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If they like us enough they're going to be disinclined to go to war with us or hurt our traders during their war and have our goods cut off as a result.If Trade gave protection against the attacks, we would not be presented with the ultimatums when two guys who we were trading with started fighting each other. Being strong and lacking conflicts of interest works better.
Like, HK would totally started war, trade or no, if we did not scare them away with the talking rocks.
Also, I honestly planned for this period to be a martial-increasing one, too. Having Trade actions be taken by the provinces simultaneously and following this period with a Progress/science one would balance out the macho/hawkish culture shift that would occur, while still providing a balancing disincentive to attack us and giving our new and newly vulnerable provinces protection. Going martial also helps the March integrate - if Martial assistance is actually necessary for such to occur, which I doubt, because it's a cultural issue stemming from their separation from others.
The only main downside to a Trade policy is that unless we actually choose to do an Expansion policy for 1-2 turns, the provinces aren't actually going to make settlements themselves. But if we do choose to do it, we won't get the art that will help balance out martial growth and integrate our culture further. *shrugs helplessly* It will depend on what AN says our chiefs have to say about how much trouble the March will be if we wait to start cultural assimilation. If they say it's fine, doing Expansion is a better path due to the increased contact and lack of an action cost to us. If they don't, we'll need to do Policy: Trade and do our own martial + Main Settlement - Stonepen/Northshore + etc. actions.
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