If you want her to be a special snowflake you should probably make her fully monogamous and straight.
Get this nonsense outta my face, why would I want that?
Joan of Arc also sucked ass as a military leader, only winning when she had experienced generals to handle to the troops. Not a good mirror for a Genius general. Alexander the great might be better.
well, she was actually a dab hand at the newfangled cannons that the experienced commanders had no experience with, and as a born commoner she was better equipped to learn more on how to work with it, because she had no noble compunctions about talking to the experienced cannoneers. Something the noble commanders of her time would refuse to do.
Joan of Arc was an aggressive military commander who always opted for offense instead of defense. In thirteen known engagements, her troops were victorious nine times. At least thirty different cities, towns, and villages surrendered without a fight when she approached with her army. Personally, she was a skilled horseman and swordsman, but tactically, she knew how to direct armies and place gunpowder artillery.
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Slept through the Update, decided to post quickly instead of reading all the arguments, leads to it being locked before I can vote.
Oh well, hopefully it being locked means another update is on the way.
The Bloody Scorpion of the Red Banner dueled the bronzed goliath of a God King for five years now, never quite losing but never gaining the upper hand either.
I really do like the imagery painted here. Especially since they have such contrasting and complementing colors <3

The Ymarynians in Tyrian Reds, Shining Silvers, and Iron Grays.
The Khemetrites in Lazuli Blues, Glowing Gold, and Bronze Browns.
Well actually heroic women can to... would just need them back to back constantly...
Not what AN said, and frankly it doesn't make sense. Your average woman is OBVIOUSLY not remotely as competant as Magwyna. So it really doesn't matter if we get ten Magwynas in a row; we might get a counterproductive superstition about female heros, but it won't make anything better for ordinary competance levels.

And such a superstition can definitely make things worse: it gives society an unrealistically high standard to hold women to.
Slept through the Update, decided to post quickly instead of reading all the arguments, leads to it being locked before I can vote.
Oh well, hopefully it being locked means another update is on the way.
Suggestion: look at only the AN posts before making your decision. A lot of the time important clarifications are hidden away in there. Either click the reply count or go to Thread Tools -> Who Replied? and then click on the number next to AN's name.
Now i think about it, the Khemetri's general may have been a martial / diplomatic hero that was able to contact Highland Kingdom during their turn when declaring Great Power War. Then the Highland Kingdom Hero contact Thunder Horse, and got them to declare war on us by reminding Thunder Horse how powerful and long reaching the Ymaryn were.

So it will be logical to think Khemetri is prepared to make deal with Trelli, for loaning boats (for black sea use only) and recalling mercenaries; in exchange for Trelli to gain large amount of Ymaryn trade secrets and trade post.

HK was likely promised quite a bit of land and trade secrets too.
Now i think about it, the Khemetri's general may have been a martial / diplomatic hero that was able to contact Highland Kingdom during their turn when declaring Great Power War. Then the Highland Kingdom Hero contact Thunder Horse, and got them to declare war on us by reminding Thunder Horse how powerful and long reaching the Ymaryn were.

So it will be logical to think Khemetri is prepared to make deal with Trelli, for loaning boats (for black sea use only) and recalling mercenaries; in exchange for Trelli to gain large amount of Ymaryn trade secrets and trade post.

HK was likely promised quite a bit of land and trade secrets too.
I don't think anything implied that the HK and TH colluded with the Khemetri - they're just opportunists taking advantage of us being distracted
I would've preferred hitting the HK and Thunder horse followed by hitting the HK and Khemteri then help our two marches with Txolla.
Epic Age V
[X][WB] Gain the The King Still Stands Legacy
[X][Hero] Gain a Genius general
[X][Kick] 2 Stability
War Priority
1) Txolla
2) Western Lowlands
3) Hatvalley

Legacy Gained!
The King Still Stands: Whenever someone uses the Take the Crown CB on you or you are engaged in a struggle for King of the Hill, every full turn they fail to knock you out they lose 1 Stability

She had always been a strange child, a disturbed child, prone to strange episodes and fits. She sometimes claimed to see things that others couldn't, or would fall into fey moods where she wouldn't talk to anyone and would instead trace out strange designs that only she could see. If given something like clay or wax to trace with, she produced vaguely unsettling images of ill portent. Her family had tried to help her be 'normal' for many years, but ultimately priests called by the shaman had come to take her to the Temple of the Dragon where she could be given aid for her condition.

She fit in there even worse.

Away from family and with the priests and shamans trying to teach her things she struggled to understand, her fits became increasingly violent in character. Fortunately her older brother soon started to visit, and this pool of familiarity helped calm her. Eventually the priests decided to just let her wander under escort through the sacred channels, to trace out the bones of the dragons buried in the earth and stumble into trances full of glossolalia. What these moments meant remained elusive, but the priests kept track of it.

And then one day her brother came to her, now more a young woman than a girl, and she told him that he had a crow on his shoulder and even though she kept telling the crow to go away, it wouldn't leave. When her brother left on the caravan she had one of her worst fits yet, and then fell into a quiet, numb fugue.

When the remains of the caravan returned from being turned back by the now hostile Thunder Horse, she began to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh. It grew increasingly broken as her hysterics overtook her, her voice breaking into a harsh crackle and hiss. Finally she went limp in the arms of the priests struggling to keep her from hurting herself worse than she already was, the last sounds past her lips a ravaged laugh more like that of a crow's caw than anything human.

The next day, she was gone from her room.

A moon later a Heaven's Hawk warband was nearly sent screaming into the night when a blood drenched spectre appeared from the blackness, bearing the head of a Thunder Horse commander and his sword. Dropping the only items she had at the feet of the terrified guards, she then went to a tent and began to finger paint in blood a representation of the dragon skull that was the pride of the Dragon Graveyard and the Temple of the Dragon. Eventually she began to hiss, unable to speak fully and looking for attention. One brave warrior got in close enough to her to hear her whisper in a ravaged voice, "The crows listen better now." She then blinked a few times and then collapsed, a puppet with her strings cut.

The next day, when the warriors went to engage the enemy, not only were they without their leader but strange young woman whispered directions into the ear of the commander, telling him where the crows were flying and landing. From this mad, otherworldly advice his band went wheeling about like maniacs and managed to completely cut the enemy to ribbons with minimal losses.

Thus was Yenyna the Dragon General born.

Clearly cohabiting her body with a particularly dangerous spirit, the wild eyed woman's moods and fits remained mercurial outside of battle, but once it came time to engage the enemy she fell into a trance and whispered directions. If pressed into an actual fit herself, she was a hissing and snarling monster like that of the creature on her banner. Unrefined at first, she did take lessons from the warriors that followed her, and, as the Hawks and Stallions cut through Thunder Speaker territory faster than the messengers could get the word of their successes out, she became quite adept with blade and spear. By the time the northern tribes finished bulling their way through the Thunder Horse's western territories and boring out the supply trains supporting the fighting over Txolla, she was also competent at horse riding and the overall commander for the combined army. One part general, one part talisman, one part avenging spirit of fury, she was the eerie and untouchable torch that the army rallied around.

The Thunder Horse king had nearly shoved the forces sent to relieve the Txolla back across the Great River when suddenly he found out that his entire supply line had been wiped out so fast the first news he got was his camp lookouts calling out in alarm as chariots and horse riders bearing banners of a white stitched with black thread in the shape of a dragon skull. Fortunately for him, he had not got as far as he had militarily by being stupid and was thus able to rally defences and extricate himself and enough of his warriors to not suffer complete defeat. Knowing that his position was untenable, he abandoned his position and began the process of falling back, out of Txollan territory. Additionally, news was also filtering up about the possibility that the Swamp Folk had decided to pounce upon the Thunder Horse while they were busy with the People.

The Thunder Horse wish to call for terms
[] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[] [TH] Demand significant tribute (+4 Wealth, +4 Prestige, end of war)
[] [TH] Reject demands, they need to be dealt with more thoroughly

Crossing the Great River, Yenyna took her forces into the teeth of the defences of the Highlanders. While less successful with far less room to maneuver, her mad insights still gave her an edge, and one settlement established to defend a pass was taken with minimal bloodshed when she ordered a small canal dug from a nearby river, diverting the flow to begin undercutting their walls, causing them to open their gates in surrender before warriors could actually going in through a breech. That was a level of crazy that was hard to deal with. Unfortunately, while the People had pushed the Highlanders back, the kingdom's core was hard and dense and they were not easily dislodged, especially from their positions in the west. This meant that the warriors in Gulvalley and Lower Hatvalley went nearly entirely unsupported for the entire time.

When messengers finally got through to Gulvalley the forces there had been almost entirely pushed back into walled settlements. One of the Trelli mercenary companies had been so badly mauled that the survivors were folded into the other two, and the Red Banner only still existed because what was left of the local warriors had joined under their command. The Hathatyn south-west was almost entirely occupied by the Khemetri and had been utterly ravaged by the fighting. Still, the strongpoints held out, and if relief forces could be brought in soon then they might be able to be relieved...

The Highlanders have been pushed back by still hold out, attempt peace?
[] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[] [HK] Attempt to humiliate (Chance of being accepted, +1 Prestige and +1 Stability if accepted)
[] [HK] Attempt to extract tribute (Small chance of being accepted, +2 Prestige and +2 Wealth if accepted)
[] [HK] They need to be taught a lesson, keep fighting

Currently performing two extra war missions for the rest of the turn, pull up further reserves?
[] [Berserk] No
[] [Berserk] 1 Stability
[] [Berserk] 2 Stability
[] [Berserk] 3 Stability (requires Token Tribute from TH)

AN: You want Jeanne D'Arc, you get the Ymaryn Jeanne D'Arc. Also, still not to the mid-turn, but definitely by next turn.
Couldn't resist. @VoidZero this is for you.

Ahhhhh! Kill the pedo in a fur suit! They are giving hard working mascots like me a very bad image.

Observe! The proper way of conducting business! Dismiss the last panel, it was a editing accident.

Edit: Where did this contract came from?
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] Attempt to humiliate (Chance of being accepted, +1 Prestige and +1 Stability if accepted)
[X] [Berserk] 2 Stability
[X] [Berserk] 1 Stability
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Diplomacy 16 [+1]
Economy 16 [-2+12]
-Sustainable Forests 10/11
-Econ Expansion 6 [+2-12]
Martial 8 (+4) {13}
Wealth 14 [+5-5]

Culture 6
Mysticism 13 (+1) [+1]
Tech 4
Prestige 64

Stability -1 (anxious)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 3
Hierarchy 7
Religious Authority 4
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)


[X] [HK] Attempt to humiliate (Chance of being accepted, +1 Prestige and +1 Stability if accepted)


[X] [Berserk] 3 Stability (requires Token Tribute from TH)

[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[X] [Berserk] No
Take the Stability and try to keep it positive.

Also, Psycho Dragon Lady receiving battle advice from Crow is pretty scary tbh.
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[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[X] [Berserk] 2 Stability
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)

We have an opportunity to make a three front war a one front war. Let's not get greedy

[X] [Berserk] 1 Stability
[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[x] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[x] [Berserk] 1 Stability

After we break the Khemetri we will come back for the Highlanders, we will conquer them I swear to God and Christ and the Holy Ghost we will take them.

But first let's break the Khemetri
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[X] [TH] Demand significant tribute (+4 Wealth, +4 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)

Keep an eye on the prize.