@veekie what do you think the chances are of us smoothing relations with the Thunder Horse and keeping them calm and not raiding in our direction for a few turns via trade routes and salt gifts?
Negligible impact. They're going to want to grab the lowlands and their fertile areas. If we get involved, it's not by their choice.
However, now that we have iron mines in Redhill, we want to
heavily fortify it so they don't get to steal any of that. Not just city walls, field walls, extensive towers. The works.
Other than that odds are we'd mainly get involved if the Highland Kingdom seeks to have us help them against the Thunder Horse and we'd only really do it to prevent Thunder Horse dominance(except we also know they can't actually hold onto the whole thing yet)
Therefore, to avoid getting into a war with them it's not Salt Gift, but defenses. If raiding Redhill is profitable, then they will.
Nope. Dams don't work that way.
The thread has gone over this a lot but all a Dam does is regulate the flow. It can't stop it at all, just make the flooding more manageable and regular.
And also that if you actually use it to cause rapid variations in water flow for damage you will stress the dam's foundations and damage it in a way that cannot really be repaired without putting the dam completely out of commission for repairs.
Wonder if we could melt down the strange copper we looted off nomads, and plate our iron weapons?
Bronze plated iron weapons would be cool. Prevent rust, bronze properties, while the majority of the mass comes from common iron.
Plating metals with each other has...hard to predict effects. I'll need to search up the reactivities, but I believe this might actually result in sacrificial corrosion(metals in contact will influence each other's rusting process, this is the basis behind zinc plated iron sheets, the zinc will corrode at an accelerated pace to protect the iron).
It'd also complicate reforging and repair works, since you'd be mixing metals you don't know how to unmix.
Been a long time since I did the chemistry on this though.
Other than that though to the thread in general I say next project turn turn should be either of these two (there are certainly more varitations):
State actions
Main Study Tailings (-1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, -1 Stability, improved chance of new insights){Fulfills it's individual Challenge requirement}
Secondary Study Health
Secondary Study Health x2 (-1 Econ, improved odds of success/do remember we are tapped out on the Anti-Disease Tree of this tech branch){With the above Tailings this will finish another of the Challenge requirements}
Uh, why are we using State actions on Study Health? AN had said that provinces will combine actions to do the Study Health for us if the policy allows, and they will try to time it to support the Main research. If you wanted to finish it all at one go, we could simply Main Study Metal and Study Tailings together while the provinces do Health for us.
So what I think would be done next is:
If everything is fine:
-Main Study Metal
-Main Grand Sacrifice
-Province Law Expand Economy
-Province Secondary Study Health
-Province Secondary Study Health x2
-Province Secondary ?
If Southshore is under attack:
-Main Study Metal
-Secondary - War Mission
-Secondary - Build Towers Southshore
-Province Law Expand Economy
-Province Secondary Study Health
-Province Secondary Study Health x2
-Province Secondary Build Towers Southshore
Then we finish with a Study Tailings the turn after.