hmmm... i picked Crow since he is our first god, the god that we created and the god that we exported... the harvest goddess is somewhat of a mash-up of foreign goddesses (Macra (HK) and Gasania (TH))... so i'm pretty meh on that... sorry for the xenophobic voting... sometimes i forget that i'm not in the WH40k universe..:p

edit: checking again on the Local Religions tab, and our harvest goddess seems to be pretty new...

@Academia Nut since when did we start having a Harvest Goddess?
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I was thinking it would let us overflow martial safely, since it would give our people a safe and excepted output for their aggression.
I think the best we could hope for there is having the new festival cost martial to implement. The only way to genuinely stop the problem of too many troops is closer to having a real police force, and not the ad hoc police force of blackbirds we currently have. That would be a government reform most likely.

Speaking of which, I think I undersold the importance of the Grand Palace. What we're currently doing is literally a religious reform. This means a lot of very interesting and important things. A possible theory would be that this would do something like give us a piety stat, or refine our mysticism stat. We should actually expect very big things once we finish this megaproject, and Grand Palace is likely going to be that, only for government.
do we know why our marches were sending trade missions to the nomads?

To check if they need to punch the new guys. Answer: before the drought maybe no, after definitely yes.

Have we just had shit Study Stars rolls recently or were we just absolutely stupidly lucky before? Did the Study Stars help give us warning about the drought like how it gave us the Baby Boom?

Study Stars never did that, you just saw a bunch of coincidences.

Is there a chance for us to get/develop greater good if we get an empty slot?


Ah, and that there might be the use of the Trade Post their Southbound traders go across the sea or by land?


Is grain trade getting to the stage where it's practical to trade dye and salt for food and bring it home?


How extensive are our fisheries? Are they improving with all the boats we build for them?

Fishing improves with more boats, hence why you gain Econ Expansion.

since when did we start having a Harvest Goddess?

When I realized you had a major gap and went all "Oh, she's been around for a while, just forgot to mention her" :p
A fair enough argument, though we shouldn't delude ourselves too much in thinking that we're going to do extended projects on a fequent basis. That said, the Library should be relatively cheap compared to the Saltern and Aqueducts. It might not even be an actual extended project.
Library would likely cost Mysticism to make more of, so while it might be cheaper timewise, costwise I suspect it to be impressive.

I suppose this is an interesting enough topic as, despite our claims to the otherwise, voting who to enshrine will mostly be about personal preference and we've mostly discussed the implications so people can make an informed decision based off of that.
To us yes, to the People, it's deeply disturbing to have the wise, all knowing shamans arguing in public over their interpretations of how spirits work, especially when everyone believed it was a different thing.

Doubly so when some aspects of it would seem heretical, like different attitudes of nudity in different areas, where one place says it shows off the bounty of the earth and the other thinks it's heretical to direct your lusts at the gods.

And then there's the arguments over a woman god of kings, when all can see kings are all men, of the northern provinces and migrants believing a king should be fit to lead in war while the southern provinces know that only someone old has the wisdom to lead the People.

And THEN people get...vigorous over issues like hairstyles, of the importance or lack of various accessories, like why isn't fish reflected in the bounty of the harvest, whether the harvest goddess should be armed, whether Crow would be more man, bird, or that nightmarish spider eye thing, etc.

We got a heated debate here and that's after the shamans working their issues out over 2 generations. If they had to decide on a central idol and how to best decorate it I think there might be a few priests who accidentally fell down a waterfall at some point.
The Mountain: Effectively a luxury megaproject, and really the least needed. That said, it is a pretty safe way of massively improving our engineering abilities. The result will be unimpressive, the important thing here is the act of building. It might be wise to build this before the dam in hopes of more greatly improving the dam.
Different kinds of techniques I think. A Ziggurut is about moving large amounts of stone more than anything else, while a Dam is about keeping stone standing against a sidewise force and moisture.

For dam experience, the best we can get is lots of aqueducts, and more Massive walls. Those have more connection to the process than Zigguruts.
The Mountain: This is going to be a major project that will take a good deal of time. I'm going to have to disagree with veekie that we can afford to rush this all the way through, as the construction process will involve careful forethought and figuring out how to build tall before we actually put our back into it. I'd give this roughly 3-5 turns.
Not so much. Zigguruts are naturally stable shapes, which is why you can build them to truly bullshit sizes. The primary challenge is making sure the stones are moved and fit, which IS a problem throwing lots of dudes at can solve.

Quantity has a quality of its own after all. Moving HUGE amounts of stone is very different and likely highly taxing on our trails. Can you imagine what moving 1 ton slabs of stone is going to do to our current gravel trails?
But I don't think we should take from the Highlands Kingdom. They're still very much assholes and we don't really want to emulate them. (Even the Xohyssiri would still be better as we won't take their sacrifice trait (way too different from our own values) but they still have lots of trade values.) Instead, I think we should take our boats, send them to far-off lands, and find more reasonable people to take values from.
Eh, we know a few things:
-Most new traits have to do with honor or wealth creation.
-The Highland Kingdom had only Order Above All as their compatible and non redundant trait previously.
--Recent events indicate the lack of a martial honor trait.
--Recent events include a rabid fortification spree.

We can theorize that they took their variant of Gardeners we taught them back then and turned it into a Defend Your Land trait of some form.
They likely still prize Order Above All, but it may have evolved due to the assassination based social unrest they get every couple of generations

-The Metal Workers almost certainly are packing some kind of Greed/Metal Extraction trait. Their entire society more or less revolves around it, and their river had well...turned green from mine discharge.

This is no longer incompatible with our culture now that we lost Humility, and it's not strictly exclusive with communal property anyways.
Might cause friction with Divine Stewards eventually though

-The Thunder Speakers used to have all the Nomad Martial Honor and Nepotism Traits. The Martial Honor probably got changed, but we don't know what. It's not a compatible spiritual trait apparently.

So still a bad-ish idea.

-The Thunder Horse, we know shit all about, other than their all being in feuding provinces and being raid happy to the extent that they ALL picked up Massive walls to keep up.

So still a bad-ish idea.

-The Xohyssiri have gone maximum Capitalism + Child Sacrifice. They probably have more wealth related traits yet, and are basically relying on All The Overflow to stay viable, converting Economy cheaply into Stability.

Without The Greater Good, their traits don't benefit us nearly as much. They act as an Expansive trade power, where they are the most convenient place to trade in the region and thus get a big flow of trade goods. We are the Gateway trade power, where we sit on terrible terrain for trade, but we have access to cultures that normally never meet due to hostile terrain and hostile 'terrain'(i.e. Nomads)

I don't think it'll work as you think it will. Rather, I think the fact that it's unknowable but knowable makes it more prone to sect divisions. Everyone starts out not knowing, then someone thinks they found out something, and then others either believe him or they don't believe him.

Any of the other interpretations would be the ones resistant to sect divisions, especially alien but unknowable. Someone would go "I know how to interpret Crow correctly! Listen to me!" and the others would go "Bullshit. No one can know him."
You can see how the Greeks handled it. They had a Public sect of each god, with variants for each city-state, and then secret cults for sect divisions. As a result, there was little religious strife generated, as the sect are segregated.

Likewise, polytheistic faiths like Taoism, Shinto and Hinduism do not face much sect strife, as you can always declare an alternative interpretation to be it's OWN deity or Aspect and spin that off.
Strife is limited to when a subsect's practices(i.e. some of Kali's followers) are aggressive assholes about it.

It's mainly centralized monotheistic faiths which run into the problem. Abrahamics and Buddhists, while their central theology is very stable, tends to break instead of bend when it comes to alternate interpretations of Truth.
I would like to point out that we are not assholes and that is therefore proof that there might be other people who aren't assholes. (It's also proof that people should stop wanking on about how we should be assholes because it shouldn't be possible for a civ in this era to not be assholes according to them, but that's besides the point.) At the very least we might find some people who aren't quite as much of an asshole as our neighbours.
If you want to find a non-asshole civilization you need to look for geographical barriers. Anyone who has to wage a lot of war will become assholes by picking up war-traits and slavery, because they're significantly superior if you spend a lot of your time at war.

The problem with finding people in geographical barriers is that they don't usually come out much...
I have a sudden urge to do something completely stupid, but likely awesome.

Change Policy-Restoration
Main-Improve Festival

If we are at least at 0 Stability, this means they will likely try to increase stability with a festival
Enter at least a double main, if not triple main festival backed by symphony.

What do people think would happen?
He said that we can, after we research such things as trains and telegraphs.
I don't think our civil will last that long, maybe some form of it, like how the modern nation of Egypt is another form of Ancient Egypt, but I doubt we will survive without being destroyed and vassalised at least a couple dozen times
@Academia Nut
@Academia Nut
Trade Chief & Spirit Chief - What do you guys know about the cultures and practices of our current neighbors and trade partners?
Was this answered?
hmmm... i picked Crow since he is our first god, the god that we created and the god that we exported... the harvest goddess is somewhat of a mash-up of foreign goddesses (Macra (HK) and Gasania (TH))... so i'm pretty meh on that... sorry for the xenophobic voting... sometimes i forget that i'm not in the WH40k universe..:p

edit: checking again on the Local Religions tab, and our harvest goddess seems to be pretty new...

@Academia Nut since when did we start having a Harvest Goddess?
Considering we probably pick up disproportionately large numbers of refugee farmers from the lowlands, they probably brought their own.
Can we send a Diplo/War mission to them like we did to that early refugee group saying "Fertilize or become Fertilizer"?
These guys did though? They decided to Trade on the basis that they can't survive trading blows.
I have a sudden urge to do something completely stupid, but likely awesome.

Change Policy-Restoration
Main-Improve Festival

If we are at least at 0 Stability, this means they will likely try to increase stability with a festival
Enter at least a double main, if not triple main festival backed by symphony.

What do people think would happen?
We stop working on Temple for one, which opens up strife. So no, not happening.
--Recent events indicate the lack of a martial honor trait.
First of all, do you really think that the Highlands Kingdom has gone through centuries of war without developing a martial honour trait? Second, what recent events indicate a lack of martial honour trait? They could well have the same ones as us, really.
First of all, do you really think that the Highlands Kingdom has gone through centuries of war without developing a martial honour trait? Second, what recent events indicate a lack of martial honour trait? They could well have the same ones as us, really.
A Martial Honor trait is specifically glory through war. That our negotiations, as poorly as they went, succeeded indicates that they face no difficulty ending a fight that way.

If we had the same event with the Thunder Speakers in the past, or with the Nomads, we'd have gone to war. They'd have to take Stability hits to NOT answer the offense.
I don't think our civil will last that long, maybe some form of it, like how the modern nation of Egypt is another form of Ancient Egypt, but I doubt we will survive without being destroyed and vassalised at least a couple dozen times
We've been doing pretty well so far, surviving famine, plague, Total War (nomads), and even tax reform. Food, plague, and war cannot kill us.

Since you mentioned vassalisation as something that'll happen to us often, I'll address that. You are dead wrong. The great nomad war we fought is proof that we could've survived anything that was thrown at us. Since then we've gotten iron. Since then we got Love of Philosophy, which is bound to give us a steep tech advantage over our neighbours in time. There is no military in the known world that can defeat our army in the field of battle, much less in our home turf.

There is no external enemy that can defeat us. Disease cannot kill us; our medical technology means the worst it can do is hurt us. Famine cannot kill us; our agricultural practices and storage policies means that the worst it can do is hurt us. War cannot kill us; our numbers and our iron weapons means that the worst an empire can do is hurt us.

The only thing that can kill the Ymaryn is the Ymaryn. At no point in time has our civilisation been so close to collapse as when we were at Stability -2, or during the tax reform. It's our weak spot, one we must always keep covered. If we do that, the civilisation we have built will stand the test of time.

A Martial Honor trait is specifically glory through war. That our negotiations, as poorly as they went, succeeded indicates that they face no difficulty ending a fight that way.

If we had the same event with the Thunder Speakers in the past, or with the Nomads, we'd have gone to war. They'd have to take Stability hits to NOT answer the offense.
I'm pretty sure the -5 Diplomacy covered the Stability hits they otherwise would've taken. They got major recompense for what happened - the equivalent of a Salt Gift given solely to them. The realities of fighting a two-front war would've also reduced the chance of a Stability hit. Could also be that they valued not getting into a two-front war more than taking a Stability hit.

There are so many reasons why they didn't go to war with us, all of which make more sense than "they don't have a Martial Honour trait".
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Would that be what we get from expanding black soil more? Early Gunpowder? Granted, it would most likely go towards fireworks.
Most likely.

The Chinese found it by having a few of their shit and piss pits becoming "vigorous" *wiggles eyebrows*. <- (this is what I vaguely remember, could be wrong)

I mean what are the components of black powder (early gunpowder)?



Potassium nitrate (Other nitrates work to apparently)

What is in the black soil pits?

Rotting bio matter (A source of possible nitrates, possibly potassium nitrate)

Some sulfur compounds from waste (small amounts usually unless the right circumstances occur)

Charcoal from burning and that we mix in before hand

We've been unlucky so far that the right mix hasn't been found yet, but all the ingredients should be there, or able to be found and accidentally mixed in.

I'm confident we have a very high nitrate content in our Black Soil because it is so fertile and nitrogen is an important fertilizer component for plants.
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I get the feeling that veekie is going to keep pushing aginst getting the dam until it is downgraded from a great project to an extended project. First it was: we need more experience building walls and step-farms. Then it was: we need experience building walls at sea. Now its: we need more experience building aqueducts and massive walls.

Its okay to not want to ever build the dam. I'm just getting annoyed by these constantly shifting goalposts.
You know, I find the results of the abstraction of gaining economic slots hilarious. Theoretically this means we have infinite slots to grow forests in, despite having limited land. I suppose AN will likely just cap us on forest coverage after a certain point. Still, I can dream!
You know, I find the results of the abstraction of gaining economic slots hilarious. Theoretically this means we have infinite slots to grow forests in, despite having limited land. I suppose AN will likely just cap us on forest coverage after a certain point. Still, I can dream!
All the trees shall touch and there shall be no space between. And lo, Crow shall caw and the Lowlanders will suddenly wonder "Where the fuck did this fcuk-hueg Tree come from?!".
-Early Islamic Scholars felt that advancing their understanding of God without a Prophet bringing His Word directly must be done through the study of the world and reality itself through geometry, patterns and naturalism, as God's hand and breath shapes all things.
To give some extra clarification, while you are not wrong, the justification isn't correct. The Islamic scholars doesn't feel, but they got the word directly. Both the Prophet and Qur'an have stressed the importance of the faithful to gain more knowledge of the world around them. One of the strongest Hadith (Words of The Prophet) is simply, "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave." Mosques themselves have a double purpose as a place of natural learning before it got split in purpose to proper university and schooling system.

And what is more is that the advancement of knowledge is supported with the patronage of the Caliphates who take the lessons of the Qur'an to heart when it comes to advancing science and culture. In the current mechanic terms, it would be as if the Golden Age of Islam is activated by maining Art Patronage alongside Study Actions to create a Mysticism and Art overflow.

To correlate with the Ymaryn, it is possible that we will be pseudo-Islam in that regard should "Alien but Knowable" win and combined with our Love for Wisdom trait.