After all the posts and clarifications, I don't get how you could still misunderstand. I'll go over it again.

We currently have the Red Banner Company and they take -1 Wealth per turn. If we found another mercenary company while we still have the Red Banner, we will have 2 mercenary companies meaning we'll have -2 Wealth per turn. If we found another mercenary company after the Red Banner has died off, we will have 1 mercenary company and only have -1 Wealth per turn.

You can figure out the rest of what I was saying from my posts. Don't be wrong again please.
So why exactly do you want to replace our more experienced, more unified and blooded mercenary company for a new unblooded one?
It does not.

We have multiple problems, and they're all aggravating each other:

1) The North doesn't feel connected to the South, and the Hathatyn remnants don't see why they're still sticking around rather than forging their own way, either. New Trails helps with this.

2) We've got vulnerable borders, and if we don't back up our vassals, we risk a Divine Stewards and Lord's Loyalty based cascade failure - failure to protect a subsidiary leads to stability losses leads to subsidiaries breaking off leads to more stability losses. We need to win all our wars and retrench to hedge against this.

3) The big one. Our civilization is too big for our current government to administrate. Roads make it easier for us to send orders around, but they also make it easier for settlements to pass their problems up to the King and increase the number of orders that the King needs to send. The Stallion Tribes alone is already pushing this; trying to add more provinces past them is certainly voting for us to shatter. Fixing this means reforming our government, either through the Palace or through trading to a less centralized government.

Keep in mind that we've been warned that the less centralized government wouldn't be able to carry out the King's expected duties, and that as such it'd probably start a civil war.
1- this is basically fixed via our double-main. It's not quite enough to be perfect, but it's enough to prevent the worst effects.
2- there won't be anyone fighting for a few turns
3- yes. We will have to do some government reformation. Our system doesn't scale, and this is known. Changing it to a different form of government is very useful. While getting the Palace before the transition would be very nice, it's not necessary. We will just have a weaker central government for a little until we build the Palace.

Mind, I'm perfectly OK with Balanced. I just think this is a very good and worthwhile opportunity to take even with its related downsides. AN has repeatedly mentioned how holding the lowlands is a massive boon for whichever country does so, and we have the opportunity to do so.
Yeah we were Pre-Ymaryn and we were inviting in everyone who wanted to join us peacefully, Crows Tribe was one of those who just ignored us and raided anyway. To absorb Crows Tribe we ended up giving them all the warrior jobs, which gave them the best women, food and eventually social positions.
It was peaceful but they took over us because of the Daughter and she did it like that purposefully via her son.
That is not at all what happened.
With the double-main roads this turn solving our primary divergence admin problem, we're in a good position to do the expansion.

It's not an amazing position, but this is a time-limited opportunity due to the disaster. Waiting until we fully fix the problems will lead to the opportunity likely closing. This will likely force us to reform our government system once again, but that's fine.

Mind, I'm not gonna push for Policy:Expansion hard. The integration is necessary, the further expansion would be nice but we have a lot of nice actions. We almost certainly will need to do something to fix our Stability problem, and Enforce Justice is still an amazingly efficient action.

Balanced is pretty reasonable too.
edit: Also we'll be doing at least a double-main against them with Policy:Offensive. With the hero seemingly still around for the start of the attack and our new siege tech, I'll be surprised if they don't give up pretty quickly since they're still taking full damage from the crisis.

Read the quote above- strain, not explode. And with the new trails, we can likely instead trigger an admin improvement.
you're assuming one round of double main roads fixes the issue. You know what they say about assuming right?
So we should recognise that Ash, Crow and the daughter were all horrible people?
Cause otherwise I don't know what he's saying here or how that applies to this debate.
Considering the quote is supposed to be about self-awareness, it doesn't really apply to the debate. It doesn't really matter what they thought of themselves.
Ooh, with the Xoh dead and their empire fractured, I just can't wait until the map is updated!
So we should recognise that Ash, Crow and the daughter were all horrible people?
Cause otherwise I don't know what he's saying here or how that applies to this debate.
We're all horrible people. Until we embrace and integrate our shadow, we may live under the delusion of righteousness. But in that delusion the greatest of evils are committed.

Disclaimer: Any similarity or resemblence to any or all works of Karl Jung are accidental and unintended. Clearly he stole it from the Ymaryn, since he isn't due on the scene for 3 millennia.
Neither of those help admin overload.
point: trails increase infrastructure, allowing better ease of communications and easier transport of materiel and personnel, reducing logistical overload.
Its been explicitly stated by AN that our road situation is a big contributor to several of our overall problems
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The Xoh aren't dead. They still have TH which retains the Xoh, so the Xoh negaverse aren't out of the game.

But by now, everyone is terrified of us.
I can hear the screeching sounds from across the dimensions.

People-Dragon: "Grumble mumble rassa-frassin' kids and their child sacrifice."
*lumbers back into the hills to sleep for a few generations, maybe do some light gardening*
I'm going to be making something. Good job for inspiring me! Thanks!

Oh shiiiiit, I totally forgot about those little guys!

They do look pretty.

A screech tore out of someone's throat.

Slowly, the players leaned back from their computer screens to look around. On one particular screen was a large chunk of red letters. CIVILIZATION CRUSHED. A single moment of silence served as a monument to the small death cries emanating from a pair of headphones. Sharp cackling broke it abruptly. The entire room was soon filled with thigh slapping and high pitched confusion.

"What the fuck was that? What the fuck! What the fuuuck." The Xoh player groaned. Her hands were slapped askew over her eyes. The way she slumped over in her chair was the picture of defeat.

"That's what you get for try to be the Aztecs!" The Thunder Speaker's player shouted while clapping.

"I warned you, I told you that those crazy feathered shits had iron, I told you all!" The right most player's monitor betrayed him as a previously killed off civ. "They took all my shit with three damn heroes. The damn AI!" He started wheezing.

"How the... I thought the Ymmies were supposed to be nice and they cured evil diarrhea-"


"F-ffffuck you my culture was beautiful and my people were amazing! Fucking parasitic shits, I gave them my life's damn work while they shat in hills sucking up Econ mohherfuijikvclb;n WRGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHhhh flip my fuckin tables!"

"Oh em gee. They have a Nomad as their King. I'm looking up the wiki now but the only thing they could have done was shrek you, rip."

"I want to back out of this war now. But I am having too much fun."
My brain is drowning in happy!
I can feel it sloshing around in my skull from laughing to much.
I really, really think an Offense Policy is a bad idea. We'll just have to switch right off it again in a turn or two, since we are full up to the brim on land.
The switch is free this turn, so we would only really be paying for a switch back - and by taking the offensive policy we save an action by being able to use the Double Main + Secondary action set.

Even if we have to switch back next turn, it will still have been worth it.