Voting is open
So I think I've figured out where this disagreement is coming from, at its' core. I've been arguing that not picking slack this turn is objectively the wrong choice, and given that we can spend three actions next turn making up any errors and showing Kakara's commitment to learning, and I stand by that. But many of you have been hearing "well, I think we can metagame best in this way and damn the character!" And that's not the case, and I apologise for giving that impression.

Kakara is a social, intelligent girl who has a love of learning and doesn't like fighting. She's a quirky oddball, thinking outside the box, and she cares about Garenhulders more than most Saiyans seem to, and right now a lot of you guys think we should show this by spending more time learning.

I think differently.

Kakara is a Driven individual, who has spent the last 2 years training herself relentlessly, doing all she can to better herself. She has a Cause, from when she saw her counterpart Jaffur unjustly imprisoned, and swore herself an enemy of Dandeer Vegeta, and that she would do all she could to see him freed. She's a Pacifist, who finds herself facing an invading alien army that will attempt to bring ruin down upon all she knows and loves. She's Compassionate, and this state of affairs threatens all of innocent Garenhuld.

I've been making arguments purely in meta terms, and for that I apologise, for it was not my underlying cause for arguing this much over a single point. I think Kakara Goku is a good person, blessed with great power, who sees all she loves threatened, and I don't think she's okay with that. I think she would do anything in her power to see this, her family and friends safe, to see Jaffur freed.

You've been thinking that Kakara Goku is the sort of person who'd study in school to keep her grades. I think Kakara Goku is a good person in a terrible situation, who's going to do all she can to protect her friends and family. And if she has to blow off some schoolwork to do that, I think she will.

I only hope you think about it, and decide you think so too.
Well, there is some of that but there is also the fact that your reasoning for slacking this year is that Kakara is pressed for actions... which doesn't seem to be reflected in your plan and the rest of your arguments? Like, telepathy could be useful for intrigue and it is something that we want to learn eventually but the argument you have focused the most on is that it is really cool. Then you spend an action examining the Driven trait which I believe you do in the hopes of getting more actions which is unlikely since we would still be lacking the time to do them. Then there is the fact that you favor putting it aside to prepare for the invasión which is in three years saying we have no time now when it is most likely we are going to have less time later once we progress more with our conspiracy; we will want to spend more actions there and we will have to spend actions to prepare to the invasión anyways which means that studies will be put on the side again and again. Then your plan doesn't adress the fact that Maya is suspiscious which last time it happened was when we were not used to the masque. That is something we might like to check up.

I mean, it is hard to take seriously a "we have more important things to do than school" when the impression it gives is that the actions taken are not that focused in solving the problems we actually have. So it is not just slacking at school that puts me off but that I don't feel the extra action it gives your plan is used properly.
Just for the record, we asked the QM and he said that failing to convince Sensei to train us in Mind Project will make that action a regular Train With Sensei action, which was why I decided not to double up.
Oh, I missed that, fair enough. I retract that argument.

Still though, I'd rather have both if we could swing it, and I also agree with the points made just before me too.

If it was just that your plan had slack that would be one thing, but on the whole it's not so much better that I can feel I warrant it. Neither of the plans are perfect, but them's the breaks.
Alright, I've been too busy to check in on the thread today, but now it's time to see how things are-

...well hello everybody. :lol

Well, it seems as though we have quite some debate going! We've got new faces, we've got worrying over actions, and most of all we've got a huge debate over whether to slack or maintain grades. Now, there's been a lot of pages of discussion, so I'm only responding to direct tags to me. Here goes:

@PoptartProdigy, can we make use of our "strong family support structure" by getting Mum and Dad to talk with us about ourselves, thereby getting increased chance of success for The Examined Life?


@PoptartProdigy Mom's Elite teaching skill could be used to improve our grades if they drop, right?

On the other hand, she is a teacher so I don't think she would be kosher with us ignoring our grades...

It absolutely could. And likely would.

Actually you know what, we can prove this like we did the maths. @PoptartProdigy , how likely does Kakara think it is that her parents will come down on her like a tonne of bricks and limit her Saiyan training if she drops a letter grade in her Masque form?

Well see, there's the interesting thing -- not necessarily. Your parents understand that you have greater responsibilities to attend to and absolutely value the time you invest in your social life, and thus can be forgiving of a grade drop during a particularly stressful time. But it's important to note that in both of the presently-leading plans, two actions, representing significant swathes of your time, are devoted to things that you probably don't want to level with your parents about (namely, "Get Organized," and, "Beg Sensei To Teach You [Mind Projection]," given that the first is openly treasonous and being so insistent about the second one would be highly suspicious). Thus, you have no real alibi for either of those. Your parents will likely point to that time and ask why you didn't use it to keep your grades up, should they slip. Now, this isn't something that will interrupt the yearly schedule, but you can expect your teacher mother to set some stringent requirements on your time next year if you do slack and slip.

@PoptartProdigy , can you clarify if choosing anything besides Slack is "completely pointless" and/or "stupid", as is being proposed by some, or if there are at least some benefits, background or otherwise, to choosing Maintain Grades?

In addition to the above, a well-rounded and rigorously-attended-to education will in general make things easier on you once school gets harder in later years.

And follow up @PoptartProdigy How likely are we to gain some kind of slacker trait

Zero percent.
Ok, you know what? Fuck it. You think we need more actions? This is what youdo then.

First, you drop the redundant actions. Grab Plan Aranfan. Drop Style training to one action. Drop training with Sensei since if we fail begging it counts as if we chose it anyways. That's two actions cut.

Then you see which actions people will want to take. Multiform for extra ones. Best Fit for Social. Nosy for paranoia. Tien to finally learn a style. Command to prepare for war. Family to get rid of that problema. Scion for raising communications and intrigue. Organized for conspiracy.

Nosy and Family don't seem that important but you know people are going to keep bothering about it until they are done. Better to get it done now before we are swamped with issues. @Deathbybunnies wanted to train ki and telepathy. Driven, as far as I know was not part of the original plan and there is not that much emphasis on it. So you could just train ki and keep grades or slack to get telepaty. But at least this way you get all the actions of fluff and plot out of the way and start solving problems, which is why I think people are voting for Aranfan.

Look, I think only @Aranfan actually cares about spending 2 actions on Tien's style. And with this plan we get one of the two training actions @Deathbybunnies wanted, the most costly one at that. None of you get all you want but it is a start.

Can we actually move the argument from whether school is important or not to what actions we NEED to do and if the plans cover them?

[X] Plan Compromise
[x] Maintain Grades (2 actions)
[x] Best Fit (1 action)
[x] Nosy Little Girl (1 action)
[X] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions)
[x] Learn Tenshinhan Style
[x] Train Multiform
[x] Command Training
[x] Beg Sensei To Teach You[Mind Projection] (1 action)
[x] Family First
[x] A Scion's Duty III
[x] Get organized
Can we actually move the argument from whether school is important or not to what actions we NEED to do and if the plans cover them?

Just so you know, I won't be spending cookies on tien style if it doesn't have two actions on it. I am saving my cookies for that. Also, I strongly oppose not spending a regular action learning seer stuff from Sensei on schedual.
So I think I've figured out where this disagreement is coming from, at its' core. I've been arguing that not picking slack this turn is objectively the wrong choice, and given that we can spend three actions next turn making up any errors and showing Kakara's commitment to learning, and I stand by that. But many of you have been hearing "well, I think we can metagame best in this way and damn the character!" And that's not the case, and I apologise for giving that impression.

Kakara is a social, intelligent girl who has a love of learning and doesn't like fighting. She's a quirky oddball, thinking outside the box, and she cares about Garenhulders more than most Saiyans seem to, and right now a lot of you guys think we should show this by spending more time learning.

I think differently.

Kakara is a Driven individual, who has spent the last 2 years training herself relentlessly, doing all she can to better herself. She has a Cause, from when she saw her counterpart Jaffur unjustly imprisoned, and swore herself an enemy of Dandeer Vegeta, and that she would do all she could to see him freed. She's a Pacifist, who finds herself facing an invading alien army that will attempt to bring ruin down upon all she knows and loves. She's Compassionate, and this state of affairs threatens all of innocent Garenhuld.

I've been making arguments purely in meta terms, and for that I apologise, for it was not my underlying cause for arguing this much over a single point. I think Kakara Goku is a good person, blessed with great power, who sees all she loves threatened, and I don't think she's okay with that. I think she would do anything in her power to see this, her family and friends safe, to see Jaffur freed.

You've been thinking that Kakara Goku is the sort of person who'd study in school to keep her grades. I think Kakara Goku is a good person in a terrible situation, who's going to do all she can to protect her friends and family. And if she has to blow off some schoolwork to do that, I think she will.

I only hope you think about it, and decide you think so too.

I'm gonna add to this.

I think there may be a disagreement over what having a "Smart" protagonist means. To me, it does not mean that we're really good at school, or we know advanced mathematics, or that we get really high scores on school tests. Being Smart means behaving optimally, efficiently using whatever resources you have to most effectively achieve whatever goals you have. Even if we had chosen to play as some "Strong, but not smart" protagonist, we still should pick the optimal selection of options. That is what questing is when there is a possibility of Quest Failure, as opposed to quests where the choices essentially choose what kind of story they want.

Kakara is facing the imminent of arrival of the greatest threat to their society since they got to this planet, she's running a treasonous conspiracy, and there is never enough time to achieve all we want to. In this case, I firmly hold that the Smart Option is to spend less time on Primary School schoolwork and more time on that shit. To do otherwise just seems like a huge flaw in her sense of priorities. And, as it has been proven before, the most efficient use of our resources to stay at our letter grade at school is to do the 1-action Slack until it does drop our grade, then spending the 3-Point action to bring it back up. Every time it doesn't drop our grade, we just got a free action. And this turn we are spending time learning things that will enable us to get even more actions later, so it's more important to do it now.
None of that does anything to mitigate the other consequences of dropping grades.

I.e., parental attention at minimum. Which is not good given we're trying to run a conspiracy against them.
Poptart just said that slacking runs the risk of increased parental attention given we don't have excuses for "get organized" and "beg for mind projection training".
Yeaaah, I kinda don't care. If you'd like to argue for the merits of your plan, ok. But currently, deathbybunnies plan is the one that most appeals to me, so trying to tell me I shouldn't vote it because of the QM post I did, in fact, read, does nothing.
n this case, I firmly hold that the Smart Option is to spend less time on Primary School schoolwork and more time on that shit.

Except that as Bakkasama mentioned, the actions picked by Deathbybunnies doesn't really take advantage of that stuff. It gets nice to haves that we don't really need with the extra action. We don't need Telepathy or The Examined Life, and they don't help us with either the consipracy or training for the arrival of enemies. We aren't actually pressed for time right now, and neither plan in it's action choices actually reflects a feeling of time pressure.

Yeaaah, I kinda don't care. If you'd like to argue for the merits of your plan, ok. But currently, deathbybunnies plan is the one that most appeals to me, so trying to tell me I shouldn't vote it because of the QM post I did, in fact, read, does nothing.

It would help if you explained why you liked it.
Well, there is some of that but there is also the fact that your reasoning for slacking this year is that Kakara is pressed for actions... which doesn't seem to be reflected in your plan and the rest of your arguments? Like, telepathy could be useful for intrigue and it is something that we want to learn eventually but the argument you have focused the most on is that it is really cool.
While telepathy is really cool, I'll admit that I could have argued for it better - I just didn't think it was worth dropping it over a second Seer Training, and I thought maybe we could use it to talk to people while we spent so much time training? EDIT: Wow, I wrote this section completely backwards the first time through. Edited to say what I actually meant.

Then you spend an action examining the Driven trait which I believe you do in the hopes of getting more actions which is unlikely since we would still be lacking the time to do them. Then there is the fact that you favor putting it aside to prepare for the invasión which is in three years saying we have no time now when it is most likely we are going to have less time later once we progress more with our conspiracy; we will want to spend more actions there and we will have to spend actions to prepare to the invasión anyways which means that studies will be put on the side again and again.
We have 3 turns until the main invasion fleet. If we spend 1 turn getting a bonus action/willpower, we then have 2 bonus turns/willpower before the fleet arrives, which is a net profit before taking into account all the turns afterwards.

hen your plan doesn't adress the fact that Maya is suspiscious which last time it happened was when we were not used to the masque. That is something we might like to check up.
Honestly, I think she thinks we have a crush on Jaron - she's not suspicious anymore because she thinks she's figured out whatever it was.

I mean, it is hard to take seriously a "we have more important things to do than school" when the impression it gives is that the actions taken are not that focused in solving the problems we actually have. So it is not just slacking at school that puts me off but that I don't feel the extra action it gives your plan is used properly.
Fair enough, I was mostly hoping to use this turn to set up the other two.

It absolutely could. And likely would.

Well see, there's the interesting thing -- not necessarily. Your parents understand that you have greater responsibilities to attend to and absolutely value the time you invest in your social life, and thus can be forgiving of a grade drop during a particularly stressful time. But it's important to note that in both of the presently-leading plans, two actions, representing significant swathes of your time, are devoted to things that you probably don't want to level with your parents about (namely, "Get Organized," and, "Beg Sensei To Teach You [Mind Projection]," given that the first is openly treasonous and being so insistent about the second one would be highly suspicious). Thus, you have no real alibi for either of those. Your parents will likely point to that time and ask why you didn't use it to keep your grades up, should they slip. Now, this isn't something that will interrupt the yearly schedule, but you can expect your teacher mother to set some stringent requirements on your time next year if you do slack and slip.
That... sounds fine? That's just the 1+3 plan if we fail. We can't offer an alibi, so we're basically pre-committing to taking 3 on the turn after failure. All we have to do is say we slacked off, and will work harder in the future; and it'll be true.

So, given this new information regarding our grades, I propose we slack only until the first time we fail a slack test, and drop a grade. We then spend actions and time with mom getting our grades back up.

Just so you know, I won't be spending cookies on tien style if it doesn't have two actions on it. I am saving my cookies for that. Also, I strongly oppose not spending a regular action learning seer stuff from Sensei on schedual.
That is a perfectly reasonable point. In fact, I think it partially solves our deadlock. Given that Ki Manipulation does the job of boosting multiform this turn and more, what if I drop Tien Shinhan Style for a turn and put it towards something else? (Not grades.)

[X] Plan Deathbybunnies

[X] Slack (1 action)
[X] Best Fit (1 action)
[X] The Nosy Girl (1 action)

A Warrior's Path
[X] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions)
[X] Command Training (1 action)

Style Training
[X] Train Specific Skill (1 action, may be taken multiple times) Multiform

The Mysteries
[X] Beg Sensei To Teach You [Write-In Specific Technique] (1 action) Mind Projection

The Pulse of Life
[X] Family First (1 action) Mato
[X] A Scion's Duties III (1 action)

Breaking the Seal
[X] Get Organized (1 action)

[X] New Tricks (1 action) Telepathy
[X] The Examined Life (1 action) Driven
-[X] If we think it'll help, ask our family for their thoughts

Currently differs from original plan:
Dropped Training With Sensei for Nosy Girl since more people seem to care about that than Seer Training

Ok, you know what? Fuck it. You think we need more actions? This is what youdo then.

First, you drop the redundant actions. Grab Plan Aranfan. Drop Style training to one action. Drop training with Sensei since if we fail begging it counts as if we chose it anyways. That's two actions cut.

Then you see which actions people will want to take. Multiform for extra ones. Best Fit for Social. Nosy for paranoia. Tien to finally learn a style. Command to prepare for war. Family to get rid of that problema. Scion for raising communications and intrigue. Organized for conspiracy.

Nosy and Family don't seem that important but you know people are going to keep bothering about it until they are done. Better to get it done now before we are swamped with issues. @Deathbybunnies wanted to train ki and telepathy. Driven, as far as I know was not part of the original plan and there is not that much emphasis on it. So you could just train ki and keep grades or slack to get telepaty. But at least this way you get all the actions of fluff and plot out of the way and start solving problems, which is why I think people are voting for Aranfan.

Look, I think only @Aranfan actually cares about spending 2 actions on Tien's style. And with this plan we get one of the two training actions @Deathbybunnies wanted, the most costly one at that. None of you get all you want but it is a start.

Can we actually move the argument from whether school is important or not to what actions we NEED to do and if the plans cover them?

[X] Plan Compromise
[x] Maintain Grades (2 actions)
[x] Best Fit (1 action)
[x] Nosy Little Girl (1 action)
[X] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions)
[x] Learn Tenshinhan Style
[x] Train Multiform
[x] Command Training
[x] Beg Sensei To Teach You[Mind Projection] (1 action)
[x] Family First
[x] A Scion's Duty III
[x] Get organized

Ironically, I was already moving towards compromise.
Last edited:
[X] Plan Deathbybunnies

Yeah, setting aside the whole dispute on slacking or not slacking, I just like this plan better.
That... sounds fine? That's just the 1+3 plan if we fail. We can't offer an alibi, so we're basically pre-committing to taking 3 on the turn after failure. All we have to do is say we slacked off, and will work harder in the future; and it'll be true.

It will also bring increased parental attention to us when we are trying to run a conspiracy against them.

I also much prefer having 1 use of Tien Style to having no Tien Style.
It will also bring increased parental attention to us when we are trying to run a conspiracy against them.

I also much prefer having 1 use of Tien Style to having no Tien Style.
Well see, there's the interesting thing -- not necessarily. Your parents understand that you have greater responsibilities to attend to and absolutely value the time you invest in your social life, and thus can be forgiving of a grade drop during a particularly stressful time. But it's important to note that in both of the presently-leading plans, two actions, representing significant swathes of your time, are devoted to things that you probably don't want to level with your parents about (namely, "Get Organized," and, "Beg Sensei To Teach You [Mind Projection]," given that the first is openly treasonous and being so insistent about the second one would be highly suspicious). Thus, you have no real alibi for either of those. Your parents will likely point to that time and ask why you didn't use it to keep your grades up, should they slip. Now, this isn't something that will interrupt the yearly schedule, but you can expect your teacher mother to set some stringent requirements on your time next year if you do slack and slip.
We can pretty much just point to those times and shrug, saying "you got me, I was slacking off." We'll be locked into a 3-point Improve your grades, but isn't that exactly what you want after a slack failure?

And my point is that pretty much every reason we want Tien style (Ki attacks, multiform) will be better served by Ki manipulation anyway, so why not just drop it entirely for this turn and spend two points doing it right next turn?
And my point is that pretty much every reason we want Tien style (Ki attacks, multiform) will be better served by Ki manipulation anyway, so why not just drop it entirely for this turn and spend two points doing it right next turn?

Except that it isn't? I want Tenshinhan Style also for the Style Bonuses to combat as well. So that when we fight dad we won't just lose.

We'll be locked into a 3-point Improve your grades, but isn't that exactly what you want after a slack failure?

I don't want to slack at all!
That is a perfectly reasonable point. In fact, I think it partially solves our deadlock. Given that Ki Manipulation does the job of boosting multiform this turn and more, what if I drop Tien Shinhan Style for a turn and put it towards something else? (Not grades.)
I don't suppose you could move it towards Nosy instead? I mean, personally I don't at all care whether we're using one action on Multi-Form and one on Tenshinhan Style or two actions on Multi-Form, given that they're both training the same kind of things.
I will point out that The Examined Life has a decent chance of making us hit SSJ2, since in the BOD system SSJ2 comes from Epiphanies like SSJ1 comes from trauma.
Why does the "compromise" option not include Training with Sensei.

Having only one action makes it a lose-lose situation in terms of our seer training.

I.e., succeed on the roll and we don't progress at all in our other techniques. Fail on the roll and we don't get the technique. I also think we'd be more likely to succeed in the roll if we show we're actually doing our work with everything else.

A teacher is going to be a lot more amendable to teaching an overachieving student more things than they are going to abandon their very important education to teach a single ability.

I could easily see Poptart making the DC way more difficult for the one action one than the two action plan.
Last edited:
Except that it isn't? I want Tenshinhan Style also for the Style Bonuses to combat as well. So that when we fight dad we won't just lose.
We aren't at the point of fighting Dad quite yet, so that one can wait a single turn. But wouldn't the idea be to outnumber him with Super Saiyans anyway? We have at least 2, 3 if we can get Jaffur out.

I don't want to slack at all!
It'll be one failure total, instead of a string of 1s and 3s. It's not your ideal, but isn't that a step in your direction?

I will point out that The Examined Life has a decent chance of making us hit SSJ2, since in the BOD system SSJ2 comes from Epiphanies like SSJ1 comes from trauma.
I absolutely do not accept that as a likely outcome. Even if it somehow did, we would just suppress the transformation. (Also BOD system?)

I don't suppose you could move it towards Nosy instead? I mean, personally I don't at all care whether we're using one action on Multi-Form and one on Tenshinhan Style or two actions on Multi-Form, given that they're both training the same kind of things.
I can take it out of multiform, I'm not married to it. But...

Why does the "compromise" option not include Training with Sensei.

Having only one action makes it a lose-lose situation in terms of our seer training.

I.e., succeed on the roll and we don't progress at all in our other techniques. Fail on the roll and we don't get the technique. I also think we'd be more likely to succeed in the roll if we show we're actually doing our work with everything else.

A teacher is going to be a lot more amendable to teaching an overachieving student more things than they are going to abandon their very important education to teach a single ability.

I could easily see Poptart making the DC way more difficult for the one action one than the two action plan.
This also seems like a step towards compromise. I'm going to update the plan to reflect this provisionally; give me your thoughts.
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] Plan Andres110
-[X] Slack (1 action): You have better things to do! Slack off on schoolwork to focus on other pursuits. Effect: Possible grade loss. You're smart and this is primary school, you have a decent chance of not dropping a grade.
-[X] Best Fit (1 action): Jaron has been brought into the Misfits, but as reclusive as he is he doesn't seem to know how to make the effort to really push into the group's dynamic. It's up to you and your friends to make him feel welcome, and this is your part in it. Effect: Do your part to make Jaron feel welcome in the group.
-[X]Nosy Little Girl (1 action): You've noticed lately that Maya has been acting...strangely. She's been giving you strange looks, and only recently stopped, starting to act a lot more comfortable around you. Maybe you're being paranoid, but you want to know what's up. Effects: Poke Maya, asking her what's up.
-[X] Train Multiform
--[X] Ask Dad for Seer assistance
-[X] Train Multiform
--[X] Ask Dad for Seer assistance
-[X] Command Training (1 action): You will be expected to lead your Clan if war comes. You may as well be good at it. Effect: Learn the art of battlefield command. Gain Leadership skill and set your starting skill level. Your mindset won't impact you as badly here.
-[X] Train With Sensei (1 action): Nothing for it but time. Effect: Grind your talent in Seer abilities. Sensei tells you that this will be gruelingly hard, and take years to master no matter how much of a prodigy you are.
-[X] Beg Sensei To Teach You[Mind Projection]
-[X] Socialize! (Fennella)
-[X] Family First (Mato)
-[X] A Scion's Duties III (1 action): You have a comprehensive knowledge of the way Clan Goku functions, a general overview of Clan Vegeta, and are an effective and renowned communicator. It's time to finish your theoretical education by completing your knowledge of Clan Vegeta and expanding your training in how to manipulate and mediate between others. Effect: Learn the art of diplomacy and Clan management at the feet of your father, improving your Communication and Intrigue skills and learning about the practical side of managing hundreds upon thousands of Saiyans who all want a fight.
-[X] Get Organized (1 action): Presently your conspiracy is more like two separate plots running in tandem; you and the Senzus, and then whatever Grandma is doing. You need to get everybody in the same room together so that you all can unify your efforts and share all available information. Effects: Figure out just what Grandma has been up to and what assets she can lend to things. Share information and work out a unified plan of action. As this involves you, Grandma, and the Senzus in the same room at the very least even before including anybody you bring in this year, this is highly treasonous and will involve an event series. The possibility of discovery does exist, although with your current precautions is fairly unlikely.
-[X] New Tricks (Telepathy)
No. of votes: 1
[x] Plan Aranfan
[x] Maintain Grades (2 actions): You're good where you are. Let's just get the effort in to stick it out and then focus on other things. Effect: Maintain grades.
[x] Best Fit (1 action): Jaron has been brought into the Misfits, but as reclusive as he is he doesn't seem to know how to make the effort to really push into the group's dynamic. It's up to you and your friends to make him feel welcome, and this is your part in it. Effect: Do your part to make Jaron feel welcome in the group.
[x] Nosy Little Girl (1 action): You've noticed lately that Maya has been acting...strangely. She's been giving you strange looks, and only recently stopped, starting to act a lot more comfortable around you. Maybe you're being paranoid, but you want to know what's up. Effects: Poke Maya, asking her what's up.
[x] Learn Tenshinhan Style x2
[x] Train Multiform
[x] Command Training
[x] Train with Sensei
[x] Beg Sensei To Teach You[Mind Projection] (1 action)
[x] Family First
[x] A Scion's Duty III
[x] Get organized
No. of votes: 8
Aranfan, Karnax626, veekie, KnightDisciple, Bommelom, ElleonXan, Sucal, Cytokinesis
[X] Plan Chi Chi
[X] Raise Grades
[X] Power of Learning
-[X] Medicine
-[X] Quantum Physics
-[X] Rocket Science
-[X] Law
-[X] Archeology
-[X] Thermodynamics
-[X] Psychology
-[X] Accounting
-[X] Neuroscience
No. of votes: 1
[X] Plan Deathbybunnies
No. of votes: 8

GilliamYaeger, The king Chad, anailater, faflec, ChronOblivion, eaglejarl, Nathaniel Wolff, Terrabrand
[X] Plan Ultimate Friends
-[X] Slack (1 action)
-[X] Best Fit (1 action)
-[X] Loose Lips Lead To Ultimate Power (1 action)
-[X] Nosy Little Girl (1 action)
-[X] Train Multiform
-[X] Command Training (1 action)
-[X] Train With Sensei (1 action)
-[X] Beg Sensei To Teach You[Mind Projection] (1 action)
-[X] Socialize! (1 action, may be taken multiple times)
--[X] Fenella
-[X] Family First (1 action)
-[X] A Scion's Duties III (1 action)
-[X] Get Organized (1 action)
-[X] Sound Out Sensei (1 action)
No. of votes: 1
[X] Plan Compromise
[x] Maintain Grades (2 actions)
[x] Best Fit (1 action)
[x] Nosy Little Girl (1 action)
[X] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions)
[x] Learn Tenshinhan Style
[x] Train Multiform
[x] Command Training
[x] Beg Sensei To Teach You[Mind Projection] (1 action)
[x] Family First
[x] A Scion's Duty III
[x] Get organized
No. of votes: 1
[X] Plan Deathbybunnies (Version Compromise, not yet replacing my previous plan until further discussion)
[X] Slack (1 action)
[X] Best Fit (1 action)
[X] Train Ki Manipulation (2 actions)
[X] Command Training (1 action)
[X] Train Specific Skill (1 action, may be taken multiple times) Multiform x2
[X] Beg Sensei To Teach You[Write-In Specific Technique] (1 action) Mind Projection
[X] Family First (1 action) Mato
[X] A Scion's Duties III (1 action)
[X] Get Organized (1 action)
[X] New Tricks (1 action) Telepathy
[X] The Examined Life (1 action) Driven
-[X] If we think it'll help, ask our family for their thoughts
No. of votes: 2
Deathbybunnies, Cariyaga

Slacking off is winning.
[X] Plan Deathbybunnies (Version Compromise, not yet replacing my previous plan until further discussion)
May I ask why you haven't included Seer training in your plan (beyond Mind Projection)?
I think you said you didn't want to risk failing to convinve Sensei and end up with two actions on Seer training, but that's hardly that bad of an issue. Considering our visions resulted in two of our most important discoveries (Jaffur's still aware inside the Seal, the Britishaliens are coming), if we end up doubling down on training, I don't really view that as a waste.

@Poptart As an aside, if we end up learning some Tien style, would Dad be hooking us up with a trainer or something?
May I ask why you haven't included Seer training in your plan (beyond Mind Projection)?
I think you said you didn't want to risk failing to convinve Sensei and end up with two actions on Seer training, but that's hardly that bad of an issue. Considering our visions resulted in two of our most important discoveries (Jaffur's still aware inside the Seal, the Britishaliens are coming), if we end up doubling down on training, I don't really view that as a waste.

@Poptart As an aside, if we end up learning some Tien style, would Dad be hooking us up with a trainer or something?
I just did, in my provisional compromise plan!
Voting is open