But from the text there isn't a sense, at all, that our current king is "fucking up". It's just that they want a Martial focused leader for the war effort.

It will set an extremely dangerous precedent.
I quote AN:
It's a distinct possibility. Do remember that Julius and Augustus cemented their power by essentially riding long enough crises that they were able to consolidate "emergency" power into enduring power.
For all we know those heroes are already gathering other tribes to them, when we catch up to them we may very well be outnumbered.

I would prefer not to leave the battle to chance against Two fucking Heroes.

Overwhelming strength is how you deal with martial heroes.
It doesn't really happen, the king is supposed to be a sacred trust. And this king would be stepping down, so it's already disruptive to the legitimacy of the office.

Aah now i understand, it will break face of the cargo of King, because they are seen as infalible, but because of Nobility in Humility, he is acknowledging he is not infalible.

Nice, and thanks for the time and patience.
I don't really understand this push for Tools when still voting for a Offensive. Shouldn't we deal with the current situation first before worrying about boosting the economy?
Just a friendly reminder that while bad, -4 isn't game-ending bad. It is not the end of the world, nor the end of the Ymaryn. With time and diplomacy, it should be possible to re-unify with our estranged brothers.

That being said:
[X] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[X] Leave things be
[X] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[X] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)

People are just blindly picking after Tools without considering the fluff or that we'll need the weapons to beat the two heroes.
Funny, I am actually picking tools because of the fluff.

Think about what the Ymaryn are. We are healers. We are workers. We are builders. And above all, we are farmers.
What we are not is warriors. We can fight as well as any fiend or monster, but it is something we learn to do. Our fields are wet with water and mud, not blood and tears. When we prey on the weakness of others, we do so not through strength of arms, but by holding those arms in a wide embrace.

We are the ones who took the weapon of the demons, disease, and used it to dispel their machinations. And now, we take the weapon of the gods, metal, and use it to make larger farms. Greater homes. Grander monuments. We shall build a civilisation greater than any other, and we shall do by turning the cursed weapons that left festering wounds in the world itself into a greater good!

It will set an extremely dangerous precedent.
I quote AN:
To be fair, "the romans did it" is not exactly a bad argument for doing the same thing.
[X] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[x] Leave things be
[X] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[X] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)
[X] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[X] Leave things be
[X] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[X] Yes (+1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, Martial focused character becomes king)
We will be going after them with a military score of 13, while they are burdened by plunder.
They only have 1/3 of their forces, while we have a third more martial than we had at the beginning of the turn.
They have basically all their forces.... those guys that got offed are nomad mercs. What we have is a doubt hero unit trained army that is mostly concerned with getting away. They may never-ever encounter the People's troops. 13 military has a hell of a logistics tail. The nomads can always ditch extra loot.
If we choose weapons and offensive deployment we will run them down and crush them.
And then what? The People'll have 10+ military and 1 economy. That leaves the thread with a giant military and no economy to speak of. Granted that would deter the Thunder Speakers, for a bit, but the thread goes back to no real economy surplus again. yeah.
Last edited:
[X] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[X] Leave things be
[X] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[X] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)

Yaaaay this is winning now!
Look, explain to me how removing the guy in charge after a disaster has happened in favor of someone who is "better" doesn't result in things going pear shaped eventually.

I more meant it as part of a system based on a person's merit or skillset. Not an emergency action. But I suppose it's too much too soon right now.
Vote Tally : Original - Paths of Civilization | Page 1499 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.0
[54] Offensive (+1 Stability)
[42] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)
[36] Tools (+8 Econ, +2 Martial, ???)
[31] Leave things be
[26] Restore order (Main usage)
[25] Weapons (+2 Econ, +8 Martial, ???)
[14] Yes (+1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, Martial focused character becomes king)
[3] Defensive (-1 Stability)
[1] No (-1 Stability, +1 Legitimacy)[/QUOTE]
Total No. of Voters: 61
We get +2 econ from Weapons. That gives us a 1 econ buffer.

We get to +1 Econ with choosing weapons.
We also will get more econ when our warriors return with the people nomads kidnapped and enslaved.

Yes. Of course. One whole econ. I'm sure our angry populace, in offensive setting, will use it very sparingly. Why. It will last us generations, while they churn out everyone into warriors.
No. This is not a small risk. Its fucking big risk. Restore order has almost never gone well for us iirc. Relying on Restore while we have a average king is a stupid idea liable to break our narion.

Also people. Remind me. Doesnt our civ break at -3 stab instead of -4 stab?

Well... 1st, we need to fail our admin roll, and trigger

-1 Stab from keeping King
-1 Stab from Restore order
+1 Stab Offensive.

(any other sequence is A OK for us)
So long he isn't an idiot (or mess up), causing him to restore order before he tells people he's ordering an offensive, it should be fine.
They have basically all their forces.... those guys that got offed are nomad mercs. What we have is a doubt hero unit trained army that is mostly concerned with getting away. The may never-ever encounter the People's troops. 13 military has a hell of a logistics tail. The nomads can always ditch extra loot.

And then what? The People'll have 10+ military and 1 economy. That leaves the thread with a giant military and no economy to speak of. Granted that would deter the Thunder Speakers, for a bit, but the thread goes back to no real economy surplus again. yeah.

13 military which are only 5 military with +8 military due to iron weapons.
And our people know how to move fast as well. We do not have to carry plunder and slaves.
We will catch them.

And we have been at 1 Econ before.
The next turns will be us building econ back up, and with possibility to build iron tools to get a lot of Econ this will not be a problem.