If all our neighbors are on fire, we are going to get swarmed with refugees. This will mean stability hits, and overcrowding. Both of which will delay any golden age.
We should avoid overcrowding as that will lead to plague, resulting in many People and refugees dying. Below that point is the goal we should set for ourselves, even if it costs us a golden age. The People have to help. We helped back when we were starving to death during the Great Drought, so we should help when the price is merely not getting into a golden age, especially now when we've never been more able to help.
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I've been wondering but what rumors are there that actually drive people to come to us? They have to have a reason to believe that they could start a new life here.
Because we always accept people, and sometimes actively advertise the fact? Because surely some of them, sometimes, retained some kind of contact with where they came from? Because there are traders in both directions, particularly now that we have trading posts and an active market?
Because we always accept people, and sometimes actively advertise the fact? Because surely some of them, sometimes, retained some kind of contact with where they came from? Because there are traders in both directions, particularly now that we have trading posts and an active market?
Replace "active market" with "hold them by the balls via tin" and you probably get an accurate picture of the vector through which we are known passes along.
hmm, going by how weird the thread is getting I suspect an update will be here soon. AN usually puts out an update around the time the thread descends into total madness.
Anyway how are our food stores again? In the past is was mentioned the people basically don't believe in such things as 'good enough' or 'overkill' and had food stores to last everyone years before needing to be refilled which was more then most civs stored. The taxes screwed with it a bit but except for that one time during the drought we should have MASSIVE food stores due to how large and wealthy we are.

Given we were mentioned in the past as having gone without harvests for the better part of three years... that means we probably store something like a thousand pounds of food. Per person, on average (kids get less, but working men get a lot more). 3 billion pounds of grain and other foodstuffs at any one time.
We have enough food stores to tank up to 6 Environment damage from failed harvests. So yeah.

We had to invent a new number just to count how much grain we have.