generation of low stability is bad, but it's not cripplingly bad. Half of the reason stability drops in a massive refugee action is the overcrowding anyway! I would consider possible synergy with adding enough settlements to handle the influx would reduce the stab hit after the fact.
If we leave stability at -1 for a turn, we'll probably end up with corruption again with a side helping of being forced into a different government.
[X] Accept many people (Small stability hit, large Econ gain)
[X] Sizeable number of war carts and Blackbirds with shaman support (Definite Martial loss if things go poorly)
And the dice continue to screw with us. Another Fishing Settlement is required apparently to at least not let the project turn into a waste.

No. There was quite distinctly an either or statement.

I'm pretty sure that statement was basically that we won't get any Econ increase out of fishing expansion until we develop better boats or set up a new settlement. If we set up a new settlement we are less likely to develop boats due to lack of impetus.

The point here is if we push fishing again (and likely a time after that as well because the dice hate us) we should get better boats.
And yet I think that we could take them in a defensive war, after all we got defensive perks, and our troops do moderately well, they will also be at the edge of their supply lines and we for once wont.
I see a war with the DP this way; they have to cross the entire lowlands to reach us first, which means they'd be having the 6+ month trip to attack in the other direction. In addition, they have enemies from the ST at least, and potentially from further east with their other tributaries if they think they can get away with it. In addition, we also have significant defensive bonuses in our territory, which is, in itself, highly defensive terrain. Then to put the cherry on top, we'll have village walls.

A war with the DP, so long as we're not going out of our own land to fight them, pretty much can't end well for the DPs. They'll be walking into an enemy's territory with the highest logistical support network in the era. They likely won't be able to harm the local flies without the bulk of our forces suddenly falling on them.

They can get past the first issue of distance by settling outward, but they'll still have to traverse the minefield of other internal advantages we have.
The problem is, do we spam a Main New Settlement and two little settlements, or we do Two main settlements?
We absolutely need to wall the lower valley. It's close enough that they could do some damage if they do something silly like MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE directly into us.
If we leave stability at -1 for a turn, we'll probably end up with corruption again with a side helping of being forced into a different government.
Which we avoided rather effectively the last time.
Honestly, if I wasn't totally sure nobody would vote for it, I'd be supporting two settlements and a main wall in the lower valley next turn. One generation of low stability is bad, but it's not cripplingly bad. Half of the reason stability drops in a massive refugee action is the overcrowding anyway! I would consider possible synergy with adding enough settlements to handle the influx would reduce the stab hit after the fact.
If crowding does become that big of problem, then yeah, I could support that otherwise Festival, Wall, Settlement is preferred as Stability is at -1
No. There was quite distinctly an either or statement.

I'm pretty sure that statement was basically that we won't get any Econ increase out of fishing expansion until we develop better boats or set up a new settlement. If we set up a new settlement we are less likely to develop boats due to lack of impetus.

The point here is if we push fishing again (and likely a time after that as well because the dice hate us) we should get better boats.
What I mean was if we take Expand Fishing without another Fishing Village it becomes a chance of getting nothing at all as opposed to having a Fishing Village and expanding fishing there, so reducing the possibility of it doing nothing at all.
Them , main costal village, minor village on river confluence and wall the lowland village?
Not sure which village to main, but yeah, that's the gist of my ideal turn next turn (assuming I can't start the canal next turn instead). I fully trust we'd be able to deal with one turn of instability and fix it the turn after (and maybe that the greatly expanded living space would negate a point of the stab hit afterwards from the elimination of the sudden overcrowding.
I see a war with the DP this way; they have to cross the entire lowlands to reach us first, which means they'd be having the 6+ month trip to attack in the other direction. In addition, they have enemies from the ST at least, and potentially from further east with their other tributaries if they think they can get away with it. In addition, we also have significant defensive bonuses in our territory, which is, in itself, highly defensive terrain. Then to put the cherry on top, we'll have village walls.

A war with the DP, so long as we're not going out of our own land to fight them, pretty much can't end well for the DPs. They'll be walking into an enemy's territory with the highest logistical support network in the era. They likely won't be able to harm the local flies without the bulk of our forces suddenly falling on them.

They can get past the first issue of distance by settling outward, but they'll still have to traverse the minefield of other internal advantages we have.

We absolutely need to wall the lower valley. It's close enough that they could do some damage if they do something silly like MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE directly into us.

Which we avoided rather effectively the last time.
Not really...we had to take restoration of harmony twice (thank god the first failure didn't make things worse), and ended up with us having to deal with an incompetent high chief who wanted to force the issue of making his idiot son the next high chief. We were lucky when we dealt with the problem, but that doesn't mean it isn't a bad idea to ignore the -1 stability for a turn.
Not really...we had to take restoration of harmony twice (thank god the first failure didn't make things worse), and ended up with us having to deal with an incompetent high chief who wanted to force the issue of making his idiot son the next high chief. We were lucky when we dealt with the problem, but that doesn't mean it isn't a bad idea to ignore the -1 stability for a turn.

...and ended up with shamans on the council, which neatly ended the separation of religion and state we had going, and potentially will be quite problematic in the future.
The results of this instability issues were bad, and dealing with coming instability as soon as possible should take priority, in my opinion.

One turn is a generation.
A generation of instability, especially when so many new people are involveed, can lead to very bad long term consequences if not addressed quickly.
Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 393 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally
[27] Encourage people to flee to you (Large stability hit, massive Econ gain)
[27] Sizeable number of war carts and Blackbirds with shaman support (Definite Martial loss if things go poorly)
[5] Significant force of warriors (Potential Martial loss if things go poorly)
[5] Accept many people (Small stability hit, large Econ gain)
Total No. of Voters: 32

So yeah:V
What I mean was if we take Expand Fishing without another Fishing Village it becomes a chance of getting nothing at all as opposed to having a Fishing Village and expanding fishing there, so reducing the possibility of it doing nothing at all.

And what I mean, is that if we take expand fishing and build a new fishing village we are less likely to actually get the result of new boats.

I'd rather get the new boats and then build a new settlement. The tech is way more valuable.
[X] Encourage people to flee to you (Large stability hit, massive Econ gain)
[X] Sizeable number of war carts and Blackbirds with shaman support (Definite Martial loss if things go poorly)

There have been many good arguments for encouraging people to flee to us, the biggest ones being denying the Dead Priests resources and massively increasing our Economy. As for my vote regarding military action, I'm voting to go all in because one of the benefits of Honourable Death is being able to handle deaths in battle.
[X] Encourage people to flee to you (Large stability hit, massive Econ gain)
[X] Sizeable number of war carts and Blackbirds with shaman support (Definite Martial loss if things go poorly)
Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 393 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally
[27] Encourage people to flee to you (Large stability hit, massive Econ gain)
[27] Sizeable number of war carts and Blackbirds with shaman support (Definite Martial loss if things go poorly)
[5] Significant force of warriors (Potential Martial loss if things go poorly)
[5] Accept many people (Small stability hit, large Econ gain)
Total No. of Voters: 32

So yeah:V
I was gonna argue a thing, but there's really no point is there?
And what I mean, is that if we take expand fishing and build a new fishing village we are less likely to actually get the result of new boats.

I'd rather get the new boats and then build a new settlement. The tech is way more valuable.
I'm confused...I thought that a new coastal settlement would auto-expand fishing grounds around the village?
And what I mean, is that if we take expand fishing and build a new fishing village we are less likely to actually get the result of new boats.

I'd rather get the new boats and then build a new settlement. The tech is way more valuable.
Getting the new boats would be advantageous, but we'd probably need a Main in order to get enough impetus and resources behind the project to actually succeed. With the other actions we'll have to take next turn and the coming drought, it may be better to hold off on the boat project and instead just build the settlement on the coast. Fishing is our one source of food that's unaffected by drought.
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If crowding does become that big of problem, then yeah, I could support that otherwise Festival, Wall, Settlement is preferred as Stability is at -1
No no, my assumption is that double settlements will have some synergy with us taking on so many people, and whether AN decides to specify or not, potentially reduces the stability hit after the fact.
And what I mean, is that if we take expand fishing and build a new fishing village we are less likely to actually get the result of new boats.

I'd rather get the new boats and then build a new settlement. The tech is way more valuable.
Except we expanded fishing this turn, and got nothing for it. We might be close, but we also might not be close. Why try to force the issue when there's other potential problems to deal with first?
Do we actually have a map of our territory? Also are we going to take the survey lands option at any point considering it is suggested it might lead to metal?
Do we actually have a map of our territory? Also are we going to take the survey lands option at any point considering it is suggested it might lead to metal?
Through Inkarnate I present to you a crude and not to scale map of the rough relationships between significant settlements and rivers for the Three Peoples. I tried to get more of the other groups in, but the scaling didn't look right because again, everything is loosey-goosey. Improving the trails has massively cut down on travel times though, so its only about ten days between the upper valley village and the coastal village instead of a month. The river with the waterfall is not easily navigable.

Though, AN still doesn't think it is very good and want to do a better one....eventually
No no, my assumption is that double settlements will have some synergy with us taking on so many people, and whether AN decides to specify or not, potentially reduces the stability hit after the fact.
I suppose we shall wait until the next update before anything then. Otherwise risk going into circular arguements over ifs and maybes.