Just a friendly reminder that while bad, -4 isn't game-ending bad. It is not the end of the world, nor the end of the Ymaryn. With time and diplomacy, it should be possible to re-unify with our estranged brothers.
That being said:
[X] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[X] Leave things be
[X] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[X] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)
People are just blindly picking after Tools without considering the fluff or that we'll need the weapons to beat the two heroes.
Funny, I am actually picking tools because of the fluff.
Think about what the Ymaryn are. We are healers. We are workers. We are builders. And above all, we are farmers.
What we are not is warriors. We can fight as well as any fiend or monster, but it is something we learn to do. Our fields are wet with water and mud, not blood and tears. When we prey on the weakness of others, we do so not through strength of arms, but by holding those arms in a wide embrace.
We are the ones who took the weapon of the demons, disease, and used it to dispel their machinations. And now, we take the weapon of the gods, metal, and use it to make larger farms. Greater homes. Grander monuments. We shall build a civilisation greater than any other, and we shall do by turning the cursed weapons that left festering wounds in the world itself into a greater good!
It will set an extremely dangerous precedent.
I quote AN:
To be fair, "the romans did it" is not exactly a bad argument for doing the same thing.