*cough* Look at what's to the north of their territory *cough*
Yes, Teossoxyn is rather obviously the Spirit Talkers. Actually, it's rather disturbing how consistently the spirits of the Xohyssiri seem to derive from their enemies. Tuultox is very probably the swamp people we've yet to meet, and Choxosyn is rather obviously the nomads. Even the Thunderbird, while sort-of representing themselves, also ironically resembles the gods of their other Lowlander enemies.

It's not implausible for a culture that revolves around slave-taking to the degree theirs does to heavily integrate foreign gods, but it's so on the nose with them that it really makes me wonder about their culture.
Where do you get this? Our martial was adequate for waging a broad front war against the Nomads on unfavorable terrain back before the Stallions arose.

It's not like we'll get attacked on our other fronts without some kind of notice either.

Like this is serious citations needed- especially since our martial should theoretically scale with our population/economy which has gotten even bigger since then.

AN even said back then, we could take on any of our neighbors in a defensive war, and Stallion will give at the very least martial in such a situation.
It's less of a hard citation and more of looking at the fluff. The part I'm talking about is the last time we dealt with the nomads. At the very beginning, we did a Main Expand Warriors. That is stated to give us many many warriors. Yet in the update itself it was made mention that we just had enough to garrison the towns. So it looks like the number has grown proportional, but that it wasn't enough anymore.

There was also comments from AN that despite our massive defensive bonuses, we had even odds on taking on raiders. We expanded again and recieved word from AN that we can now clearly mulch anyone that tries to defend our core territories, but that our outer ones were still at risk of raiders, which was shown when we had to draw warriors from other regions to help fight off the Northern Nomads. We expanded again and beat them so soundly we created a March...that is now dedicated in protecting the northern border so can't be pulled away easily.

So I agree we have sufficient military for now, but that would only hold if we focus on internal affairs. Any attempt at expansion would still need a More Warriors project to ensure that state.
Our military stat is already dangerously high. More so if we tried to integrate the Stallion Tribes.
No, we're a few points off from danger high. Well, probably, we've never gotten there so we don't know what the actual danger point is: econ was 12 but Martial is plausibly lower.

Point is though that we don't need the Carrion Eaters, as nice as they'd be. Guaranteed completion of the Garden is easily worth it when it also comes with a free point of stability.
For a hypothetical Bloodborne crow, yeah, being a bonus boss is about right, just have him chilling out by a fire or possibly a void dark pit. Ah, yes, for the gothic feel, have him be a plague doctor who is just sitting around and who will talk about things. Maybe have it so that you can first engage each of his three aspects as somewhat more human scale fights, but then if you beat all of those forms he turns into a house sized crow with clawed wings that can be used for both flight and to propel him with surprising speed on all fours. Combines all of the attributes of the prior versions (teacher takes time for lessons to sink in, so has lots of health; trickster is fast and moves somewhat unpredictably; devourer hits like a truck) to push the player to the absolute limit of skill.

Winning gets you a black orb or something like that might be one of Crow's eyes, and maybe a crow feather jacket or something like that, and after killing him crow will still be chilling out, being all enigmatic over whether you fought him at all.
I'd love it if he was just an NPC you could find and then talk to. He'd say enigmatic things about the story and tell you warnings of stupid shit you shouldn't do. He might also troll you a bit by saying that you should do a certain thing and then that thing is fucking almost impossible to finish. Attacking him would not actually trigger the boss fight, he'd just make snarky comments.

If you had all four phases in a single fight I think some players might go insane. Especially if the order they popped up in was random.

The best method I can think of to fighting him would be having to trigger certain events in the outer world, then come talk to him in his dream and let him finish talking. It'd basically go that he's just chatting a bit ominously, but suddenly he'll attack when he's done. Extra points if at any time he references Snuggly.

Very cool ideas. I'd love to see a shaman hallucination of Spider Eye Crow and the reaction of the Shaman when he returns to the Waking World.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Umi-san on May 7, 2017 at 1:29 AM, finished with 235 posts and 63 votes.
It's less of a hard citation and more of looking at the fluff. The part I'm talking about is the last time we dealt with the nomads. At the very beginning, we did a Main Expand Warriors. That is stated to give us many many warriors. Yet in the update itself it was made mention that we just had enough to garrison the towns. So it looks like the number has grown proportional, but that it wasn't enough anymore.

There was also comments from AN that despite our massive defensive bonuses, we had even odds on taking on raiders. We expanded again and recieved word from AN that we can now clearly mulch anyone that tries to defend our core territories, but that our outer ones were still at risk of raiders, which was shown when we had to draw warriors from other regions to help fight off the Northern Nomads. We expanded again and beat them so soundly we created a March...that is now dedicated in protecting the northern border so can't be pulled away easily.

So I agree we have sufficient military for now, but that would only hold if we focus on internal affairs. Any attempt at expansion would still need a More Warriors project to ensure that state.
I fixed the Path post to the extent of my current desire. Is it any better?
Some of the issue might also be the alignment I used so please let me know.

I'll alos be adding more to the history sections and the society details as I go along, reaching back through the posts.
It's less of a hard citation and more of looking at the fluff. The part I'm talking about is the last time we dealt with the nomads. At the very beginning, we did a Main Expand Warriors. That is stated to give us many many warriors. Yet in the update itself it was made mention that we just had enough to garrison the towns. So it looks like the number has grown proportional, but that it wasn't enough anymore.

There was also comments from AN that despite our massive defensive bonuses, we had even odds on taking on raiders. We expanded again and recieved word from AN that we can now clearly mulch anyone that tries to defend our core territories, but that our outer ones were still at risk of raiders, which was shown when we had to draw warriors from other regions to help fight off the Northern Nomads. We expanded again and beat them so soundly we created a March...that is now dedicated in protecting the northern border so can't be pulled away easily.

So I agree we have sufficient military for now, but that would only hold if we focus on internal affairs. Any attempt at expansion would still need a More Warriors project to ensure that state.
At that point we were fighting hit and run attacks from nomads, which left us with effectively negative defense advantages. Till we got some method of rapidly redeploying in response (watchtowers), we continually suffered from needing to be strong everywhere.
When I look at the dead priests religion all I see is the beginning of a Godzilla movie except with more rape and murder
It's basically just the Aztec religion. Most of their sacrifices are probably foreigners or people whose families are compensated very well for their death at intermittent god-specific festivals.
It's not implausible for a culture that revolves around slave-taking to the degree theirs does to heavily integrate foreign gods, but it's so on the nose with them that it really makes me wonder about their culture.
Demonize then deify.
So I agree we have sufficient military for now, but that would only hold if we focus on internal affairs. Any attempt at expansion would still need a More Warriors project to ensure that state.
Only if we expect the next extensions to be attacked in the short term does this matter.
I fixed the Path post to the extent of my current desire. Is it any better?
Some of the issue might also be the alignment I used so please let me know.

I'll alos be adding more to the history sections and the society details as I go along, reaching back through the posts.
That's nice...but why quote that text? Surely it would be easier to simply tag me.
At that point we were fighting hit and run attacks from nomads, which left us with effectively negative defense advantages. Till we got some method of rapidly redeploying in response (watchtowers), we continually suffered from needing to be strong everywhere.
Yes. Which is why I suggested we do not rest on our laurels.
Only if we expect the next extensions to be attacked in the short term does this matter.
When have we not been attacked when we expanded?
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That's nice...but why quote that text? Surely it would be easier to simply tag me.

Yes. Which is why I suggested we do not rest on our laurels.

Does anyone actually suggest we do? Granted, I think we should be reminded every now and then that we need to improve our military.

AN is being really cagey about that. It could be a soft magic setting, but it could also not.

We genuinely have no real idea.

Everything we seen, even the lighting strike, could plausibly be explained.
when have we expanded before being attacked?
Northshore...that got raided by nomads

Southshore(Don't remember the actual name)...that got raided by pirates.
Does anyone actually suggest we do? Granted, I think we should be reminded every now and then that we need to improve our military.
Karagus made a plan of expansion with no hint of additional military projects. He said we had sufficiently stout military.

It was why I started this conversation... >.>
Northshore...that got raided by nomads

Southshore(Don't remember the actual name)...that got raided by pirates.
Northshore.. which was being raided by nomads and is thus why they joined us. Stonepen... which was being raided by nomads and is thus why they joined us. Southern coast... only the boats were being raided never the settlements.
[X] Xohyssiri

I'd prefer Study Stars due to me prefering that mega project, but that isn't going to win and I don't particularly mind which of the other two options wins. Carrion Eaters can synergy with all the new medical advancements and perhaps accompanying the trade delegation to the Xohyssiri, and the Garden suits the civilizations culture and gives a stability due to the health benefits also.
Northshore.. which was being raided by nomads and is thus why they joined us. Stonepen... which was being raided by nomads and is thus why they joined us. Southern coast... only the boats were being raided never the settlements.
You'll note that the Northshore only got raided after we started trading with them.

Southern Coast I'm pretty sure the settlments were being hit as well. Regardless, you cannot deny they were hit after we expanded.

Either way, you are distracting from the idea that we should make sure to boost our Military whenever we expand to ensure they are well protected.
You'll note that the Northshore only got raided after we started trading with them.

Southern Coast I'm pretty sure the settlments were being hit as well. Regardless, you cannot deny they were hit after we expanded.

Either way, you are distracting from the idea that we should make sure to boost our Military whenever we expand to ensure they are well protected.

yeah, of course they were hit after redcoast made a settlement to the south; otherwise our boats wouldn't be able to reach each other. Not getting raided now, though, despite not doing anything to solve the problem.

Yeah, because I consider it an unnecessary distraction to constantly be made to mix province, trail, and warrior actions when we're expanding to places who are unlikely to need them due to positive relationships with the bordering civilizations. The only province that I feel merits an increase in martial is Black River, so long as we send some Trade Missions around.

Aka, what I support doing is mixing megaproject, province, and trail actions so that we become well-integrated. After BR has been made, we can do Main Chariot + Main Expand Warriors + Main Spirit Warrior actions.

Though tbqh I kind of don't know if I actually want to increase our "Warrior" pop. cus then it just strengthens a gender imbalance. We'd need to counterbalance it through switching our policy to Trade. I'm neutral in regards to the spirit warriors though.

Watchtowers, too, seem like a good idea.
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