Not the time when we gave up food, while we were starving?

I really liked the update where the pregnant refugee traveled through the badlands to reach the People, and thought Valleyhome looked like paradise.
Also, in addition to the "one of" thing, i'll say that while the drought situation was a prouder moment, and a better representation of whats really the core best thing about the People (the selflessness and generosity even when having little...something thats become a bit strained now that we're so rich, hoenstly...), it was so because of selflessness, not so much from accomplishment and badassery. The cholera cure might honestly be the single most concentrated moment of achievement and badassery the People have; our military victories are mostly through better tech or numbers (and the one exception i can think of is the "fuck nomads" bit, and that was more a statement of tenacity than of skill, and probably would have been a Pyrrhic victory if not for iron), Sacred Warding took much longer and was a Hero's work, both sacred forests took generations... defeating Cholera, on the other hand? The work of less than a generation, without a hero, in an automatic kicked (as in "so central to who the people are that they didn't even consider whether to do so, or whether to go all in) response action that saw random People volunteering to die terrible to the new demons plaguing the People--and then gave the results of those sacrifices out to all; iirc the choice was specifically making people take the information even if they didn't want it. That wasn't entirely selfless (because that cure was not perfect, and so having others know it helps us), but its still liekly the most badass thing we've done, accounting for things like "winning handily because of iron isn't exactly super badass, compared to winning handily while at a disadvantage"
List of ways the fire could be literal:
  • Nomads raided someone with a supply of wood pitch in the north and have firebombs
  • the trelli have invented greek fire and have it on their boats
  • A huge dry season causes a massive firestorm
  • whatever others think up.


List of ways the fire could be literal:
  • Nomads raided someone with a supply of wood pitch in the north and have firebombs
  • the trelli have invented greek fire and have it on their boats
  • A huge dry season causes a massive firestorm
  • whatever others think up.
  • Highlanders surveyed so hard they started another Coal Fire. We sigh and contemplate helping them.
@Abby Normal We didn't have iron when we decided a full WRAGH is in order.
Yes, but we got it shortly thereafter, and it played a role in the last fight, iirc? ...Or was it that we drove them off, and the iron was the only reason chasing after them was feasible, but we didn't actually findthem? Hmm...Well, either way, the fact that they did in fact sneak past us and kill a bunch of us, causing the first food shortages in centuries, stands :p

The volunteered to be treated in experimental ways, not be infected. Volunteering to be infected would be a whole 'nother level.
...but all treatments for cholera were experimental at that point, because we'd never seen it yet? And even after we started fighting it but before it was solved, any non-experimental treatments would just be "probably die terribly" anyway. I'm almost certain that was people volunteering to be infected...and i think AN confirmed it at the time, so time to go check for AN posts around then :p
We have enough food stores to tank up to 6 Environment damage from failed harvests. So yeah.

We had to invent a new number just to count how much grain we have.
I think it was mentioned when we were discussing THE BUTTON bit doesn't that mean we can basically take all our people, Three Million People, arm them with spears and stuff and attack someone without having to worry about food? What insanity is this? It would be amazing to see but I don't know anything except something that triggers everything that the people are that would make them want to drop what they are doing to kick someone's teeth in and bury them six feet under.
When I said "his own marinade", you were the him.

Tis not mine, tis Heavens own! As decreed by the Gods on the moment of creation :
Let there be lamb! And so the rock that is earth was made so that the Flock may be raised on it.

Let it be cooked in an oven with herbs and olive oil! And so the many soils, waters and plants of the earth were made to be sustance to the Flock in life, and a cover to them in death.

And let it be served with a glass of claret! And so all the metals of the earth were made so that utensils could be provided.
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