[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Metal Workers

Finally! A chance of stability +3! I would be more interested in Dam if we have iron. Both for tool and structural reinforcement, even better if we have concrete.
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[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)

Sucks that the vote was reset. Study Stars was winning. Have to change my vote since I don't want to do Garden before the Dam.

Also I love that we are basically like Warhammer Dwarfs when it comes to farming. Everyone basically sucks compared to us and our mediocre is probably mastercrafted to others.
A dam would be a very first "mega structure" built upwards instead of just dug downwards and would give our civilizations all new insights into the construction and engineering of artificial structures. So I'm expecting our people to just become better at construction after this project.
"No! We must find the Not!Egyptians" the Ymaryn shouted
the gm said "No, Ymaryn, you are the Not!Egyptians"
And then the Ymaryn were engineers
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[X] Xohyssiri
And this is why when we get around to building the dam, I do not want it to be in the Valley Home. Since we haven't gotten experience with regular walls, there's a greater chance of failure with the dam. If that happens I'd rather the resulting flood wash into the Badlands instead of wiping out our population.
AN made a post recently, last two pages where he says we have an Upper and Lower Valleyhome option. THe Upper would be perfect except for the risk of Isendgarding ourselves and the Lower is less helpful but much less risky.

Ya know If we build both and then do some bullshit connecting Redcoast to Upper Valleyhome via a second cannal we could have a series of locks to deliver ships directly to the Valley. That'd be cool.
Ymmri was the original thunder horse tribe's name for us (which our people were kinda annoyed with because it was similar to our own name), where it seems Ymaryn is the name we use for ourselves.

Ymmri was the diminutive of the nomad language's word for the People, which was an obvious mispronunciation, that later took on negative connotations among the closer tribes because they fought with you. The Thunder Horse used it because they were originally from further north and only had the tribes they had conquered as a source for naming you.

Ymmri is basically a mild slur as far as the People are concerned.
@Academia Nut If we send a mission to the DP will we get extra synergy from giving back their medical priests? What kind of benefits would we see from this mission (besides more trading connections)?
Where can I find all the omakes? Not all of them are posted or indexed by AN.
I found two that aren't indexed yet: (So i guess i should tag @Academia Nut )

Negaverse: Lowlanders

It started with such a small thing.

It first began to rain in the winter. Ever since the Great Drought, the weather had been unsettled. While strange, it was not something to be particularly minded either.

Until the heavens decided that what rain had fallen was not nearly enough, and unleashed an unending torrent of water. Farms were swept away, the soil almost stripped bare by the surging waves of the river. Men bemoaned the loss of valuable crops and began to prepare for a tight season. Still, there had been worse times, the constant raids granting an ability to survive even with the minuscule harvests that had survived. And so people persevered as always, sure that life would go on.

And by the time of late summer, almost into the fall, the rains had stopped. Many gave a silent sigh of relief as they set about rebuilding what the floods had destroyed. And again, people expected life to go on as it always had. The raids continued, the slaves worked and the warriors trained.

But as winter again turned to spring, the rains stubbornly refused to come. Spring turned to summer, and summer to fall, and still they didn't come. The croplands lay fallow, the harvest all but nonexistent. Again, people suffered, and with the damage of the previous year still scarring the land the people felt the drought harder than ever.

But again, the people believed that life would continue.

Another year passed without rain, more and more dying every day. Raids turned desperate, everyone trying to find even the slightest morsel of food, even at the expense of their neighbor.

And then the next year came, and the people rejoiced as the rain returned. They rejoiced... until the floods destroyed their lands again. The people had finally realized... Life would not continue as it had. As the cycle of floods and droughts continued, the people began to flee. To where, it did not matter, so long as they could survive.

But from the chaos arose a threat as great as the drought or floods. A disease stalked the people, sweeping through entire villages, slaying all it touched. It was as if the spirits had grown too hungry to be satisfied even by the offerings given to them, and they now sought to take whatever they wanted at great cost to their servants.

As village after village died, a final disaster struck. The Demon Priests swept in, slaying all who remained and burning village after village with cleansing fire. What few people had remained now fled to the safety of the highlands, to scratch out a meager living in any way they could. Some others fled towards the rumored Hill People, who were said to have food beyond measure stored away.

As time passed, of those who survived the purges, there were two main groups. First were a loose collection of people who now called themselves the Free People. They had come to fear the lowlands, believing them to be cursed by the 'demons' on the north. While they had some of the warrior tradition of old, they would often rather pack up and find new lands, rather than confront the threat.

The other group was focused around one of the major settlements to survive the disaster. Led through the tough times by their spirit talkers, the had managed to pull in other surronding groups. While their growth was much slower than in times past, their ability to survive a future disaster was far superior.

Choose One. It will be the group you shall take control of.

[ ] The Free People (Low Centralization, High Growth, High Econ)

[ ] The Dead Priest (Medium Centralization, Slow Growth, High Mysticism)

Note: Cause why not?

[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Thunder Horses
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Highlands Kingdom

I don't really feel in the mood to write up an analysis tonight, so have another omake.

Negaverse Omake: Silencing the Spirits
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Highland Kingdom
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Xohyssiri
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Highland Kingdom

Sigh, well we can build our dam down lower, I guess. That stability is rather nice.

Highland Kingdom isn't as important without doing the dam nest turn, but I would like to try and influence their laws.
[X] Highland Kingdom
[X] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects
Would really like the Thunder Horse, just to see the Dead!Spirit Talkers nega-omake when they get some reliable info on us. But oh well.
I really want to get Place to the Stars so we can get stable recorded star charts for our sailors so they'll be able to navigate the waters beyond coast-hugging.
Negaverse Highlands vs. Law
Negaverse Omake – Highland Kingdom vs The Law
The lowlands are filled with death…and with glory for Black Eagle and the Highland Kingdom! While your chariots are outnumbered by those of the Thunder Nomads and outmatched by those of the Dead Priests, they are enough to keep the enemy busy while your heavily armed warriors demolish their weak foes. A steady stream of jewelry, horses, and Half-Men makes its way into the heartland of Macra's hills, to adorn the King, draw the ards across the fields, and pay off their war debt. Your child-villages in the lowlands suffer at the raids of the nomads, of course, but even in this things are going better than ever before. The nomads and dead priests both seem distracted by whatever is going on to their east. This could be the perfect opportunity to strike a knockout blow. However, while the war goes well, the King is growing worried. His eldest son seems to have shaken off his weakened visage, and is looking to grow into a fine heir…a fact which angers Tormod, his brother and Hills War Chief who had been favored to ascend when his son seemed sickly and likely to be taken into Macra's arms sooner or later. Perhaps the reserve warriors would be better placed at home to balance out his brothers troops…

What should your reserve warriors focus on?
[] Scatter the Thunder Nomads while they're distracted!
[] Strike at the Dead Priests corrupted home while they're distracted!
[] Protect your son- and daughter-villages from the nomads
[] Perhaps they should relieve some of the kings guards…
[] We have new concerns for our warriors to deal with … (See later options)

Meanwhile, the delegation sent to set the Hill People on the right path when it comes to trading have returned…babbling in fear and willing or even eager to be made Half-Men for their failure if it meant they didn't have to go back to the almost mythical forest home of the Ymaryn. Eventually, the King is able to get them to explain what happened and what has them so scared. Once they were all settled with enough beer to take the edge off, the King finally allowed himself to consider this newest, terrifying magic of the Hill People. Apparently, their knowledge of sacred Script was far beyond what your shamans had previously thought. The bastards had somehow wrought a grand geas upon their people, binding them with great obelisks placed prominently in the center of each settlement your traders visited, each covered in more sacred script then even your holiest sites were home to. When your people were granted an audience with their King they expected haggling, an exchange of gifts, and an resigned acceptance in light of your warriors' successes. Instead, the King consulted one of these spirit stones, transfixed by its magic for minutes before going into a trance whilst his ancestors spoke their wisdom through him. Alarmed at this display of spiritual might, your people remember little more than the general idea that the Ymaryn would accept any traders that come their way, and that if the Highland Kingdom took issue with that, then they had better do so with an army. As he called together his shamans, the King bitterly recalled all the old tales of the Ymaryn and their strange and powerful magics, and realized he had been foolish to assume their isolation made them weak.

How will you respond to the Hill People?
[] Send a grand delegation of jewelries and other gifts, to beg forgiveness for your offense (Costs Econ and Diplo, greatly improves relations)
[] Send a normal trading delegation (Costs Diplo, improves relations)
[] Ignore them in hopes that they ignore you (???)
[] Stop trading with them (Lowers Diplo, ???)
[] Send another delegation to insist on the matter, this time with warriors… (Must be paired with "new concerns" warrior option, ???)

What should your shamans focus on?
[] Send shamans to examine these spirit stones (Costs Mysticism, must be paired with a delegation from the previous vote)
[] Have the shamans attempt to construct some of these spirit stones (Costs Mysticism, locks in an Expand Holy Sites action for next turn)
[] Have them entreat the spirits for knowledge on these magics (Costs mysticism)
[] The tricks of the Hill People are not important, the shamans should focus on warding the king from evil like normal

hyrule420 said:
Wow…so much for the people wondering if there's magic or not in this quest, apparently you can make magic rocks that possess people with the spirits…

PowerofBody said:
Ok, let's not get distracted by the obvious shiny and fake magic, AF is clearly warning us that we're about to get killed by our brother…

[k] Perhaps they should relieve some of the kings guards…
[k] Send a normal trading delegation (Costs Diplo, improves relations)
[k] The tricks of the Hill People are not important, the shamans should focus on warding the king from evil like normal

Sea-san said:
Guess we're back to being the only kingdom, pretty sure if your king is being possessed by your ancestor spirits when they have a decision to make that's a theocracy…

Chip and Potato said:
Oh shit, if we can get that magic we won't need to worry about the Half-Men rebelling anymore, and we can stop dealing with people wanting to reform the system and tank our stability all the time:

[k] Perhaps they should help relieve some of the kings guards…
[k] Send a normal trading delegation (Costs Diplo, improves relations)
[k] Have the shamans attempt to construct some of these spirit stones (Costs Mysticism, locks in an Expand Holy Sites action for next turn)

Lili said:
Oh for the love of…it's just a stele, guys. It's not magic, it's a codified law. Stop taking everything our Neolithic primitives say as the gospel truth!

Candesence said:
Well damn, that explains why we keep hearing about how the Hill Elves are so focused on work…they're not workaholics, they're brainwashing themselves into magic work robots!

Unusual Michael said:
Oooh, nice,+3 econ, +1 prestige…shame about the -1 martial and -2 diplo, though :/ With the +1 from terrace farm expansion, it looks like the raids got us +2 econ, which is already pretty awesome before the +1 prestige! Was that a crit, then, AF? Or were we on the edge there? We've done a lot without getting any prestige… It would certainly help make up for that terrible critfail on the delegation! D= Let's get this shit fixed up, we have the stats to spend…and whether its magic or codified laws, we need to get a look at those stones. Either we discover incredibly powerful magic, or we get inspiration to codify our own laws, either way we set ourselves ahead a bunch :p It'll hurt in diplo, but protecting the vassals should help with that.

[k] Send a grand delegation of jewelries and other gifts, to beg forgiveness for your offense (Costs Econ and Diplo, greatly improves relations)
[k] Protect your son- and daughter-villages from the nomads
[k] Send shamans to examine these spirit stones (Costs Mysticism, must be paired with a delegation from the previous vote)

Authority said:
Whether its magic or "just" codified law, its still bullshit. We get it, Academia Fruit, you think communism and elves are the best. Can you stop giving them so much bullshit? A Neolithic canal? Perfect farming techniques while we had failure chances on basic farming expansion until we got their help? Super advanced writing? Either mind control or codified law a thousand or more years ahead of RL? Fucking Cowpox Vaccination before bronze working? What's next, sanitation, ironworking before bronze, roman roads and aqueducts? The hoover dam, even???
[k] Stop cheating for the communist elves

"minaz" said:

redfur78 said:
Damn, authority, calm down—AF's said on more than one occasion that all our neighbors are based on different quest philosophies on SV. The Hill Elves sound like the hyper isolationist wonder-rush that so many people want—no military actions, no real knowledge of the world around them (I mean, can you imagine if that vote a while back had gone the other way and we hadn't explored to the south and found the metal diggers?), etc. And you're still reading too much into the hints AF gives out. They don't have vaccination, that's as ridiculous as you suggest—they probably just lucked into having a lot more cows than others, because of how they keep letting nomads in—and on that note, can you imagine how messed up their values must be if they keep taking in all these random people? They have to constantly be at negative stability…

AN: Finally got around to writing this... hope you enjoy @Academia Nut ! :) Also, i just took the AU names from the lowlands omake, with the exception of my own AU self, so dont take the names to mean anything--i'm just bad at coming up with names and used that same ordering without any matching of people to argument styles

Quick Edit: In case it wasn't clear, the idea is that they ended up taking my Unusual Michael's plan, which left the king vulnerable to an average roll on the assassination check, but also led the way to them getting access to the Law megaproject...Authority, sadly, was banned after a major explosion of a post after we cured cholera and shared it with him :p ...incidentally, who is authority even based off of? Whoever it is, sorry you randomly ended with a jerk for a negaverse copy <3
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[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Highland Kingdom

Sigh, well we can build our dam down lower, I guess. That stability is rather nice.

Highland Kingdom isn't as important without doing the dam nest turn, but I would like to try and influence their laws.
We can probably still do that next turn and tbh I just want the Xo-ri interlude. + knowledge, herbs, map of other places, etc.