With the double-main roads this turn solving our primary divergence admin problem, we're in a good position to do the expansion.
It's not an amazing position, but this is a time-limited opportunity due to the disaster. Waiting until we fully fix the problems will lead to the opportunity likely closing. This will likely force us to reform our government system once again, but that's fine.
Mind, I'm not gonna push for Policy:Expansion hard. The integration is necessary, the further expansion would be nice but we have a lot of nice actions. We almost certainly will need to do something to fix our Stability problem, and Enforce Justice is still an amazingly efficient action.
Balanced is pretty reasonable too.
edit: Also we'll be doing at least a double-main against them with Policy:Offensive. With the hero seemingly still around for the start of the attack and our new siege tech, I'll be surprised if they don't give up pretty quickly since they're still taking full damage from the crisis.
Read the quote above- strain, not explode. And with the new trails, we can likely instead trigger an admin improvement.