Critical priorities:
1) Dye. We're about to lose dominance and thus stability. Fix it ASAP.
2) Periphery States. Rediculously useful, so make more. Every single one is a full main/secondary spread every turn. They cost a lot of resources though.

High priorities:
1) Stability to 2 or 3.
2) Census. Stupidly useful for government administration tracking.
3) Palace. Centralized administration, likely increased legitimacy.
4) Province: establish one more for another action

Moderate priorities:
1) Centralization is still low. Get it to golden (and NOT RED)
2) Dominate more trade to get more income
3) Temples to get religious authority to ~2 so we can spend it without marginalizing our most intellectual group and crippling our research efforts.

tbh, we can't really afford to lose land at all, so we really have to turtle on Marches and use the spare spaces for whatever we want.
Especially since cavalry is appearing, and from what others are saying this is the tipping point at which nomads move to "holy shit they're killing everybody."
So I'd prioritize Marches a little more heavily, along with a higher Martial focus.
Think Golden Horde for Horse Nomads.

This is how much they conquered.
Right now our North East is weak and relies on the ST to handle any threats coming from that side. I think it's a good idea to set up a March there before or after we integrate the HatRiver March.
[information=I want you all to clap and congratulate]@Powerofmind for getting a post in after I locked the thread; that's impressive man. Also thread has been reopened, have fun, debate in good faith, don't talk to strangers.[/information]
YAY I'M A SPECIAL BOY! I DON'T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED EITHER! (probably posted within the same second, yours just queued up first)

I think we should expand north. I want big trees and knowledge of how to deal with colder winters.
Given that, honestly it might not be a terrible idea to keep religious authority relatively low. Not at 0, but we don't always want the priests to be able to overrule the king, especially since this is a centralization-type stat where we don't seem to have a way of lowering it outside of events.

I'll also note that having a strong shaman counterbalance to the king has helped in the past against the threat of corrupt kings; I know during one of my many WoG searches i ran across AN confirming that our religious system was helping to guard against...some pitfall of ancient autocrats i think? I'll see if i can find the actual quote in a bit...
I found the quote i was looking for, it was actually about slowing the rise of patriarchy:
It's very much a pernicious feedback loop wherein someone looks around, sees that the council is full of men who got there because their fathers were really good at hitting people and thus got into leadership positions and could teach their sons both fighting and management skills, and then conclude that women must not make good leaders. The shamans very certainly help and have kept the People from descending down that path as quickly as their neighbours, but that fix can be dangerous when the king decides that his latest failure is from hostile magic and thus the only magic that should be allowed will be in the hands of his supporters and it thus becomes very easy to root out non-state magicians by looking for an easily identifiable trait such as ethnicity or gender. This, incidentally, was where the original witch hunts came from: it was a pre-Christian Roman practice because they figured that only the people in charge should have magic and thus prosecuted anyone perceived of as being a witch. It was also, as later, often a way of stripping old widows of their property instead of waiting for them to die, possibly to pass it on to someone the central authorities don't like.
I also found a quote about when the True City check is done, though i'm not really sure if this means "the check has already occurred for this turn, at the start of the mid-turn" (in which case we're safe so long as we eat up slots next turn even if our new limit is <15) or "the check will occur after the actions from this current update/mid-turn, at the end of the turn barring another midturn" (In which case if the limit is <15 we lose the true city temporarily):
End the turn at the limit. It actually assesses at the mid-turn.
YAY I'M A SPECIAL BOY! I DON'T KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED EITHER! (probably posted within the same second, yours just queued up first)

I think we should expand north. I want big trees and knowledge of how to deal with colder winters.

If we settle in deep enough, it's another defensible location that the nomads can't or won't fight in.
I'd like to keep one periphery state slot open so that if we get the opportunity to diplovassalize the metal workers we can take it.
Critical priorities:
1) Dye. We're about to lose dominance and thus stability. Fix it ASAP.
2) Periphery States. Rediculously useful, so make more. Every single one is a full main/secondary spread every turn. They cost a lot of resources though.

High priorities:
1) Stability to 2 or 3.
2) Census. Stupidly useful for government administration tracking.
3) Palace. Centralized administration, likely increased legitimacy.
4) Province: establish one more for another action

Moderate priorities:
1) Centralization is still low. Get it to golden (and NOT RED)
2) Dominate more trade to get more income
3) Temples to get religious authority to ~2 so we can spend it without marginalizing our most intellectual group and crippling our research efforts.


Hmm. I rate the Palace as a Critical and Census as High, because we are a centralized government and having a central place for that government makes sense to me that it would ease a lot of our admin stress. The census will probably help equally, but in a different area of administration. It also makes sense to me to have the palace in place to store the Census records.

Dye I rate as High/Critical(?). Not sure how bad it is gonna be. If it it is really bad next update then it is a Critical and we should do a Main Snails at least.

Now that I think about it and that it has been brought up I rate a NE March as a Critical too.
I am currently extremely confused about the geography. We're supposed to be in a Mediterranean climate, but just from my best guess the taiga is the same distance from the Ymaryn as the Xoh are? WHAT?!
I am currently extremely confused about the geography. We're supposed to be in a Mediterranean climate, but just from my best guess the taiga is the same distance from the Ymaryn as the Xoh are? WHAT?!
You know the sea that's north-east of the Mediterranean? We're on the east part of that sea. That said, AN has changed the climate so that that bit is warmer than it is in real life.

EDIT: The taiga is probably due to a river that doesn't exist in real life that goes up to Russia/Scandinavia.
I am currently extremely confused about the geography. We're supposed to be in a Mediterranean climate, but just from my best guess the taiga is the same distance from the Ymaryn as the Xoh are? WHAT?!
We are on the east coast of the Not!Black Sea where modern Georgia would be and the Trelli are on the Not!Bosporus. However we have been shifted south to where the Med should be, the Not!Mediterranean getting shifted south as well.

E: Oh wait doh. Not quite your question. Uhh as to the taiga, I'd say it's a case of AN messing with the climate controls again. Some ocean currents must be funky, or we went a lot further than your guess.
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Someone was talking about greenhouses a while back, and with us discovering glass I wanted to look into them a bit.

The Romans created the first known greenhouses in 30 BC, so that Emperor Tiberius could have cucumbers and medicinal herbs year round. It seems like they were limited more by having an impetus to create them, rather than technical barriers. These "specularium" used oiled cloth or selenite for the barrier. Specularium seem to have only existed on fairly small scales, with 30 gardeners tending to Tiberius' vegetables.

Modern greenhouses were first created by the Italians in the 1200s, to create botanical gardens that their explorers could bring exotic plants back to. These larger, more practical greenhouses require the invention of some method of producing sheets of glass, like broad sheet glass or crown glass.
Hmm. I rate the Palace as a Critical and Census as High, because we are a centralized government and having a central place for that government makes sense to me that it would ease a lot of our admin stress. The census will probably help equally, but in a different area of administration. It also makes sense to me to have the palace in place to store the Census records.
I really don't see how that follows. The Palace is for hosting the King, doing diplomacy and public events, things like that. If you just want to store records make a library.

The Census is far more important for admin stress. The Palace is for making people believe in the government and to make the King have an awesome house.
Walking a forest up the entire river would give us a ridiculously long and vulnerable border. Constant nomad raiding.

Not if we are able to prop up marches and terraform the place. ;)

Imagine the water channel network and lush forests as far as the eye can see.

"We made that." The hard working Ymaryn farmer said.
"We defended them so it's possible." Said the brave Ymaryn warrior.

Fighting for the people's living space!
I really don't see how that follows. The Palace is for hosting the King, doing diplomacy and public events, things like that. If you just want to store records make a library.

The Census is far more important for admin stress. The Palace is for making people believe in the government and to make the King have an awesome house.

I think of it as the whitehouse, or alternately, a big building that not only house the king but the entire bureaucracy.
Uh, you can get from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea with one or two portages in real life?

EDIT: Yeah, sail up the Don, portage over to the Volga, sail up to Rynbinsk, portage to the Neva's basin.
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Can you at least give me a place in the mythology man?

Alongside the Glorious Gwygoytha and the Cunning Crow exist the Mysterious ManusDomine. He is known among the people as the bringer of order and slayer of the wicked. Punishing those who would use the words of the gods for their own mischief.

In more recent times he has been used by parents as way to keep children in line when they cause a ruckus and refuse to do what their told.
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I really don't see how that follows. The Palace is for hosting the King, doing diplomacy and public events, things like that. If you just want to store records make a library.

The Census is far more important for admin stress. The Palace is for making people believe in the government and to make the King have an awesome house.
This comes from my knowledge that in the past that Palace's were evolved from storehouses for food, a very admin heavy task and then became places of living and governance.

I am seeing the palace as the King's House for diplomatic affairs, but since the King is the head of our Bureaucracy, it is also the Bureaucracies house and where it can put a central point to opperate out of.