• Leave them blindfolded in a trapped Zone with SCSA/SSSA/skyslicers on the Zone border. Let any rescuers get sliced.
  • Based on the intel/chakra levels of the Dogs, present the following combat scenarios to Cancurunchu
    • Plan A - Retreat to the Dog to rest/recover chakra, leaving behind traps -- skyslicers on the boundary of a SCSA would be almost impossible to spot.
We may also want to consider hiding under an Air Dome, to mask our scent from being detected.
Leave them blindfolded in a trapped Zone with SCSA/SSSA/skyslicers on the Zone border. Let any rescuers get sliced.
I am very worried how the dogs will react to us even sanity checking this with them given how they view oaths. It doesn't violate the letter but it does violate the spirit. Since they'll just die from traps when they try to leave (unless you tell them exactly where all the traps are)
Edit: or unless the plan is to free them later after the assaults? And you are just warning them not to move since they are surrounded by traps?
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I am very worried how the dogs will react to us even sanity checking this with them given how they view oaths. It doesn't violate the letter but it does violate the spirit. Since they'll just die from traps when they try to leave (unless you tell them exactly where all the traps are)
We can just ask! It's not like they'd expect a human to understand how 7P common sense works. ...well fine, yeah, sometimes they do that. Point is, it's no big deal if we just ask them for feedback.
New edit, how many atrocities can I pack into a single action plan?

Now let's try double-tap strikes
Wrong link.
I am very worried how the dogs will react to us even sanity checking this with them given how they view oaths. It doesn't violate the letter but it does violate the spirit. Since they'll just die from traps when they try to leave (unless you tell them exactly where all the traps are)
We tell them that they are there. We also blindfold them, bind them to a pole and leave them with enough food so that they don't starve until we can free them later. And they even have a trap array protecting them from random beasts or murderers. Once we have our 12 kills we can actually come back to free them, if no one else has done it yet and no one prevents us from doing so. As long as they don't stupidly tear and the bindings and stumble into any direction whatsoever they can just lay there and eat what we left them. If someone actively prevents us from freeing them (by chasing us away or laying an ambush at the location of the trap array or blowing everything up by mistake for instance) we can't be blamed for not keeping our word. In fact "I'll free you later if no one prevents me from doing so" is a fine promise.

@Sir Stompy Opinions?
We can just ask! It's not like they'd expect a human to understand how 7P common sense works. ...well fine, yeah, sometimes they do that. Point is, it's no big deal if we just ask them for feedback.
Being human gives some leeway, but there is still social cost to just asking something this big. Ex: spider queen reaction to suggestion to violate oath
We tell them that they are there. We also blindfold them, bind them to a pole and leave them with enough food so that they don't starve until we can free them later. And they even have a trap array protecting them from random beasts or murderers. Once we have our 12 kills we can actually come back to free them, if no one else has done it yet and no one prevents us from doing so. As long as they don't stupidly tear and the bindings and stumble into any direction whatsoever they can just lay there and eat what we left them. If someone actively prevents us from freeing them (by chasing us away or laying an ambush at the location of the trap array or blowing everything up by mistake for instance) we can't be blamed for not keeping our word. In fact "I'll free you later if no one prevents me from doing so" is a fine promise
Nah we can't do that and bait the trap properly. Since if they're told they can warn the rescuers.

IIRC we were told that the letter of the oath is the important part and not the spirit. Lemme see if I can dig up the quote.

EDIT: no we were told that both were important. I don't think we can do this....

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20AlertnessAthleticsNapalm Shot
And also Pangolin Conditioning Jutsu at level 1

Yamanaka Stability Jutsu50xp
Rocket Jump10xp

Looks like a nice, optimized 1000xp build; I like it :)

But from a fluff point of view, it seems weird for her to graduate the academy with 0 in many skills that are taught there, such as taijutsu / melee weapons / ranged weapons, stealth, survival, etc.

So I was wondering whether there are minimal skills requirements for academy graduates. Something like this list from the Sasuke omake back when @eaglejarl was trying out an early version of modified Dresden Files rules:

Characters with the Ninja Academy Graduate template must buy the following Skills and Stunts up to at least the indicated levels:
  • Alertness: Average (1)
  • Athletics: Average (1) (enhanced to Fair (2) by Ninja Body)
  • Conviction: Average (1)
  • Endurance: Average (1)
  • Discipline: Average (1)
  • Conviction: Average (1)
  • Fists: Fair (2)
  • Stealth: Average (1)
  • Survival: Average (1)
  • Weapons: Average (1)
  • Stunt, -1 Refresh: Hands of Death (Either Fists OR Weapons skill gets +2 and ignores normal armor. You may take it twice in order to get the benefit with both Fists and Weapons. NB: This stunt is strictly better than the similar Lethal Weapon stunt, which costs -1 Refresh. HoD should therefore really cost at least -2 Refresh. It's underpriced specifically to ensure that every ninja has it without crippling their builds, because that pushes MfD more towards the high-lethality setting we're looking for..

Obviously these were just temporary rules made on the spot for a non-canon interlude, but still, I think it makes sense to say "here is what you need to be able to do in order to graduate". So maybe there are skills that must be bought to at least 5 or 10 or something with the actual rules? This would allow Sasha's starting character sheet to look a bit more natural, but still be optimized in the sense that it's the best one we can build while observing the minimal skills constraints.

Note: This is almost purely fluff. Mechanically, it won't change much for Sasha to roll 0 or 5 in these skills, and the XP differences are small. If the QMs don't have the spoons for this, it's not important.
I am very worried how the dogs will react to us even sanity checking this with them given how they view oaths. It doesn't violate the letter but it does violate the spirit. Since they'll just die from traps when they try to leave (unless you tell them exactly where all the traps are)
Edit: or unless the plan is to free them later after the assaults? And you are just warning them not to move since they are surrounded by traps?

Wrong link.

We tell them that they are there. We also blindfold them, bind them to a pole and leave them with enough food so that they don't starve until we can free them later. And they even have a trap array protecting them from random beasts or murderers. Once we have our 12 kills we can actually come back to free them, if no one else has done it yet and no one prevents us from doing so. As long as they don't stupidly tear and the bindings and stumble into any direction whatsoever they can just lay there and eat what we left them. If someone actively prevents us from freeing them (by chasing us away or laying an ambush at the location of the trap array or blowing everything up by mistake for instance) we can't be blamed for not keeping our word. In fact "I'll free you later if no one prevents me from doing so" is a fine promise.

@Sir Stompy Opinions?

Leave the executed Leopard in a trapped Zone with SCSA/SSSA/skyslicers on the Zone border. Any potential rescuers will get sliced.
Edits made so that the living Leopard is no longer surrounded by deathtraps.
[X] Action Plan: A Murdering of Leopards

[X] kill them, in no uncertain terms

I also had some reservations about the interrogation suggestions, but the last edits make things better. I'm ok with both plans now.
[X] kill them, in no uncertain terms

@Zampano can we do the same separation + interrogation as in Stompy's plan, just offering a quick death to whichever leopard gives more information, instead of offering to let them live? The implication and/or reality can be that we'll give a much more painful death to the other.

I feel like that has almost all the benefits of effective interrogation without the downside of not killing the leopard.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Posted courtesy of @ProperAttorney

Question about runic HOWS (HOWR?)

Does this rune drain all runes/seals in its range? The paper variant worked by draining some of the chakra inside the Runic Mont. A HOWR presumably does the same thing in greater amounts. Theoretically, this should effectively neutralize any seals in the area. Possibly also works to disable runes.

[Sir Stompy's take]

It seems possible to me that the chakra drain of HOWR only works on runes/seals that are actively using chakra. So the Great Seal is always using chakra, but many other seals/runes are mostly inert. A storage seal might only use a (tiny) amount of chakra when it stores/unstores things etc.

One possible test is to see if a 5SB lasts a full month parked over a HOWR.