But that conflicts with "they're too powerful; no one should ever get more than two". So now I'm guessing they're supposed to be "unique trumpcards associated with achieving the highest levels of ability". Is that accurate?
it's not that they're too powerfull.
Put it simply, according to this system there is no way that a single person could make an unlimited number of discoveries that big.
It would be like.. I don't know, a researcher in the past discovering how to make vaccines AND antibiotics AND heart surgery, all by himself.
One is possible (someone has to be the first after all), Two is unlikely but there are a rare few who might have the talent, drive AND luck to achieve that (legendary figures, like, say, Einstein). 3 is basically impossible. It has to be someone new.
I mean, in this quest a possible example would be for Kakara to discover how to make perfect multiforms, THEN how to make tens of copies instead of just 4 (While STILL not losing power), and THEN how to fuse them back together to multiply her power.
Too many discoveries believed to be impossible for one single character to sort-of-realistically achieve.
Also game balance. Nothing stops us from learning the discoveries of other people, but we can't do everything by ourselves.
I don't think the idea is "too powerful" so much as "too innovative" - it strains credulity for one person, no matter how talented, to revolutionize the same subject in too many different ways.
yeah, that.
Which runs headlong into both genre tropes and actual history. Jaffur invented a whole, unprecedented style, including all the techniques - why should Kakara be incapable of inventing more than two revolutionary things in Ki Sensing, provided she finds inspirations for them?
(As for the history, there are at least two scientists I know of - one of them Newton, if I recall correctly - who came up with an awful lot of revolutionary - and correct - science, which they proceeded to get no credit for by the simple expedient of failing to tell anyone.)
Jaffur really made only ONE revolutionary discovery (that we know of): ki refining.
He made his own techniques, but while those are
different from the known ones, they're not
at the end of the days they're still beams, not that different from the known ones.