Yes. Because if we don't do it the cost will only snowball as our logistics are stretched HARD to do the work.

Thats why we need to do it while we still can afford to.
A settlement boosts economic productivity and cuts costs in exchange for a startup cost.
Were currently in a mega project which cost's us a economic point a turn, if you set up a settlement the startup cost will drive us to 0 next turn.
Do we not have to include the [Secondary] tag this time around? I noticed a lot of people not using it.
There is absolutely nothing that says people need more managed forests or animal labor. In fact, on expanding forests in particular, we are already working well beyond the influence zone of our settlements. They should be taken if you want resources from the forests for the megaproject, but the forests well beyond what we would expand for more resources have already been dealt with.

They're explicitely surviving by being a trade center and gaining gifts alone. They'd be very profitable to trade with for our luxury goods and we'd get a much wider variety.
Aka they produce nothing special but might give us the things that the poor tribes in the area give to them...? None of which were noted in the text and therefore are probably not notable...? Compared to the high-quality textile land, or the Northern Nomads and Western Confederacy who might slowly be lured into our sphere through trade, and who presumably have goods of equal value to that of the poor tribes upon which the ST prey.

They improved a step in the process, namely grinding up the 'char' (whatever step that is, I'm not paying attention). That helps part of the workload, but their is still a (some of it literal) shit-ton of other unpleasantness to do. They tolerate it because it's important, but it's still just that: tolerating an unpleasant truth.

Also, screw it, I'll go with a new logistical hub in the area (still getting snails to try and keep up with trade):

[X] [Secondary] New Settlement
[X] Expand Snail Cultivation
Char = the burned trees which makes the charcoal that is a key ingredient in the black dirt. Leading to us being able to grind up wheat, too.

Next would be animal-powered stirrers, probably, tbh. Or a way of speeding up the fermentation/aging process.

Oh look, I say it and it comes out there. They're literally stirring shit. Nobody likes it. The people who do it are literally forced to do it. It is unpleasant work that nobody wants to do, seeing as there's no FUCKING VOLUNTEERS!
It being, "I will ignore it" or what, the shit? Which no one who isn't our untouchable caste is being forced to stir? And which we are presumably just diverting more of them to doing as other people take over the more pleasant or less unpleasant tasks?

We should make it a structured part of our justice system. Break the law and you get to stir shit for a few months.
That's basically what we already have.
Our megaproject is costing all we got for producing black soils, and we may have just made enough.

Next turn, our black soil is probably going into surplus, which should produce an extra economy point.

The problem is, we don't know what kind of startup cost our settlement have. For all we know, we might get hit by another set of drought, or maybe even cold weathers.
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Black Soil - Production is now regular and huge amounts of trash are turned to black soil every year, but there's always room for more production [Gardeners] [King]
Build Wall - Long experience with retaining walls has lead to the idea of a settlement wall for protection (Coastal village completed)
Build War Wagons - Increasing the number of war wagons would increase the general strategic and battlefield mobility of forces, although would be expensive to do so
Establish Annual Festival - People already like to celebrate at certain times of the year, but with the level of control over food distribution a new and particularly lavish festival can be established
Expand Farms - The people have brought an enormous amount of land under cultivation in the valley, but there is more available in more marginal areas, and in the forests around the fishing village
Expand Fishing - There are managed cultivation zones along the shore, and dedicating more people to the tasks can increase the yields of fish and luxuries brought in
Expand Managed Forests - There are many forests throughout the hills about the various forests that could be brought under proper management
Expand Pasture - While the traders mostly just take their animals where there is good grazing, specific areas can be set aside around the settlements that can be made ideal for the protected grazing of herds
Expand Place to Spirits - The current place dedicated to the spirits and wisdom is nice, but it could be bigger and grander...
Expand Snail Cultivation - While now more reliably grown and harvested, the snail domestication has only managed to hold environmental changes at bay rather than increase production. More investment would increase cultivation
Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
New Settlement - The land is not particularly good for farming in between the valley and the sea, but there are places where a settlement could be set up, serving as a stop over point along the journey between the two settlements
New Trails - The settlements in the valley and the coast are well tied together, but there are new contacts to the north who could be better tied together
Step-Farms - Step farms have been established and have grown across the valley, but there are still plenty of hills to resculpt [Gardeners][King]
Trade Mission - Sending a major caravan to another large group can bring new opportunities and find out more about the outside world
War Mission - You can send raiding parties against groups that have declared themselves hostile

Mega-Projects - Mega-Projects can require many generations to complete, take an unknown amount of time to do so, and drain Econ while active, but can produce massive benefits once complete. Once chosen, the occupy the Main Focus slot until either completed or stopped early. Early stopping once started does not refund any of the investments and increases social strife. To reduce confusion, mega-projects are not listed as part of the voting project list and must be "written-in".
Fight Forest Blight - Something is going wrong in a number of wild forests, and generations of intervention may be required to stop it [Gardeners][King] (Active)
Grand Canal - The hills between the valley and the sea are rough and the rivers there fast and wild. In one man's dream there is the vision of an artificial river cut through the land, tame and managed [Gardeners][King]
Great Dam - The river can run wild and dangerous when the rains come strong, but could it not be controlled by the same principles by which the water on the hills is channelled and contained, merely on a larger scale? [Gardeners][King]

New Settlement - The land is not particularly good for farming in between the valley and the sea, but there are places where a settlement could be set up, serving as a stop over point along the journey between the two settlements

Because you are outright wrong. Its next to the Holy Place, which is where the Blight IS that isn't already covered by settlements
Veekie, how about you read the desripitions of the choices before you make a nasty mistake.
We should make it a structured part of our justice system. Break the law and you get to stir shit for a few months.
To be completely honest, it literally already is part of our justice system. The most unappealing work is left as punishment for lawbreakers. We're just running out of lawbreakers to do the work, so we're forcing the common class to take part.
It being, "I will ignore it" or what, the shit? Which no one who isn't our untouchable caste is being forced to stir? And which we are presumably just diverting more of them to doing as other people take over the more pleasant or less unpleasant tasks?
You ignoring the quoted section in your delusional argument that people like the job. We know that everyone is forced to do it, because it is necessary work and there's not enough people doing it now. You're the nutbar arguing that if we expose them to it long enough they'll get fucking stockholm syndrome and not kick up a fuss about having to do it more than they already have to.
Were currently in a mega project which cost's us a economic point a turn, if you set up a settlement the startup cost will drive us to 0 next turn.

And if we don't, even if we spam economy boost actions we're going to hit negatives the turn after.

If we do a new settlement, we hit 0 next turn, then will be able to take Manage forest and pastures more cheaply to stay at 0 for the next 3 turns of the project

You need to cut the cost, or you WILL get crushed by it.
And if we don't, even if we spam economy boost actions we're going to hit negatives the turn after.

If we do a new settlement, we hit 0 next turn, then will be able to take Manage forest and pastures more cheaply to stay at 0 for the next 3 turns of the project

You need to cut the cost, or you WILL get crushed by it.
Or you know we continue as we are now and either stay at 2 or go down to 1. By Which point we only have one more turn and can take the hit or we finished the project. By which point our Economy will bounce back up due to no longer diverting resources and whatever benefits we receive from it.
We only need to pull this off for 1-2 turns. So once we do that we can very easily make our economy bounce back. After we deal with the blight. We can take a couple of turns focusing heavily on farming and making a new settlement.

To be completely honest, it literally already is part of our justice system. The most unappealing work is left as punishment for lawbreakers. We're just running out of lawbreakers to do the work, so we're forcing the common class to take part.

You ignoring the quoted section in your delusional argument that people like the job. We know that everyone is forced to do it, because it is necessary work and there's not enough people doing it now. You're the nutbar arguing that if we expose them to it long enough they'll get fucking stockholm syndrome and not kick up a fuss about having to do it more than they already have to.

One of the big changes was that as the black soil production was expanded, there weren't enough half-exiles to do some of the tasks and thus people who weren't particularly in trouble had to rotate turns tending to certain pit tasks.

The job of working the soil pits is relegated to prison duty. You can argue a thousand long-term consequences of actions with me, but you can't argue that prison work is popular.
What did I ignore? Here's a summary of our interaction:
You: They have to do prison tasks! SO OF COURSE THEY'RE UNHAPPY!
Me: 1) Sure, doing "prison tasks" would make people unhappy but a) if enough non-prisoners do them they will cease to be considered prison tasks, so their status in society will change so people will not be unhappy with doing "prison tasks," b) the tasks they're doing aren't that disgusting, for example the only guy who was discussed was just grinding char. 2) Also, how do we know they're unhappy? Find an example saying they are, just in case our assumptions aren't wrong. They're needed to do them but it isn't forced on them.
You: *quotes a passage describing how people are made to do the same tasks as half-exiles*
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What did I ignore? Here's a summary of our interaction:
You: They have to do prison tasks! SO OF COURSE THEY'RE UNHAPPY!
Me: 1) Sure, doing "prison tasks" would make people unhappy but a) if enough non-prisoners do them they will cease to be considered prison tasks, so their status in society will change so people will not be unhappy with doing "prison tasks," b) the tasks they're doing aren't that disgusting, for example the only guy who was discussed was just grinding char. 2) Also, how do we know they're unhappy? Find an example saying they are, just in case our assumptions aren't wrong. They're needed to do them but it isn't forced on them.
You: *quotes a passage describing how people are made to do the same tasks as half-exiles*
Their not unhappy to do it because it's prison work. It's disgusting work to do thus relegated to prison work. People don't want to do it so we force them to. That won't make anybody happy.
What did I ignore? Here's a summary of our interaction:
You: They have to do prison tasks! SO OF COURSE THEY'RE UNHAPPY!
Me: 1) Sure, doing "prison tasks" would make people unhappy but a) if enough non-prisoners do them they will cease to be considered prison tasks, so their status in society will change so people will not be unhappy with doing "prison tasks," b) the tasks they're doing aren't that disgusting, for example the only guy who was discussed was just grinding char. 2) Also, how do we know they're unhappy? Find an example saying they are, just in case our assumptions aren't wrong. They're needed to do them but it isn't forced on them.
You: *quotes a passage describing how people are made to do the same tasks as half-exiles*
1. Exactly, you're so deluded you think that making people do shit duty long enough will magically make them like it. That worked out ever so well for undertakers, especially in the far east, whose fucking double-digit descendants are still socially shunned.
2. You work where, exactly? Retail? Warehouse? Maybe an office? Congratulations, the government has called you to Jury Duty. You do everything humanly in your power to avoid it, because you're Average Joe. Now imagine your government calling you from your cushy job to throw trash into a garbage truck.

My point makes itself.
So, any word on what a new settlement would cost us, or is our writing still not advanced enough? Or was that a completely different subject that needed writing, I forget.

Econ Advisor: Given its place along an already well travelled route, barring administrative or environmental disaster, economic returns should start showing up by the end of the generation.

I'm finding it hard to parse through the giant paragraphs without skipping lines. Is there any way you could package them in smaller chunks?

I could have made a few more breaks, but in my mind I'm already being a bit sparse.

No more updates for at least eighteen hours or so.

Will establishing a new settlement reduce the cost of the megaproject?

Considering that it is already over half done, hard to tell.
[X] [Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X] [Secondary] Black Soil

Guys, don't forget to put in [Secondary] with your votes!!
On one hand we're likely producing enough black soil, on the other hand necessity is the mother of invention and it seems black soil is an excellent way of forcing our civilization to adapt to the stress that such a major project brings.

On the other other hand this is prisoner work and we don't have enough prisoners, which means people are being forced to do this. So to a lot of our people it looks like they are being punished for absolutely no reason. Yeah... it's probably best to not expand our black soil production for a few turns and let people settle down a bit.

So snail expansion for more money from dyes and more managed forests because it doesn't use prisoner labor.

Plus now that I think about it, just because we don't expand our black soil production doesn't mean that our people won't keep trying to streamline the process. Recorders will still try to smooth out our emerging writing system and black soil production/transportation is still challenging enough for people to want to find ways to make it better. So instead of forcing back breaking labor on everyone lets wait a turn or two for our people to properly adapt to this project.

[X] [Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X] [Secondary] Expand Managed Forests

Their not unhappy to do it because it's prison work. It's disgusting work to do thus relegated to prison work. People don't want to do it so we force them to. That won't make anybody happy.
Actually now that I think about isn't them becoming unhappy a nonissue thanks to not only the impending ending of the megaproject but also the Festival we're planning to set up to offset it?
The location of our new settlement
Between the 2 Villages yes, now tell me were is the blight again?
strides, it is probably the decision to majorly increase the management of forests - particular around the coastal village - that reveals something troubling. The as managed forests expand, the hunters range further out into semi-managed and unmanaged forest and begin to work out what has been going wrong with the coastal river. While proper storage and management means that the People ride out uneven weather patterns with little trouble, in other areas the forests are clearly stressed and suffering from blights. There are regions where the forest has succumbed to whatever is affecting them and not bounced back quickly after a fire or some other naturally periodic event, the dead material crumbling away in the next heavy rain and leaving denuded hillsides that offer no resistance to waterflow, only accelerating water cutting them to bare stone and washing the soil into the river.

Thus far the issue seems spotty and localized to patches, but the zones where forest has been reduced to scrubby hillside seem to be growing, and are far from any settlement, even those of hunter-gatherers from outside the People, who grow sparse as more and more people leave the wilds for farming settlements.
OH yes that's right, further up the Fishing village river along with patches of it far away from any and all human settlements, so tell me what is a new village in the center of our lands going to help with managing the blight on lands that are far outside our settlements?
Veekie, how about you read the desripitions of the choices before you make a nasty mistake.
Found the earlier post with mapping that illustrates
Did a quick paint doodle for visualization purpose:
Green circles are currently managed forests.
Black polygon is the potential range of the forest blight(disease travels along waterways, especially plant diseases, which often come in the form of insect carriers or fungus infections that thrive in high moisture environments and propagate slowly through drier zones). We DISCOVERED a bit of the blight inside the Coastal Managed Zone, but it is sparse there(probably not liking saltier water? If so it's probably fungal), then because we knew what to look for, we checked upstream and fuck that's a lot of dead trees.
Yellow circle is the projected zone of the Managed forest from the new settlement.

Does that illustrate better?
Can't stick around to debate longer, ill. Urgh.

Or you know we continue as we are now and either stay at 2 or go down to 1. By Which point we only have one more turn and can take the hit or we finished the project. By which point our Economy will bounce back up due to no longer diverting resources and whatever benefits we receive from it.

I think you might be a little optimistic about the project, since it doesn't read like 50% done...