While we're on the subject of bees I'd like to mention that I would love for our people to learn how to use bees defensively.

In early warfare bees nests were thrown into fortified positions (such as houses or behind walls) to flush out the defenders. This makes them an excellent tool for urban warfare, plus I know that people in South America used hornet nests as a way to bypass the armor of enemies because while an arrow may miss your unprotected areas the angry bug certainly won't.

I doubt that we'd ever be able to us them aggressively, but with bees on hand attacking us would become that much more painful.
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glory of nobility is a mirror of humanity


But is not humanity a part of the world? Is it not our conception that determine the state of the earth? Do we not shape the universe by our will and are shaped by it in turn?
To enjoy the wonders of humanity is to partake of one of the quintessential aspects of the world.
It is in denial that one is made a narcissist, for he thus declares that he is above all but himself.
But is not humanity a part of the world? Is it not our conception that determine the state of the earth? Do we not shape the universe by our will and are shaped by it in turn?
To enjoy the wonders of humanity is to partake of one of the quintessential aspects of the world.
It is in denial that one is made a narcissist, for he thus declares that he is above all but himself.
Well, if the Alcubierre Drive and wormholes are any indication, FTL Travel may not be as implausible as you think. The trick is that spacetime itself is not constrained by c, and is capable of unlimited expansion and contraction. Me and Bungie had a conversation about this in a PM. I could invite you, if you want.
I know about the Alcubierre drive and wormholes. The former requires negative energy (or something, I'm not a physicist) which we don't know is even possible, and the latter haven't been confirmed to exist as far as I know let alone finding a possible way to actually harness them. There's probably dozens of FTL methods that have been thought up that may perhaps possibly technically not be clearly impossible somehow, but are nowhere near practical.
Maybe we'll find some phenomenon that makes FTL possible, but it all seems very implausible to my albeit extremely limited understanding of reality. But maybe we will, which is why I included that, apparently highly objectionable, 'current knowledge' bit.

My point was that I don't want to care about the exact details, to the degree that theoretical-future-AN can just handwave whatever soft-scifi method he likes. I just want my fancy FTL spaceships. I don't care if they work by shifting the universe around themselves or by travelling through a soul-eating hyperspace Hell or whatever.
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It's on maintenance, a new ivory engraving is getting installed. And the polished bejeweled stairs are too much of a safety hazard for a hooved creature. So sadly I must languish beneath the marble facades.
The languishments you take pleasure in must have weakened you in comparison to your more natural peers.

Humanity is not separate from nature, it is subject to it. To in-volve oneself solely in the artificial, in the hollow self-reflections of humanocentric myth, abstract art, cuisine divorced from its terroir is to live in a life in a bubble, and thus reject ones duty to watch over that which brought us into being.
Humanity is subject to nature, and steward to it. To subject oneself to the world is to delight in the pleasant coincidences and ugly reality of a chaotic system and, simultaneously, to reject the notion that such cannot be brought deeper into self-accord through rigorous understanding and delicate manipulation, always conscious that it is not our place to impose on that which exists but merely to guide it.
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I'd characterize more as spiritualist/egalitarian/xenophile
xenophile yes, but id disagree on spiritualist. Crow compels us to learn about the world and understand it pushing the idea that everything CAN be understood, whereas Stellaris Spiritualism is explicitly against that.

People didn't even circumnavigate the world until the early Renaissance. While the Iron Age started around 1200 bce and 600bce in china.
They probably mean the exploration that was done by the likes of the romans and so forth. there was an ancient greek dude who made it all the way to britain, iirc

People didn't even circumnavigate the world until the early Renaissance. While the Iron Age started around 1200 bce and 600bce in china.
And we achieved Iron in the Bronze age. It was a comment on how we have fallen behind on our over-achieving ways when it comes to hitting Milestones before anyone else. I was being Facetious mainly, although I wouldn't say no to fully exploring the continent we are on.
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Why? it'll just twist our society beyond all recognition
it's very schizophrenic, but I rather like how it will prevent us from full-on hating our enemies
the cultural self-torture is a bit redemptive

edit: Also, it prepares us to move into the niche that our enemy occupies if/when we conquer their land
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