Sorry, I should have been more specific! I was referencing one of Hazou's first meetings with Asuma-as-Hokage, when he was asking about the legality of hunting down foreign/missing-nin Summoners. Asuma was surprised --because Hazou hadn't demonstrated that level of ruthlessness in front of him before --but was also agreeable to the idea.
I don't remember that kind of conversation.
A few of my reasons.
- The Goketsu aren't very favored by Asuma anymore, and I'm reluctant to propose an idea that might have his wary caution turn into something darker.
- It's already been mentioned that Hazou could justifiably be replaced by Keiko as the Goketsu clan head. And while that wouldn't be disastrous, I don't think that the immense amount of additional responsibility is something that Keiko would enjoy shouldering. She's already failing to juggle her familial bonds with the Gokestu --even if she's renewed her determination to change that, she only has so many spoons.
- The allied nation has no reason to keep its word after receiving the scroll
- The Summoning Clan may not necessarily even accept a Summoner. Summoners are useful to the Summoning Clans, but not necessary. This would make the entire trade agreement less effective, and would provide an excuse to back out of their side of the trade agreement.
- The Mist's Waka... Wakash... Vampiric Dew Clan has already seemed to renege on our current trade deal, or is otherwise failing to keep their side of the agreement in a timely manner.
- Is this exclusive to that specific clan? Or is this behavior indicative of a wider movement in Mist's internal politics?
The whole point is to convince the council. If we convince the council, then Asuma won't think we are up to no good, because there would be broad consensus. It's not just the Goketsu's opinion.
Also, Tenuous ally will remain tenuous ally unless we convert said ally to someone with a stronger tie. Trust is required to make alliance works.
- It slaps other Goketsu clan members in the face
- Akane might be satisfied with SC FOOM instead of becoming a Summoner, but what about Haru?
- Might be the last straw, Haru already feel like an outsider in our clan, alone in a group of friends. Giving the Scroll to Mist makes it seem like we value our old home --the one that rejected us --more than we do Haru --someone we voluntarily chose and courted into joining our clan.
If we have extra scroll leftover, then we should consider giving it to an ally. It doesn't have to be Mist. it could be Sand.