No? That was a theory some people presented.but IIRC we know Jaffur style is related in someway to Endivan's trick
My guess is that it's tail related.
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No? That was a theory some people presented.but IIRC we know Jaffur style is related in someway to Endivan's trick
They are related like so:
...Which tells us nothing other then the question is a spoiler?
I took it to mean something else, but I edited the post to make it so that it's less certain on my part, just in case I'm wrong....Which tells us nothing other then the question is a spoiler?
Hmph. Did you really think that was his Final Form?
Another? My, you work fast. Non-canon since Mato hasn't gotten that far yet, but I like it. Bonus going to your upcoming training with Mato.MatoYou spread your feet apart. You lean in, to brace a force that isn't there yet.
You cup your hands.
You could do this for years. It was one of the first techniques you learned. After all, you were Clan Goku. Of course you learned how to do this. Even without using the technique, all the steps were instinctively in your mind.
You breathe in.
And release.
Ki would first gather into your hands, following your will as easy as breathing.
It would flow in, quickly and hungrily. Like there was so much space for the ki.
Your hands would be pushed apart, as the amount of ki increased. The space was running out. But you would know you could keep going. Push so much more. But that wasn't what this technique was.
You would push back.
The ki would move sluggishly this time. It was harder, like you were trying to fill space already occupied.
It didn't matter though. You were trained to do that too.
But that's not what this technique was about either.
I was about focus.
Lots of techniques were about concentration of force.
Los of techniques were about raw power.
But that's not what this technique was about.
With skill born of long practise, you would have twisted. It would draw into itself, and the ki would become more.
And you pushed your arms forward, in a motion born of long practice. You imagined the beam of energy should have appeared, much more powerful than it should be.
That's what the Kamehameha was, you thought to yourself as you sat down.
You've never really thought about that so much. You've always known, but it really never hit you. Everyone uses the Kamehameha technique. It's probably the most common technique you have.
But you remember hearing that it took Master Roshi over fifty years to make the technique. Even when they fought Freeza and the other aliens, no one really had quite a technique like that.
Really, Kakara said they still didn't!
But you never really understood that until now.
It had taken you longer than you'd liked to copy the ki signature that Kakara had shown you, but even after you did that, you still couldn't figure out more.
You remembered the feeling of the Kamehameha, and you tried to focus your aura like that.
But it was haaaard.
You knew it wouldn't be easy.
But even now, after so long.
All you got what something that looked like Jaffur's aura.
And it wasn't fair!
You hadn't even looked at Jaffur's aura.
You had never even felt it.
You were trying to figure out something from absolutely nothing!
But Kakara had seen it happen. She knew how it would work. She would figure this out before you too.
Why couldn't Jaffur have fought you? Why couldn't you have seen his technique?
If only…
You punched the wall with your enhanced aura. The wall shook a little. Some book books fell down. Nothing really happened.
Like you knew nothing would. You weren't using that much ki anyway, and it's not like the technique would ever work.
You went to pick up the books, and slowly put them back. What were you doing wrong?
"Mato," you heard from behind you. "What were you doing?"
You froze.
And you slowly turned around to see who it was.
Your dad stood at the door, staring at you with an unreadable expression on his face.
Doubt that last part would be canon, but our dad has actually fought Jaffur so it makes sense that he'd be surprised if he sensed Mato practicing something similar, and provided that dad doesn't shut him down, he might be able to give pointers to Mato. This would help accelerate his training, help motivate him and also let him have something with Dad that we don't have.
I also think that Jaffur style might be related in someway to Endivan's trick. If it is, dad might be able to give us even more tips.
If I answer, "spoilers," it simply means, "yes or no, my answer would spoil something." My answer on whether or not Endivan and Jaffur Style are related is a solid, "no comment."
Few days ago. I'm surprised you didn't notice earlier.
Now this, this is compliant. You really are writing quickly lately. Obviously, your style training for the year already, "happened," mechanically, so it can't go to that, but it'll go towards your next Tenshinhan Style training.A Frank Discussion"Styles, what are they really?" Your mom says, beginning today's lesson. "They certainly aren't what our Ancestor's practised, despite being named in their honour. The Styles use the same techniques, but our Ancestors obviously used them differently. The Styles we use aren't even what we think they used, but instead they are their different approaches to battle. Tell me Kakara, based on the techniques you've learned, which styles would they fall into?"
"Honestly," You muse, "My techniques are based more around Goku Style, rather than Tien Style. People even said that my fighting is kind of like Goku's."
Your mom smiles approvingly. "And that's how it should be. Using those techniques in battle, people generally gravitate towards the same tricks and solutions. You would do things that a Goku Stylists might do, and even though you just started learning, now you might do things that a Tien Stylist might do. Styles are formal studies into these tricks and solutions, so that rather than having to figure out everything by yourself, you can benefit from the experiences that the people before you have had. Not only is this much faster, it's also lowers the chances you get into bad habits. "
"So what you're basically saying is that, people started using techniques that our Ancestors were famous for just because they used them, and then created the Styles trying to make them work?"
"Pretty much. It's not like there was any way we could see how our Ancestor's actually used them, so we had to make up our own styles. The names really only acted as a quick identifier and made want to learnt them more, since they add some prestige value."
You stick out your tongue at that cheekily. "Well, you can't. Nothing stops me from learning by watching Tien directly."
That actually caused mom to pause and actually think about it. "I didn't think of that. Sight and Magic changes a lot of things, doesn't it?"
You just grin at her.
"Ha ha, but don't think that would actually help you, young lady. Didn't I just say that our Styles are completely different from what the Ancestor's used? Just watching might give you some insights into fighting in general, but these Styles are products of centuries of innovation, and have a lot of literature dedicated to them not to mention actual teachers. "
"Well I could, never said I would, mom." You reply sheepishly, and shelve your plans of using the Sight to learn faster. Topic change! "So what are we planning to do today?"
Your mom smiles knowingly at you, but then gets serious. "As I was getting to, we'll be doing some sparring practise today. I know you learn better from direct teaching and don't like fighting as much, but this is something we have to do if you want to make the Style your own. You have the basics down, but you need learn how to use them in a real fight. Are you ready for that, Kakara?"
"I…" You fidget a bit as you think of how to say this. You don't think you've really vocalised this yet, have you?
Your mother tilts her head, clearly wondering what you would say. But she waits patiently, as you think this through. She knew what you were doing.
"I've thinking about this a lot, recently," you begin slowly. "Ever since the scouts, you know? And I think I'll be fine now. I know what I want, and I want to protect everyone. I need to know how to fight."
You looked your mother in the eye as you said it, and some emotion you didn't recognise flickered through her at that. Then she sighed and pulled you into a hug. "You always grow up really fast, you know that?" She pulls you away and smiles. "I'm proud of you. Now, we're still in the middle of a lesson, so let's hit the mat."
You smile back. "Thanks mom. Now I hope I don't beat you too bad."
Your mother's smile turns very saiyin as she hears your reply. "Did I mention power levels are restricted?"
Didn't turn out like I wanted, but posting it anyway.
Yes, in that saiyan psychiatrists exist....You know, I just had a thought. Do the Lords have access to a psychiatrist/psychologist they can trust? they use shonen therapy? How do they manage with the different PL?Yes, in that saiyan psychiatrists exist.
There are three of them, between the clans.
Right, new things to add to the bucket list: more saiyan therapists, and get some who can be trusted with otherwise secret knowledge.Yes, in that saiyan psychiatrists exist.
There are three of them, between the clans.
Guys, we have to do this next turn.Convincing Your Friends To Form a Super Hero Group (please don't make me write this unless they know how to use ki. I don't want to write children dying).
Actually, I purposely didn't mention any explicit time frame so that this scene could happen any time in the future. But it's fine either way.Another? My, you work fast. Non-canon since Mato hasn't gotten that far yet, but I like it.
Nah, just plain old they use shonen therapy? How do they manage with the different PL?
Thing is, it's difficult to motivate saiyans to enter a field with so little prestige attached -- with so little fighting or demonstration of ki skill, psychology, psychiatry, and its doctors and nurses are not held in high esteem, even ignoring the prejudice that exists in real-life against such arts. That there are as many as there are is actually the result of a years-long campaign on Berra's part to de-stigmatize it by reframing it as just another part of the medical field -- which is much more respected, likely due to the prevalence of ki healing.Right, new things to add to the bucket list: more saiyan therapists, and get some who can be trusted with otherwise secret knowledge.
Perhaps it would have helped stop this entire mess, starting from House Talt rebelling, from happening in the first place.
*sighs* Its going to take decades to break that out of them, barring Gohan and/or Vegeta descending to beat it out of them.
*sighs* Its going to take decades to break that out of them, barring Gohan and/or Vegeta descending to beat it out of them.
We may have to fill that gap with Garenhulders in the meantime, but that has a good chance of making the situation worse.![]()
No four witches or taioken? Tien knew them in the 22nd tournament so presumably he learnt them from Shen.Crane Style
The original Crane School was founded by Master Shen, and was practiced by the then-famous assassin Mercenary Tao. While Tien Shinhan and Chaotzu were considered students of the school, they split away quite early due to Master Roshi's influence. While originally considered a peer to the Turtle Style, today it is considered superior in its function and design. It is the first style to have integrated true ki-based combat and can be considered able to survive and even perform admirably against almost all modern styles.Despite existing long before the Z-fighters true formation, its involved techniques included flight, the Dodonpa and the original Kikoho technique.
Despite its purported advantages, the modern Exile Society this Style has never been openly practised and exists only in a hypothetical form. This is because it is an assassin's art and focuses on killing and crippling the enemy over all else, burning even one's life force in the process. Such an art is nearly obsolete in Garenhuld and viewed only as a barbaric philosophy. Perhaps because of that, exposure to this style is considered an important step in the study of Tenshinhan Style, in order to stem overuse of life force and to impress upon students what awaits them when they engage in such extreme practices.
Involved techniques: Lethality [Extreme], Flight, Dodonpa, Kikoho
Penalized techniques: Non-lethal attacks [Crippling]
Something else I pulled together in my free time.![]()