*sniffs* mmm, that china shit.
Soon enough the single hulled ships were able to perform similar feats as they learned the ways of sailing far from shore on purpose. While not as swift as the multi-hulled boats, they were certainly better for river traffic, as they could be lifted out of the water and carried if necessary, where that was basically impossible for the new designs.
What should be done with these new contraptions?
[] [CB] Let other patrons handle this -
Le no.
[] [CB] Simplify construction (-1 Wealth, -2 Tech) -
Lets us make a shitton of crossbows, which I guess is pretty cool amirite??? (Except that we have a bunch of well-trained yeomen cough cough cough)
[] [CB] Increase power (-1 Wealth, -2 Tech) -
Makes our crossbows more powerful but not large. Can probably shoot farther and shoot through armored people. (except that bronze makes armor a bit expensive cough cough cough)
[] [CB] Increase size (-1 Wealth, -3 Tech)
Makes them bigger, and therefore more powerful...? Path to ballista. (good for harassing people from far away except atm our bows can probably shoot as far (cough cough cough)
[] [CB] Increase ease of reloading (-1 Wealth, -3 Tech)
Lets us shoot more bullets. IIRC there's a chinese repeating crossbow that can totally own a group of soldiers at close range, which is pretty nice. (Probably beats bows in most ways)
Iron Mine
[] [WC1] They will have to work out the iron mine on their own -
Le no. Support = Mandala. Mandala = dala
[] [WC1] Send limited assistance for the iron mine (-1 Centralization, -2 Tech) -
Probably yeah
[] [WC1] Send significant assistance for the iron mine (-2 Centralization, -3 Tech) -
Too low cent
Galena Mine
[] [WC2] They will have to work out the galena mine on their own -
Le no
[] [WC2] Send limited assistance for the galena mine (-1 Centralization, -2 Tech) -
Le Yes
[] [WC2] Send significant assistance for the galena mine (-2 Centralization, -3 Tech) -
Le No
Two Kings of the Hill Enter, one leaves!
[] [KotH] Bring it (Declare Great Power War with the Khemetri, both remain King of the Hill status until the end of the war, winner retains it) -
My personal preference, cus then we can just keep our free +diplo and beating them will fuck over their megaproject-ing.
-[] Free Switch to Offensive Policy -
How about no? PttS yo
-[] Free Switch to Defensive Policy -
I kind of want walls >.> But PttS!!!
[] [KotH] Give way (-13 Prestige, -2 Stability, small amount of territory loss, all civs that had the 'Take the Crown CB' gain 'Weak' CB for the next 3 turns) -
No. I want us to keep our stab and prestige. GA BAE
Other Diplo
[] [Diplo] Attempt to bribe the Thunder Horse (Sec Trade Mission + Sec Targeted Salt Gift) -
Why? They're not going to attack us.
[] [Diplo] Attempt to bribe everyone (Main Salt Gift, untargeted) -
[] [Diplo] Hire out Trelli mercenaries (3 companies available) -
Yes!! Let's us not do offensive!!!
-[] One Company (-1 Wealth/turn) -
-[] Two Companies (-2 Wealth/turn) -
-[] Three Companies (-3 Wealth/turn) -
Costs us a lot of wealth but nice!!!
[] [React] Main Raise Army -
[] [React] Found Mercenary Company -
[] [React] Main Build Chariots -
[] [React] Prepare for Casualties (Sec Carrion Eaters + Sec Study Health) -
Maybe! Heroic admin!!
[] [React] War Brings Disease, Prepare (Sec Lower Valleyhome Aqueduct + Sec Redshore Aqueduct) -
Yes!! Moar farms for the baby god!!!
[] [React] Apologize to the Gods and Ancestors Early (Sec Rainbow Trail Temple + Sec Warrior's Rest Temple) -
Fuck the gods! But also this balances out the Dragon Temple!
[X] [CB] Increase ease of reloading (-1 Wealth, -3 Tech)
[X] [WC1] Send limited assistance for the iron mine (-1 Centralization, -2 Tech)
[X] [WC2] Send limited assistance for the galena mine (-1 Centralization, -2 Tech)
[X] [KotH] Bring it (Declare Great Power War with the Khemetri, both remain King of the Hill status until the end of the war, winner retains it)
[X] [Diplo] Hire out Trelli mercenaries (3 companies available)
-[X] Three Companies (-3 Wealth/turn)[/QUOTE]
[X] [React] Found Mercenary Company
[X] [React] Prepare for Casualties (Sec Carrion Eaters + Sec Study Health)
[X] [React] War Brings Disease, Prepare (Sec Lower Valleyhome Aqueduct + Sec Redshore Aqueduct)