Bungie's New and Shiny Path to !!FUN!!
A reminder that I am attempting to be impartial. This is a consolidation of all the Paths I've looked at and the one The Path We Are On post that I did. From now on The Path has changed into more of a history post, with a prediction function for the other nations/groups we know about, much like the original Path did. It will also give as impartial as possible predictions on costs/benefits for leading votes. As we go this post will be carried along and progress consolidated.

Feel free to correct me on the history parts, but please cite a quote for your correction. If you can't find one point to when you think the event in question occurred and something will eventually be found.​

Blanket Work in Progress notice.


Warning: Very big post! Unspoiler at your risk!
The Ymaryn

Society Details
Welsh Dwelfs. Have a completely bullshit ability to build Megaprojects. More to come later.

The Path We Are On

Recent Times
Well we gained a nice Legacy: Rush Building. We also gained Miniprojects in the form of Extended Projects. All because we finished the Saltern in about 15-20 years. You can just smell the bullshit.(So much salt)

We also rabbit punched Cholera and gave this guy:

A massive headache for when he woke back up. (Just like you imagined)(Healing Magic)
Our shamans invented Oral Rehydration Therapy, an effective counter to Cholera and many fevers and other diseases where someone is bedridden and unable to eat. We are awesome.
We also discovered empirical primitive sanitary theory which ties in nicely with our primitive germ theory of "demons casting spells". We are doubly awesome. (Just like you imagined)
Not so awesome is the idea that sin causes disease which cropped up because of Observance. (Healing Magic)
We also found a sedimentary iron deposit in (Just like you imagined). We named it the Bleeding Cliffs.

Tax Hell
Agghhhhhhhhh! It Burns!

The Path To Come

Current Lead Votes after (Interlude - Local Religions):

A definite leader vote or group of leaders has been found. Please enjoy your read.

[] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[] Xohyssiri
We start the Garden. Depending on when it finishes it might give us an Honor value. We get Poppy, probably, from the Xoh. We get more knowledge of how the south and east of the map are laid out. We get confirmation one way or the other on how ass-holeish they are. Plus our Carrion Eaters are becoming even better proto-surgeons. We might get cotton and gold access which would have nice synergy with our dye.


[] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
-1 Econ = -1 secondary action, +1 Stability = +2 Econ +1 secondary action, -3 to -6 Econ = -3 to -6 econ based actions - 6 to 12 secondary actions, 1 free Main = + 2 secondary actions

Total action cost = -1(Econ) + 3 (Stability) - (3 to 6 econ based actions + 6 to 12 actions) + 2(free Main)= 4 secondary actions - anywhere from 9 to 18 secondary actions = -5 to -12 actions.
Opportunity losses = No expansion of Carrion Eaters. No Study Stars and Survey Lands.

Opportunity losses 2 = We are not looking trading at the TH, HK, or MW. Also any snafu's the Xoh get into might drag us into it too, but they do not know us very well so that seems lower threat.

We can send off the priests with an impressive farewell of us getting busy. We give back these very helpful butcher priests and get to see the famed and terrible Skull Wall. I expect there to be some explosions. Maybe. That's probably just fearmongering so I'd ignore it. Either way their fairness trait is probably getting hit.

[] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects)
[] Xohyssiri
We get Poppy, probably, from the Xoh. We get more knowledge of how the south and east of the map are laid out. We get confirmation one way or the other on how ass-holeish they are. Plus our Carrion Eaters are becoming even better proto-surgeons. We might get cotton and gold access which would have nice synergy with our dye.
[] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects), 1 free Main = + 2 secondary actions
-1 Econ = -1 secondary action, -1 Mysticism = -1 secondary action -1 Econ = -2 two actions total, +1 Martial = +1 Econ +1 secondary.

Total action cost = [- 1(Econ) - 2(Mysticism) + 2(Martial)] + 2(since it is a free mid turn action) = 1 secondary action generated.
Opportunity losses = No jumping right into the Garden. No Study Stars and Survey Lands.

Opportunity losses 2 = We are not looking trading at the TH, HK, or MW. Also any snafu's the Xoh get into might drag us into it too, but they do not know us very well so that seems lower threat.

We give back these very helpful butcher priests and get to see the famed and terrible Skull Wall. I expect there to be some explosions. Maybe. That's probably just fearmongering so I'd ignore it.
There is also possible synergy with the Carrion action because of more knowledge transmittal. Health action + sorta Health action = more health? Either way their fairness trait is probably getting hit.

Costs/Benefits for each 1st Action vote:

Taking Expand Carrion Eaters:
[] Expand Carrion Eaters (-1 Econ, -1 Mysticism, +1 Martial, many more Carrion Eaters, additional effects), 1 free Main = + 2 secondary actions
-1 Econ = -1 secondary action, -1 Mysticism = -1 secondary action -1 Econ = -2 two actions total, +1 Martial = +1 Econ +1 secondary.

Total action cost = [- 1(Econ) - 2(Mysticism) + 2(Martial)] + 2(since it is a free mid turn action) = 1 secondary action generated.
Opportunity losses = No jumping right into the Garden. No Study Stars and Survey Lands.

Beginning Work on the Gardens:
[] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
-1 Econ = -1 secondary action, +1 Stability = +2 Econ +1 secondary action, -3 to -6 Econ = -3 to -6 econ based actions - 6 to 12 secondary actions, 1 free Main = + 2 secondary actions

Total action cost = -1(Econ) + 3 (Stability) - (3 to 6 econ based actions + 6 to 12 actions) + 2(free Main)= 4 secondary actions - anywhere from 9 to 18 secondary actions = -5 to -12 actions.
Opportunity losses = No expansion of Carrion Eaters. No Study Stars and Survey Lands.

Staring at the stars and poking the dirt:
[]Study Stars (continues chain) + Survey Lands
+1 Mysticism = +1 secondary action + 1 Econ, continues the chain, + surveying our lands = 1 secondary action(if this is only a secondary, cost changes if it is a main to -1 Econ)

Total action cost = + 2(Stars) + 1(Survey) or -3(Main Survey) + 2(free Main) = 5 actions or 2 actions
Opportunity losses = No expansion of Carrion Eaters. No jumping right into the Garden.

I feel like I fucked up this math. Someone please correct me on it.

Costs/Benefits for each 2nd Action vote:

[] Highland Kingdom
Opportunity = The Poppy trade becomes available. We establish some form of relations, hopefully friendly. Angry Scots are a pain in the arse to deal with. Perhaps finding out more about what is beyond their hills and mountains. We can also determine how stupid the New King is and how inclined he is gonna try to grab at the Lowlands while in the midst of a Megaproject. Hopefully not at all.

[] Metal Workers
Opportunity = We find out the advancement they made. We can see if we can use it, and plan for what we would need to do if we can't. We also check on this part of the world and see if there is trouble brewing from this axis due to a competitor or something. Also, what else has changed about them?

[] Thunder Horse
This is more ambiguous. Meeting with their new king would be good for relations. We can also determine more accurately how much of a problem the Eastern TH are and if we need to intervene.
They also might know some of the east and north east. What other social advances have they made? How do they see the Star Axe?

[] Xohyssiri
We can confirm how much of a douchey group they are. We can find out more about the world to the south and east and start the Poppy trade. We can also gain a better understanding of the tech level, even if we don't gain anything, of the second oldest polity in the region behind us.

[] No one (No cost)
Nothing really here besides just letting it all go as it will. Alea Iacta Est if you will. Also making friends with any one of these may obligate us to get involved in any snafu's they stick their silly dicks into.

The North
The Nomads

Society Details
Ork Mongols. More to come later.

The Path They Are On
Recent Times
All seems quiet in the North. (So much salt)

The Path To Come

Current projections:
1. They stay quiet another generation. Doesn't feel right, the "pendulum" if you will of their activity feel like it's on the upswing.
Benefits for Ymrri.
We get to do many personal projects and reinforce ourselves.

Costs for Ymrri.
Not very many. It drops our innovation of military tech but we have other avenues for that.

2. They begin raiding again. Feels more accurate, again the "pendulum" feels like it's on the upswing.
Benefits for Ymrri.
Not very many. It distracts from projects and stresses the March. If possible we might be able to reach out to others near us and gang together for mutual survival.

Costs for Ymrri.
Many. Will likely have to devote secondaries to support the March. If it is a Major Waaagh! everyone in the region is gonna have a problem.

The Lowlands
The HK

Society Details
Scots. They call us The Ymaryn when speaking our tongue. More to come later.

The Path They Are On
Recent Times
They have consolidated under the New King. They have begun their own Law. We have heard tell from the Xohyssiri that they have Poppy access through trade. (So much salt)

The Path To Come
Current projections:
A period of at best temporary stability. Now that it has been shown that rebellions can be a thing, we don't know if this one succeeded but the idea is now in place, the HK are on a shaky path.
Shoulda just went communist and not dealt with this shit. :V
Not currently at war with anyone in the Lowlands. Less likely to start because of Megaproject, which is also their first Megaproject. I approve. They have good taste in projects.

1. The New King holds it together.
Benefits for Ymrri.
The Poppy trade opens to us providing painkillers. We have a new connection to our directly southern neighbor across the Badlands. We have done this before and can help them with the Law, which will be easier for them since they seem to be coming out of a crisis rather than going into it. Plus making friends with Scotsmen is always lots of fun.
Far Future speculative(do not hold strongly): Perhaps we can eventually absorb them after a couple of millennia. We'd really have to work at it and this could be the first step of many hundreds.

Costs for Ymrri.
Well the HK are back on their feet. This means they can yoink the South Shores province which would be ungood. They can also push to war with the Lowlands again <.<
Sounds stupid while doing a Megaproject but we don't know how smart this New King is so he might just do it. That would cause so many lovely complications.

2. The New King can't hold it together and civil war/instability starts.
Benefits for Ymrri.
They are unstable and not likely to reach for Southshore. They are not going to be able to reach into the Lowlands, so it won't be them detonating the latrine down there. It also opens paths for us to support one side or another, preferably the one that can demonstratively prove they won't butt fuck us at the earliest opportunity. Any refugee gains will give tasty Econ.

Costs for Ymrri.
Depending on the severity of the instability, the Poppy trade might not go well. They also might throw off refugees if it gets really bad.

The Western TH

Society Details
Settled Mongols. More to come later.

The Path They Are On
Recent Times
They are still fighting with their Eastern relatives, I am less certain but I believe they are also still raiding the Xoh as well. Some social advances are occurring in them. They're so precociously cute as our youngest eastern neighbors. (So much salt)
They came bearing gifts to us and translated for the DP delegates. (Healing Magic)
They are still fighting the DP and their East cousins. Cholera kicked their ass before we helped. (Healing Magic)

The Path To Come
Current projection:
Still at war with the East TH. That clusterfuck is just feeding into the Lowlands. They might gain the upperhand or they may lose, or no one has an advantage.

1. They gain the upperhand against their cousins.
Benefits for Ymrri.
Well our Thunder Friends as Omegahugger calls them will be solid again and on the rise. They will provide a potential ally to us against the Northerners.

Costs for Ymrri.
They will now be stronger and more inclined to poke the Lowlands even harder. This will cause future problems. Especially if they go about it more actively and directly. They might expand in the direction of East Hills, though they will probably conflict with the HK before they do.

2. They are at a disadvantage.
Benefits for Ymrri.
The TH being more focused internally as they try to rebuff their relatives will make it difficult for them to really raid the Lowlands. How much those raids drop is up in the air and they may well increase as their people panic. Puts severe strain on their new hinted at social development. The East Hills will remain open.
Far Future speculative(do not hold strongly): Maybe it will influence them towards being Klingon.

Costs for Ymrri.
We have no one but ourselves to hold the north. Omegahugger becomes sad as Thunder Friends hurt.

3. The sides break even and it continues.
Benefits for Ymrri.
Well the situation is trending to a equilibrium of constant skirmishing. This will keep part of them occupied and less able to stick their dicks into the Lowland mess. They can still help us against the north.

Costs for Ymrri.
The fight with the East will not greatly distract them so the Lowlands subterranean coal fire will still continue as it has since Time Immemorial.

The Eastern TH

Society Details
Not so settled Mongols. More to come later.

The Path They Are On
Recent Times
They still seem to be trying their hardest to ramrod attack their relatives. And they are also raiding the Xoh.(So much salt)
They appeared recently and have proceeded to fuck the Lowlands from yet another direction. They are fucking around in the magnesium fire of the Lowlands and causing the refugee generator to spin. (Healing Magic)

The Path To Come
Current projections:
Still at war with the East TH. That clusterfuck is just feeding into the Lowlands. They might gain the upperhand or they may lose, or no one has an advantage.

1. They gain the upperhand.
Benefits for Ymrri.
Well our TH friends are going to be distracted and less likely to start something in the Lowlands. The Xoh are going to be hurting more as raids intensify. Any Econ from "suddenly refugees!".

Costs for Ymrri.
With the TH distracted the horde of the north can hit us harder. They might spark a refugee wave again.

2. They are at a disadvantage.
Benefits for Ymrri.
Well the Lowlands snafu might die down as they drop raiding levels against the TH and DP. They might also subsume into their western cousins. If we can have decent relations with the Xoh and they drop raids on them, I guess yay?

Costs for Ymrri.
The TH and DP will be on the rise again. This will almost certainly lead to more fuel for the SNAFU generator.

3. They break even.
Benefits for Ymrri.
Well the situation is trending to a equilibrium of constant skirmishing. This will keep part of them occupied and less able to stick their dicks into the Lowland mess. They can still help us against the north.

Costs for Ymrri.
The fight with the East will not greatly distract them so the Lowlands subterranean coal fire will still continue as it has since Time Immemorial.

The DP(Xohyssiri)

Society Details
Slave taking assholes. Apparently moderating and the most ancient polity in the region besides us. More to come later.

The Path They Are On
Recent Times
Their healers have had the full Ymrri treatment and have seen much of our Works. They are still in the West TH/East TH three way. They told us of Poppy and have access to it. (So much salt)
They came to us and gave us Ancient Human Anatomy. There is definitive indications in what they said that not all of them are assholes and that moderates are in some form of power. (Healing Magic)

The Path To Come
Current projections:
1. They don't gain advantage in the three way.
Benefits for Ymrri.
The three way continues as is leaving open Eastern Hills. Any Econ from "suddenly refugees!"
This also keeps them from pulling back to being an actual threat and lessens the chance we need to hit the Big Red Exterminatus Button. Which would not be good for the region.
Poppy trade can be opened easily.

Costs for Ymrri.
The three way continues. More refugees can be spawned.

2. They gain advantage in the three way.
Benefits for Ymrri.
The Poppy trade opens wider and some tech trading might occur. All dependent on them not being hostile. Pushing back the West TH and East TH will change that dynamic and something useful could pop out. A unified TH would be a powerful ally.

Costs for Ymrri.
They become an increased threat and the risk of Exterminatus being used increases. East Hills settlement availability threatened.

The Western Sea
The MW
IMG not found at this time

Society Details
A Kingdom. More to come later.

The Path They Are On
Recent Times
They have discovered something. (So much salt)
We don't know details. They seem stable since we have not gotten tell of them imploding recently through our trade link. (Healing Magic)

The Path To Come
Current projections:
1. They do not implode.
Benefits for Ymrri.
We get more imported metal to study and make into luxuries. Their recent discovery might filter to us through this connection.

Costs for Ymrri.
They are very limited. The status qou is beneficial and not much seems headed our way from their direction. I mean this connection is keeping us from going full isolation, if you want to find a downside?

2. They stop trading.
Benefits for Ymrri.
Not many.

Costs for Ymrri.
No more imported metal which is annoying. Not harmful because we have mine options available.
We stop getting imported metal to study and make into luxuries. Much less indication on what they found. Potential new threat axis opens depending on why they stopped. If they were wiped out or severely injured by a competitor then we have potential problem on the horizon.

The South Raiders
IMG not found at this time.

Society Details
Vikings. More to come later.

The Path They Are On
Recent Times
They seemed to have calmed and are the HK's source of the Poppy.(So much salt)
Very quiet on this front. (Healing Magic)

The Path To Come
Current projections:
1. They stay quiet.
Benefits for Ymrri.
We don't have to deal with their bullarky. Last time it didn't rate even a secondary but is sure was annoying. Also time spent not explodinating is time spent making advances we can use by trading.
Far Future Speculative(do not hold strongly): They will probably be the first to find out how to copper clad their ship bottoms which is a big step towards deep sea sailing.

Costs for Ymrri.
Less inclination for naval innovation.

2. Something stresses them again and the raids reignite.
Benefits for Ymrri.
Naval innovation pressure.

Costs for Ymrri.
More raiding. Yay...*unenthusiastic flag waving* The Poppy trade into the region will be somewhat disrupted, making the only easy source the Xoh.

The Unknown Edges

Tales and Figments
We have heard of parties to the East, likely more variety of the Nomad. The Xoh get their cotton from the east.
South of the DP are the Swamp People, an entire tributary civ which acts as their Blackbird equivalent.
South west, past the mountains of the HK and past the presumed home of the Southern Raiders are tales of a great desert and a paradise within. Some variant of Not!Egypt or Not!Syria.

The Path They Are On
Recent Times
We have very little knowledge outside our sphere. We also have a chance to learn more by picking trade partners.(So much salt)
We have no clue. There are indications that the DP are getting cotton from somewhere out in this area. (Healing Magic)

The Path To Come
Current projection:
Something might come out of here like the East TH did. Or it might not.

Benefits for Ymrri.

Costs for Ymrri.
The Eastern TH popped out of the wood work and have proceeded to make life in the Lowlands even more difficult. This indirectly screws with us, especially since we have Cosmopolitan Acceptance now and cannot refuse refugees. Good thing the first Stability hit has a chance to be negated.

Put in the leading votes.

...that doesn't sound at all like Welsh. I am really hoping you aren't under the impression it sounds like a hackney Cockney accent.

Please go listen to Welsh clips.

Says the SoCal :V
Nope. That was me being willfully stupid and making it a badly written Brooklyn accent. I know we are Welsh Dwelfs, it's even in the thing. And I love them for it! It's so adorable watching them run around doing what we guide them too. Our civ is literally to bullshit and cute for me to not consider it my favorite out of the ones we've seen.
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I love how the People actually have one of the creepiest and stranger pantheons from an outside perspective. They have a three-aspected trickster god that is incredibly focused upon in their religion, creepy primordial hermaphroditic twins, and the original sin- everyone else has various expies (or at least parallels)while we're stuck with a creepy multi-faceted god (one facet of which is literally referred to as 'the Devourer') that vaguely reminds me of Shiva we literally call 'The Spider-Eyed Crow'.

Like what the fuck. That's up there with 'the Drowned God' in terms of ominousness.
I mean, the devourer is basically just our death god. I'm sure the Xohyssiri's fucking rape-minotaur has plenty of nasty epithets, too.
I love how the People actually have one of the creepiest and stranger pantheons from an outside perspective. They have a three-aspected trickster god that is incredibly focused upon in their religion, creepy primordial hermaphroditic twins, and the original sin- everyone else has various expies (or at least parallels)while we're stuck with a creepy multi-faceted god (one facet of which is literally referred to as 'the Devourer') that vaguely reminds me of Shiva we literally call 'The Spider-Eyed Crow'.

Like what the fuck. That's up there with 'the Drowned God' in terms of ominousness.
It's great!

Archaeologists will be scratching their heads going "What the everlasting-Lovecraftian-fuck?" If we die.

We seem totally disconnected from the rest of our neighbors. It's like we're aliens who just came down to frolic. It makes so much sense.

Also take note of the HK's "Black Eagle". Does that sound like a Crow expy, or does it sound like a Crow expy?
@Academia Nut this is pretty random and not sure if this has been mentioned yet but could a communication tech we can develop be messenger birds so we can more easily talk with others over long distances?

Feels like it would fit us to what with living in harmony with nature and all we end up developing partnerships with animals that we train/live alongside us.

Speaking of which do we have hunting/herding/companion dogs yet? Or maybe hunting falcon's? Any animals domesticated for special reasons besides livestock?
Noooo we might hit +4 stability and then we'll be dead, or worse, Californian.

Edit: I understand the appeal of the mine but want us to do the trade missions and/or a salt gift for the diplo + opium.

Can we actually go over 3 stability? Perhaps +4 has the opposite effect to -4 and instead of fracturing we become a singularity that absorbs the lowlands, unifying it once and for all...

Seems plausible.

I think next turn we should do either Southshore province or a couple of trade missions. Possibly Carrion Eaters within the next couple of turns as well.
I love how the People actually have one of the creepiest and stranger pantheons from an outside perspective. They have a three-aspected trickster god that is incredibly focused upon in their religion, creepy primordial hermaphroditic twins, and the original sin- everyone else has various expies (or at least parallels)while we're stuck with a creepy multi-faceted god (one facet of which is literally referred to as 'the Devourer') that vaguely reminds me of Shiva we literally call 'The Spider-Eyed Crow'.

Like what the fuck. That's up there with 'the Drowned God' in terms of ominousness.
I found this image by Googling "Spider eyed crow"


I nominate it for our representation of Spider-Eyed Crow. Some shaman sees this in a dream and goes "Yep, that's Crow."
I mean, the devourer is basically just our death god. I'm sure the Xohyssiri's fucking rape-minotaur has plenty of nasty epithets, too.
Sure, but the minotaur isn't primarily referred to as 'the devourer' it has a name and portfolio. I'm explicitly saying our religion is super creepy without context. Because to Ymaryn, 'the devourer' isn't just a godly aspect of Crow- it's a frame of mind, and why our religious soldiers often wear Devourer masks into battle.

LIke superficially, our aspects are just in place of various gods other religions have- but Ymaryn religion seems a lot more about mantling and following in the footsteps of those aspects. We don't sacrifice people to our creepy death god before battle, we don't simply ask for victory, we donned our masks and try to bring ourselves closer to the Devourer because that's his specialty. Crow isn't just a divine being we worship and sacrifice to, it's a set of philosophical tenets that the Ymaryn believe guides and defines their actions.

Every success of the People, mythologically speaking, comes back to following Crow's teachings. And as a culture big on humility, they find pride not simply in themselves but in following Crow's ideals. Of being worthy students so to speak.
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(7 econ - 4x megaproject - 1 study health + 1 Divine Stewards + (at least) 1 saltern initial bonus + 3 baby boom = 7, we have 6, and that was from you correcting your math so i'm assuming its something i'm missing/dont know about, rather than a math error)

The cost for the saltern is off, which is where your problem is coming in.

Also take note of the HK's "Black Eagle". Does that sound like a Crow expy, or does it sound like a Crow expy?

There's definite communication, but the lowlanders and their descendants had an eagle god since long ago and in fact their practices helped inspire the way the People view Crow now, with some of the ideas pollinating back to the Highlanders.
Sure, but the minotaur isn't primarily referred to as 'the devourer' it has a name and portfolio. I'm explicitly saying our religion is super creepy without context. Because to Ymaryn, 'the devourer' isn't just a godly aspect of Crow- it's a frame of mind, and why our religious soldiers often wear Devourer masks into battle.

LIke superficially, our aspects are just in place of various gods other religions have- but Ymaryn religion seems a lot more about mantling and following in the footsteps of those aspects. We don't sacrifice people to our creepy death god before battle, we don't simply ask for victory, we donned our masks and try to bring ourselves closer to the Devourer because that's his specialty. Crow isn't just a divine being we worship and sacrifice to, it's a set of philosophical tenets that the Ymaryn believe guides and defines their actions.
That sounds a lot like Buddhism.

We follow in the steps, try to become, the Crow/Buddha. Fits nicely with our ideal of eventually Recreating the Paradise Which Birthed Us.
@Academia Nut this is pretty random and not sure if this has been mentioned yet but could a communication tech we can develop be messenger birds so we can more easily talk with others over long distances?

Feels like it would fit us to what with living in harmony with nature and all we end up developing partnerships with animals that we train/live alongside us.

Speaking of which do we have hunting/herding/companion dogs yet? Or maybe hunting falcon's? Any animals domesticated for special reasons besides livestock?

It's a technology that was used since ancient Mesopotamia, but I don't think it necessarily replace a dedicated courier network. For one, I think you need to carry the pigeon with you, and only then that it returns to its nest. How are you going to be able to send message from central headquarter to field command? You'll need someone to run, doubly so if said messages are more mass than your piegon can carry.
It's a technology that was used since ancient Mesopotamia, but I don't think it necessarily replace a dedicated courier network. For one, I think you need to carry the pigeon with you, and only then that it returns to its nest. How are you going to be able to send message from central headquarter to field command? You'll need someone to run, doubly so if said messages are more mass than your piegon can carry.
Fair enough, but mostly talking about simply things like letters to help with communication in general alongside a dedicated pony express. Flying will always be faster after all so an be very helpful in transporting news quickly.

I mean we just need to make roads good enough and a good courier should be able to transport stuff pretty quickly, and if we eventually make them to Roman levels it will seriously improve travel time all over our domain.
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)
[X] Xohyssiri
Stability 3, here we come!
Fair enough, but mostly talking about simply things like letters to help with communication in general alongside a dedicated pony express. Flying will always be faster after all so an be very helpful in transporting news quickly.

I mean we just need to make roads good enough and a good courier should be able to transport stuff pretty quickly, and if we eventually make them to Roman levels it will seriously improve travel time all over our domain.

Apparently, we use carrier pigeon as late as WW2. Yeah, pigeons don't replace dedicated human courier, whether by horse or by foot. The Mongolians use horse messengers even though they have pigeons.
Ok, so running through archives for holy site and literacy status.

-Planting Harmony - Rainbow Trail lv 2 established by Main action - Site original focus: Funeral
-Unstoppable - Rainbow Trail lv 3 upgraded by Gwygotha Hero(Secondary)
-War Against the Storm II - Sacred Forest lv 1 established by Megaproject bonus(Secondary) - Site original focus: Forestry
-Spiritual Input - Horse Valley lv 1 established by Event(Secondary) - Site original focus: Plains animal study
-Whats that in the sky - Holy Sea lv 1 established by Secondary action - Site original focus - Lost sailors found
-Diplomatic Evolutions - Minor Holy Sites for Sacred Warding created and merged under province system into clinics. Not tracked.
-The Wanderer's Wake - Rainbow Trail lv 4 upgraded by Twythulmyn Hero(Secondary) - Site focus adds Astrology. Study Stars unlocked
-Common Turn - Sacred Forest lv 2 upgreaded by Secondary action - Site focus adds Metal Study due to proximity to Bluestone Quarry
-Sacrifices need to be made - Unnamed Holy Site lv 1 founded in Stallion March by Main Settlement
-Sacrifices need to be made - White Circle lv 1 founded by passage of time. Focus unknown
-The Law - Realization of Literacy deficit
-Death by taxes - Holy Sea lv 2 upgraded by province(Secondary)
-Death by taxes - Warrior's Rest lv 1 founded in Northshore by Main Settlement. Site original focus: Rest station for traveling warriors
-Just like you imagined - Horse Valley lv 3 upgraded by Province(Law Main)
-Just like you imagined - Unnamed Holy Site lv 1 founded in Stallion March by Main Settlement

Minimum Literacy requirement: 2 levels of Holy Site per province.
-Rainbow Trail lv 4

Sacred Forest
-Sacred Forest lv 2

-Holy Sea lv 2

-Horse Valley lv 3

-White Circle lv 1
-Warrior's Rest lv 1

Stallion Tribes
-Unnamed Black River Capital lv 1
-Unnamed Settlement lv 1

Literacy thus, resolved.
However, as we seem to get bonus features unlocked at level 4, a Main Holy Site Expansion in Sacred Forest, Holy Sea or a Secondary Holy Site in Stonepen may produce benefits

Looking over the turn change, well, Free Stability is a main action worth in itself. Whynot:
[X] Highland Kingdom
[X] Begin work on the Garden (-1 Econ, +1 Stability, starts megaproject)

Now to catch up after spending so much time doing an archive trawl.
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That is impossible to read on mobile

Also you should have totally drawn a mustache on one the Thunder Horse groups To show they are completely different people ;3
LOL. I was thinking about that. I'll do it in Paint later.

Not sure how to fix it for mobile.

Suggestions? What is the particular issue?
LA LA LA foolish mortal

SD is for dumbass surfers >.> and my sister.

Can we actually go over 3 stability? Perhaps +4 has the opposite effect to -4 and instead of fracturing we become a singularity that absorbs the lowlands, unifying it once and for all...

Seems plausible.

I think next turn we should do either Southshore province or a couple of trade missions. Possibly Carrion Eaters within the next couple of turns as well.
k so app it's limited to legitimacy, so basically we'd better hope it doesn't finish quickly cus we need to make sure to start and kick the dam before it finishes and wastes the Shaper bonus, and possibly do the same with PttS, too, if possible. Just to make sure that we never waste a stab.

I would like to do the Southshore province & a couple of trade missions during the same turn, if possible. Ideally one to each the HK, Southern Hill People, MW, and TH. It would actually be quite cool if we made Southshore and did one to the HK and SHP at the same time, to be like "hey neighbors!";and then next turn made the Eastern Hills province and sent one to the TH; and then made one at Black River and sent one to the MW. They'd be freaked out, especially if they talked to each other and were like "Why are they announcing their expansion? Is this a threat?"

@veekie yeah I'm like 90% that White Circle was actually made when we incorporated Northshore

Also, p sure that even if we do the dam in lower valleyhome we can still make an aqueduct to EH. It looks geographically correct-ish. lol nvm that was based on the map in my head. Still, since it's lower in elevation we could probably make a canal running backwards to the flow of the river.
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LOL. I was thinking about that. I'll do it in Paint later.

Not sure how to fix it for mobile.

Suggestions? What is the particular issue?
Problem is too many spoilers. On a small screen it becomes very cluttered. Especially since they contained only a few sentences of text

LA LA LA foolish mortal

SD is for dumbass surfers >.> and my sister.
It's in your blood! Search your feelings, you know it to be true!