>Constantly implies feudal imperialism is a good thing and advocates we adopt it as our social model
I have explained myself on fuedalism and imperialism from rather early on the thread, I addressed thier benefits and detremints and how to avoid them.
>Snidely suggests outside conquest is the solution to the Middle East
No I was nitpicking, If any implications where drawn, they were not meant.
>Postulates rationale for conquest as 'because we can' [sic] and that it should be universally applied
This falls under the first, I had already argued that position a few hundred pages ago, it is largely sentimental yes, but there is a method to it.
>Dodges questions when asked how such rules should be applied today
You asked about a modern state acting like a bronze Age state, and I answered no.
All states should act for thier interests, but time and geography greatly changes the form and kind of actions that can be taken to further one's interests. Thus what one can do in the iron age is of utter irrelevance to what one can do in the modern era.
And you dare ask "How am I trolling?"
Indeed how am I trolling?