They solo'd the Xoh whilst fighting for the Highlanders, remember their Main force died in a flash flood then the Red Banner came in and stomped the Xoh, also the Thunder Speakers had virtually no military during their uprising aside from the Red Banner. So they've solo'd empires That's a misrepresentation.
They helped TS to defend against their overlords until overlords decided they have better things to do.
Then they went and helped Highlanders to defend against Xoh, who were
pressed by Swamp Folk. It's not like they were ever actually fighing solo or too far from our lands or against full power of an empire: it was always with at least some support, with at least partial supplies, often with one or more heroes and almost never against fully operational empire concentrated on them alone.
None of the above holds true in the hypothetical defense of the Trade Post scenario: Trelli are fully healthy, they do not have anything
as urgent going on (especially if they get the wind of us fielding a lot of iron - they
will ignore everything else and come knocking) and have us safely within their supply range, while we are on the very edge of our supply range while being contested heavily in supplying and RB have literally nobody else to fall back on or even draw rectruits from, because there is not going to be too much colonists.
nah, I don't actually know any history. Don't recall any american colonies that were wiped out by Native Americans blockading their rivers and
starving them out, however.
Yeep. They did not even
need it, despite lower tech. If they had naval dominance, well...that would just be overkill, despite vastly lower tech.
I mean, if Native Americans had better naval forces than colonizers and were not almost all killed by disease, there would not be much if any colonizing happening - certainly none without their explicit approval.
Kind of my point, really: even
with the massive difference in tech, natives can purge the colonists. With smaller tech difference or natives outright having better tech in some areas, well, if they want you to go and stay go, you are kind of fucked.
Your approach isn't something we can do to solve the nomad problem. It's simply leaving us room to deal with the nomad problem if it arises. Is this a correct summation?
No, it is leaving us breathing room to turn on Defensive Polict/Support Subordinate
before they come.
Like, the very next turn we can just send Support Subordinate to some of the northern provinces...or Lowlands if we are concerned about war flaring up yet again there. If we start any new trade post, we cannot really do that - even Far North one requires support to not die due to colder climate. Though it, at least, is not visibly endangered by pissed off rival powers with a big pool of violent people to throw at it.
But, like, point is, overextending is going to hurt everything else we do because, well, there is only so much actions to go around.
I still think that the Trelli are repeating the mistakes of the original lowlanders, hitting a prosperity button over and over. Until the pressure bursts its tank and causes massive casualties.
And the very worst response IMO is to provoke them while their military bubble is expanding. For now they are strong, and we should keep our heads down until they burst. Which they will. They've started a huge round of wars, and no way are they immune.
It's not like we really need the Trelli. We have plenty of alternative sources of wealth, and plenty of worthwhile projects in the east. We could expand our salterns to use up the baby boom! We don't need to step in and deny them the tin, because we don't need to care. If we don't provoke them, they have no reason for nation-level war, and we can soon show their raiders that we're a poor risk/return tradeoff,
if we aren't threatening their strategic trade good.
Basically, I agree with
@veekie that the Trelli might settle the west if we don't, but I say, So what? If we don't start a war, it won't matter much.
Yeah, they are kind of...they will be
very strong for a bit, then they will collapse either from pissing off Tin Tribes until Heroic Martial Leader appears and conquers them or from monetary crisis or from something else.
Mind, they have
the prime spot for controlling trade, so anybody who conquers them is going to get rich too...thus painting target on their back.
Well, barring our trade post west of Trelli blowing up and taking the Red Banner with it. That'd be a lot of stability to lose at once.
Guaranteed -2 from DS and LL, probably -1 from actually losing in a war (although HD might mitigate this one)? So....-2.5 just from the initial hit as a pretty low-end estimate.