my favorite plan ideas. Regular are my personal favorites, italics are the ones that seem kinda obvious but I'm not totally sure on.
2 Sight AP:
-[X] Continue Your Training (1 AP): Dazarel hasn't let up with his insistence on training you. It's actually cute, how afraid he seems of the idea of failing in the task Grandpa Gohan gave him. It's time to make further progress.
Follow Dazarel's training regime.
This should be actually pretty cool now that we've mastered shielding. (Spend more?)
-[X] Looking Abroad (1 AP) [TOPIC HERE]: It is difficult to fully describe the dizzying potential of your Sight. With sufficient precision and effort, literally anything past, present, or future is yours to behold. Use your Sight to look into a topic of your choice to the best of your abilities.
--Which planet is the invasion set to use for staging?
[X][DESTINATION] Special: Just scry for it.
3 Training AP.
-[X] Research Project (2 AP) Jaffur Style: Spend a lot of time investigating Jaffur's incredibly powerful style.
Because that style is incredibly powerful, and I really want to learn it while we still have time to train it up. I
think it'll give better dividends by the end of nine months than just grinding up Tenshinhan would -
@PoptartProdigy, does Kakara's intuition disagree with me on this? I'm unsure how much time investment versus quality of style is supposed to translate to power, here.
-[X] Research Project (1 AP) Ki Overcharge: Learn Taro's trick as well as possible. Perhaps he's training people back home, but if not, he's certainly told Apra a lot.
Super useful, probably has synergy with learning Jaffur's style.
-[X] Improve a Skill (1 Cause AP) Ki Refinement: You already know this is part of Jaffur's style, and it's useful on its' own.
Because it's almost certainly got synergy with learning Taro's trick, and that
might net us a breakthrough for Ki Control. Which would be super useful.
-[X] To Go Beyond (1 Free AP) Perfect Multiform: Complete this technique.
We're very close, and it'd be cool.
-[X] Improve a Skill (1 Free AP) Spirit Saiyan: Train this up as much as possible, given that it's your trumpcard. Special focus on figuring out how to use it while Masqued.
If we don't have to be Saiyan to use it, that would be
incredibly useful.
-[X] To Go Beyond (3 Free AP) Ki Sense: Develop your ability to sense machines.
think this is about as much as we'd need to break through, going by Multiform? Would be incredibly useful for scouting I think. That said, I think Kakara is going to be very sad if she's got interesting new friends she could bond with and can't afford to.
2 Social AP.
-[X] Strengthen Host Bond (1 AP): Neither you nor Bassoon fully understand the nature of the ties that bind you. Perhaps you can unravel the mystery of your presence here.
Deepen the metaphysical connection you have with -Bassoon by running experiments with him and exploring his mindscape.
This would be useful, and might teach us to speed up the bonding process in future.
-[X] Talk to Dazarel (1 AP): Begin trying to teach him the Genki Dama.
I really want to try teaching Dazarel the Spirit Bomb. I think it's the sort of carrot that would deeply appeal to him - essentially unrivaled power - while also requiring
by nature that he repent somewhat. He respects transactional relationships.
Take advantage.
-[X] General Training (2 AP): Now that you can communicate with people outside of Bassoon's head, you intend to take advantage of it. Spend time imparting knowledge and power onto your teammates for this mission.
-[X] Socialize With Snare (1 AP): You can now use your telepathy to speak with individuals outside of Bassoon's head, and your social circle has thus expanded tremendously. Take advantage of this and grind up your relationship with any person of your choice.
These seem like really in-character decisions for Kakara, in that they'd be socializing with everyone she's in regular contact with by methods she's familiar with (martial arts teaching), and especially getting to know with the weak, bright, really-knows-everybody guy who's kind of the closest peer she's ever met.
Actually, you know what? I think I prefer the socialization, on the whole. It'd be nice to get Machine Sense, but we can grind that up next month, when we've gotten to know people.
[X][DESTINATION] Special: Just scry for it.
[X] Plan Foundational
-[X] Continue Your Training (1 AP): Follow Dazarel's training regime.
-[X] Looking Abroad (1 AP) Staging Ground: Which planet is the invasion set to use for staging?
-[X] Research Project (2 AP) Jaffur Style: Spend a lot of time investigating Jaffur's incredibly powerful style.
-[X] Research Project (1 AP) Ki Overcharge: Learn Taro's trick as well as possible. Perhaps he's training people back home, but if not, he's certainly told Apra a lot.
-[X] Improve a Skill (1 Cause AP) Ki Refinement: You already know this is part of Jaffur's style, and it's useful on its' own.
-[X] To Go Beyond (1 Free AP) Perfect Multiform: Complete this technique.
-[X] Improve a Skill (1 Free AP) Spirit Saiyan: Train this up as much as possible, given that it's your trumpcard. Special focus on figuring out how to use it while Masqued.
-[X] Strengthen Host Bond (1 AP)
-[X] Talk to Dazarel (1 AP): Begin trying to teach him the Genki Dama.
-[X] General Training (2 Free AP)
-[X] Socialize With: Snare (1 Free AP)