UNFORTUNATE IMPLICATIONS!so this conflict will inevitably end with his sword in our belly.
It doesn't at all.Guys if we offer tribute they will come back for us and we will have to fucking dl this all over again!
The Highlanders are a dagger to our south, The Khemetri will be worse, they will take another swing at us and we will have to watch them for centuries.
Voting for Tribute screws us over and kills more people in the future then it saves now
Guys if we offer tribute they will come back for us and we will have to fucking dl this all over again!
The Highlanders are a dagger to our south, The Khemetri will be worse, they will take another swing at us and we will have to watch them for centuries.
Voting for Tribute screws us over and kills more people in the future then it saves now
In like, a century--maybe.
And then only if we fail to make it unprofitable for them to do so.
We pay the Prince. So he can start a palace coup and depose the actual enemy, his father the God-King, the guy who actually started this war. We're just being clever is all. Just as Crow the Trickster demands of us.What happened to the people that raged against the steppes? Have we decided appeasement is the way forward? That we should pay our enemies off rather than beat them back?
GM has explicitedly said they won't.Guys if we offer tribute they will come back for us and we will have to fucking do this all over again!
The Highlanders are a dagger to our south, The Khemetri will be worse, they will take another swing at us and we will have to watch them for centuries.
Voting for Tribute screws us over and kills more people in the future then it saves now
You could probably swing it as a degree of "They have acknowledged our superiority, but we have deigned to let them 'buy' up the land we already claimed. Wasn't very useful anyway so we obviously get so much more with this nice tribute. What, yes, I know that they seem quite impressive, but even though we totally would have won if we had kept going it really wasn't worth it. Now, check out the cool shit they gave me like this vial of mercury! Isn't it awesome?"
A few. For one, it definitely makes people taking a swing at you much less likely.
The People would celebrate a peace that let them keep their land, and grimly continue on if the decision was made to do so.
TBf, has any KotH-based cb on us ever lasted more than a turn? Hell, we haven't even reached the midturn yet, and we've kicked out 3 nations from our land.Every power that attacked us this turn was using Take the Crown.
TBf, has any KotH-based cb on us ever lasted more than a turn? Hell, we haven't even reached the midturn yet, and we've kicked out 3 nations from our land.
To be fair, that was because we went batshit crazy and kicked 2 Main War Missions with a Genius General.TBf, has any KotH-based cb on us ever lasted more than a turn? Hell, we haven't even reached the midturn yet, and we've kicked out 3 nations from our land.
To use the legacy, war has to actually last longer than a turn.
I'm considering tribute specifically so that we can focus down the highlanders on a treachery CB next turn.Guys if we offer tribute they will come back for us and we will have to fucking do this all over again!
The Highlanders are a dagger to our south, The Khemetri will be worse, they will take another swing at us and we will have to watch them for centuries.
Voting for Tribute screws us over and kills more people in the future then it saves now
It's just not worth it. We've got a good offer here. We get dominance and TIME to exploit our new action efficiency from Guild Mercantile.[X] The war will continue (War continues, have mid-turn actions before next War Mission rolls to potentially regenerate forces)
There can be no understanding without weapons , there can be no dialogue without bloodshed, they will be made to understand - as Jorhan Stahl put it. As i see it sure, we could do better things with out time, we could concentrate on rebuilding our nation to kick the HK into the balls after we've recovered but to be quite honest, i don't feel it.
What i feel is that the Ymarin have in previous wars made each and every time very clear that there is no war with the Ymarin. You do not fuck with us. You just don't or we show up at your doorstep and burn you to the ground till you are nothing but an afterthought of history.
The Khemeteri have seen the light, but that will last maybe two or three generations. Let us drive the point home, let us dunk their noses in this mess they made like an unruly puppy who shat on our favorite persian carpet. Let us give them a war, that ends so horribly for them, so decisively, that leaves them bereft of a generation of men, bereft of their legendary general, financially broken and traumatized for centuries to come. Let us give them a war that will tell the world, that even if you are the biggest boy in the yard, if you pick a fight with us, you ain't gonna walk for a while and the idea of offspring you can throw out of the window. A war that will make it very, very, very clear to even the most backwater, aggressive dumb fuckwit, that YOU. DO. NOT. FUCK. WITH. US.
And then when all is said and done, a tribute of blood unimaginable has been given to the land, let us quietly go home and rebuild and assemble our men at the borders to the HK and let them tremble in their beds, quaking at the thought that they picked a fight with someone who just beat the greatest civilization existing into the ground without breaking a major sweat and is known for its very, VERY long memories.