Re-reading that chapter:
chakra metal is rare in society because it's so dangerous. By definition, it only appears in places like this, places where the chakra flux is so strong that it can corrupt the very rocks. When you have a pocket of sufficiently pure iron ore in a sufficiently dense chakra field, the iron will sometimes be transmuted into what we call chakra metal. Unfortunately, at the same time the rocks around it are often corrupted along with the metal. They become..." He paused, frowning as he tried to find the right words. "Nagato explained it to me, but I don't remember it all. Chakra dynamics was his field, not mine. Regardless, the rocks around a chakra metal nodule often acquire a sort of pseudo-life. They can swim through the surrounding rock, carrying the nodule with them at their core like a heart. Occasionally one of these things accidentally breaches the surface, at which point it stumbles around causing horrific damage."
It sounds like we might be deliberately manufacture chakrametal by running normal iron through a rune-induced hyper-condensed chakra field. Conveniently, condensing chakra with runes is something we're already working on!
Huh, if the meteorite is the source of the chakra field, not the result of it, that implies it might be something other than chakra metal.Itachi paused, turning to face them. "Yes. A place so rich in chakra." He glanced over at the confused looks and frowned. "Didn't you lot spend time in the Swamp of Death? Remember how high the predator density was and how strong their abilities? This area is like that, and according to our maps this cave is the center of it. It's an even richer source than the meteorite at the center of the Swamp, but fortunately it's underground and the earth blocks most of the energy from getting into the environment. Still, there's almost certainly chakra metal in there."
....I'd rather like to go back there and look around, actually.
Plus, if the meteorite is a dislodged piece of Kayuga's moon prison or whatever, it might net us some forbidden lore!
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