@ThrawnCA BTW I like your signature. It SOUNDS fairly Kirkegaard; is it a quote from him or someone else?
You're right. We only have two iron mine and a potential secondary source of iron from the copper mine. I thought Hatriver at some point built an iron mine?
No, I went back and looked.

Also, it's really nice to have other people build walls for us. Just sayin'
*hides conquistador hat behind back*
And the more commonplace it is, the better the chance of some curious chap fooling around with it in the presence of a carbon source...

Won't help.

A lot of Iron has carbon above 2% required for steel (Steel being around 1.5 and 2% I think). So we first need to figure out how to get rid of the carbon, then reintroduce it in the desired quantity.

Luckily, our people rather like experimenting, so it's plausible to happen in the next few centuries. That is to say, they figure out how to get rid of the carbon, reintroduce it in the right quantity and notice steels different properties.

What will be much more relevant is wrought iron and blast furnaces. China basically used those for mass producing iron weapons and tools by just pouring the molten metal in forms, which allowed them to make truly staggering (for the time) amounts of equipment.
Won't help.

A lot of Iron has carbon above 2% required for steel (Steel being around 1.5 and 2% I think). So we first need to figure out how to get rid of the carbon, then reintroduce it in the desired quantity.

Luckily, our people rather like experimenting, so it's plausible to happen in the next few centuries. That is to say, they figure out how to get rid of the carbon, reintroduce it in the right quantity and notice steels different properties.

What will be much more relevant is wrought iron and blast furnaces. China basically used those for mass producing iron weapons and tools by just pouring the molten metal in forms, which allowed them to make truly staggering (for the time) amounts of equipment.
The iron we have is wrought iron. That's what bloomeries produce.
The Caspian Sea has showed up! The nomads who showed up after we killed off all the nearby nomads? They were from the northern shore of a body of saltwater that's got mountains on the other side. That's a (very crude) description of a people who live on the coast of the Caspian Sea.
If I recall from that description, it was specifically noted it was a Dead Sea analogue.
Could have sworn it was the other way around.

Still, steel is unlikely. We are more likely to see better processes first that make iron more economical as those are much easier for the Ymaryn. A Blast Furnace for example, is a fairly simple concept once someone gets the idea.
Could have sworn it was the other way around.

Still, steel is unlikely. We are more likely to see better processes first that make iron more economical as those are much easier for the Ymaryn. A Blast Furnace for example, is a fairly simple concept once someone gets the idea.

Right now we are waiting for belows, and i think it won't take to much for it to be invented
Ah... yes, the secret of iron, which we got by... holy vision from Crow, and definitely not by committing sacrilege with their sacred pots.

I wonder, do we remember how it was iron was discovered? Did that mad genius get ascended to godhood yet?
Lao, is that you?

I'm thinking we should switch policy to Progress next turn and do Study actions, that way we can make the most out of Lolwyna while we have her. Our tech could boom with that level of dedication combined with her Heroic Mysticism.
As DragonParadox said, I think we also need to do Snails (to beat back Trelli trade dominance a bit) and probably something to recoup Stability if we take that hit to -1 from letting Lolwyna loose in the tailings pits, but I'm definitely down with giving Progress a whirl.
I seem to remember reading something about the coastline of the Black sea looking different (i.e. no Crimea) in the bronze age. I believe it was backed up by archeological finds of settlements below the current water line. Similar to Doggerland. However, please double check as I believe the same google image surf also unearthed sites on atlantis and the biblical flood (as well as Doggerland) and I did not have time to do fact checking. The aral sea has also changed drastically in the last few decades. So it's not like coastlines in the area can't change.
Well, I don't know too much about Crimea, but I find it unlikely that it would build up that fast. Still, let's see.

*Takes a look at Crimea and instantly notices the mountain range.*

Haha, nope. Well let's see what some geologic history can be found on google.

A disturbing lack (in my five-ish minutes of searching), but there was some archaeology that shows human occupation the mountains around 32,000 years ago, so I'm going to have to go with saying that site is as suspicious in its conclusions as you were afraid.
Making Lolwyna a King might induce a stability loss.
Not locally, no.

Globally, you're second place.

Second place. Second place. Second place.

And wow. We are probably not the best. Let us hope that the first place guys are the nice guys.

The rich people to the south-west you have only heard the vaguest rumours of.

They also have more population than you.

The Not!Egyptians. Damn.