Why vote for this you ask?
It is quite simple, the defining feature of our current system is that it is a command economy, which necessitate a gargantuan and, at this level of technology and landmass, unsustainable administration.
All other problems, such as dangers of Subordinate divergence, adminstrive overstretch and inability to adminster large territory stems from this. Double distribution would dramatically change this, this enormous reduction in adminstrive overhead will leave the core free to spend enormous energy and effort into other things, such as war or projects.
As for the settlement, the economy is needed desperately, and it will connect us with our vassals in the lowlands. Most importantly, it will be a test case of a province with a privitisation. A far better test in fact than doing it Secondary, since this will effect a set area and inform us of what troubles it may cause the greater administration if applied and how to adjust accordingly. Before low key large scale applications.
With the adminstrive problem solved, the sky's the limit.