To everyone voting to continue the war, can you explain to me why doing so is more important than 100 years of peace, more important than 10s of thousands of lives, more important than insuring the prosperity of our people?

Because the current arguments for it have left me unconvinced on those fronts.

100 years is roughly 5 turns, I don't see us being at peace that long with either Thunderdome Round 2, Payback: Highlander Edition or Nomads setting things on fire again.

Not forking over more than 50% of our wealth cap in tribute is looking out for our people

We aren't holding them at Spearpoint to fight for us, and our people would be willing to lose ten times that if the Gods Call them to their Side.

Now tell me why you think that Spitting on the Ashes of all those who already sacrificed all, the remaining luxuries we would need to buy to help in this "peace", and that at best it only buys a few turns while our Tech Advantages Drip away.
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Between the amount of martial they can scrounge up in the mid-turn and the arguments about possible military tech breakthroughs in the near future, I'm reluctantly swtiching.
[X] Offer tribute (-5 Prestige, -10 Wealth, keeps King of the Hill, chance of +1 Stability)

However, I don't see the Trellis starting anything for just as long as the Khemetri. We just ground up a considerable chunk of their military strength in our little spat and the survivors wo go home will report about mountains of corpses and both sides only stopping this madness not because we couldn't go on, but because it was not worth it.
So yeah. They will keep their head down and hope to not get dragged into any further fights with or between the Khemetri or us. They have not even a fraction of the reserves they would need to survive it.
The Trelli can't do shit, because they're trade-dependent right now. Five turns on, though, I wouldn't be so sure about the Trelli, since they didn't learn a lesson through blood and we don't know what'll happen with them.

We still have two potential fronts, however; I think we should stick on Offense policy and fight those hard.
The way the war ends they "Won" which is what will be remembered by them after everyone involved dies.The King to the hill setup, and their own governing system means it is very very likely they come for us again.

Reshem was explicit that if the engravings don't show him desperately fighting for his life while his beloved bodyguard sacrificed themselves to save him, he'll have the artisans flayed and replace them with people that will do it right. The Khemetri's historical records of the fight will show a God-King injured. For a culture like theirs that's a hell of an impression.
The Highlanders waited a century. That wait didnt make it any less painful.
We do not lack the manpower, if you had paid attention to whats been said you'd realise they will soon be on the verge of collapse.
We can win this. Your choice will not 'let it end' it will only make this the beginning. All because you lacked the foresight to save the lives of future generations. When the Khem next come for us I'll point the the corpses of the dead and make you admit that you caused this
They are getting reinforcements, and if I've done my math right they will have more martial than us in the next clash, which means at the end of the day we will be the disadvantaged ones, not them.
The Trelli have now lost two mercenary companies:

That is a loss of 18 martial and two subordinates, and I get the feeling that the last mercenary company is at low loyalty. To replenish these losses will take at minimum of two secondary actions, two main actions, and 12 non-martial stat points.

And in return, they got paid 3 wealth.

I refuse to believe that the Trelli mercs have 9 martial a piece. They would have been described as equal with the Red Banner if that was the case. Which they were decidedly not.
It doesn't at all.

We are currently almost entirely out of martial, and we are only able to stalemate the Khemetri in Gulvalley.
they have a good chance of being able to beat us if we do not accept peace now.

We can also start sending tons of Trade Missions to them after peace has been made, to make them less likely to want to take a swing at us.
They have at gedt one martial more than us and have just gotten lucky in their rolls. We will regain are martial faster. Hell we can win this and by the way, trade won't make them stop. Their system needs constant expansion, they will look to us again, onoy next time they will be even larger and stringer
Edit: Changed since everyone else is going fucking Star Trek pacifist "peace in our time" bullshit anyways, they are gonna regret it but apparently would rather force our next dozen generations to deal with this fucking shit.

From the Klingons themselves.

Kahless the Unforgettable said:
Destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory. And ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Crazy7s1 on Jul 30, 2017 at 3:46 PM, finished with 89461 posts and 96 votes.
AN confirmed they won't be willing to try to attack us again for at least a century.
And then we got round two and they will probably field iron weapons by then. I've mostly switched over since I hope the hype about getting steel will actually work out and we keep the advantage.

The most important thing right now is to murder the HK and turn them into a march. Without the backstab and the area getting cut off from supplies, we would have won this.
Removing that obstacle and focussing on military for a while should mean that we will win this when they come back for the rematch.
No, it doesn't. This war is going so poorly because we were taken by surprise. A peace now gives us time to conquer the Highlanders, develop steel, and found a few more mercenary companies. The next time a war comes they will think twice about starting it because they will know we have The King Still Stands. If they do it anyway, they won't have the advantage this time of us getting stabbed in the back by the HK.
And next time they come they will be larger, probably have iron and will likely not be susceptible to collapse as they are now. We arent the only ones who will get far stronger
100 years is roughly 5 turns, I don't see us being at peace that long with either Thunderdome Round 2, Payback: Highlander Edition or Nomads setting things on fire again.

Not forking over more than 50% of our wealth cap in tribute is looking out for our people

We aren't holding them at Spearpoint to fight for us, and our people would be willing to lost ten times that if the Gods Call them to their Side.

Now tell me why you think that Spitting on the Ashes of all those who already sacrificed all, the remaining luxuries we would need to buy to help in this "peace", and that at best it only buys a few turns while our Tech Advantages Drip away.
It is spitting on the ashes of the fallen to continue fighting over pointless posturing when we can facilitate a regime change instead and save more lives.
Just because our people are grimly willing to fight if they must does not mean that they want to fight, or that encourage more fighting.

Also, what tech advantages? The Khemetri do not have iron, and they never held our lands long enough to learn how to make it. Five turns is actually a pretty long time, and we can use that time to foster good relations with the Khemetri to encourage them not to pick a fight with us.

If you want to sacrifice lives over pointless dick-waving, be my guest, but at least be honest about it.
[X] Offer tribute (-5 Prestige, -10 Wealth, keeps King of the Hill, chance of +1 Stability)
Well while peace will be short it's time to gain more wealth after this mess.
I'm considering tribute specifically so that we can focus down the highlanders on a treachery CB next turn.
I think we can convince people to go after them all the way now that we have a gap in the Khemetri war and with the way that they both threaten to spread iron in our area and will stab us in the back the next time the Khemetri inevitably start the war up.
the Khemetri will get broken if they lose here. Their empire runs on the idea of a invincible god king and high prestige, losing this war takes both those away and they will shatter
100 years is roughly 5 turns, I don't see us being at peace that long with either Thunderdome Round 2, Payback: Highlander Edition or Nomads setting things on fire again.

Not forking over more than 50% of our wealth cap in tribute is looking out for our people

We aren't holding them at Spearpoint to fight for us, and our people would be willing to lost ten times that if the Gods Call them to their Side.

Now tell me why you think that Spitting on the Ashes of all those who already sacrificed all, the remaining luxuries we would need to buy to help in this "peace", and that at best it only buys a few turns while our Tech Advantages Drip away.
we have lost tens of thousands of men, more than a percent if not more of our population, we have created tens of thousands if not more orphans, we have bled far too much, it's not worth the blood.