Plan Deathbybunnies:
-[] Sight: 3 (2+1)
--[] Continue Your Training (1 AP)
--[] Kakara's Personal Mental Gift: Speed. Dazarel claims that you're actually already doing this, writ small. Apparently not everybody sees the world slow down when it's time to make a decision. Dazarel says that he can make it faster. Distinct from the above in that you're not passively increasing your skill at or inclination towards something; you're just improving your ability to crank up mental processing over the short term.
--[] Looking Abroad (1 AP) [Perfect Cell's Perfect Multiform]
--[] Looking Abroad (1 AP) [The invasion fleet - where is it?]
--[] Go ask Gohan about his Mystic form, with a specific focus on how it was undetectable.
-[] Training: 6 (3+3)
--[] Improve a Skill (1 AP) [Crowd Fighting]
--[] Improve a Skill (1 AP) [Ki Refinement]
--[] To Go Beyond (1 AP) [Perfect Multiform]
--[] Style Training (2 AP) [Tien Style]
--[] Research Project (1 AP) [Ki Stealth]
-[] Social: 2 (2+0)
--[] General Training (2 AP): Now that you can communicate with people outside of Bassoon's head, you intend to take advantage of it.
Spend time imparting knowledge and power onto your teammates for this mission.
-[] The Outside World 1 (0+1)
--[] Historical Insights (1 AP)
-[] A Cause: 1 (1+0)
--[] Improve a Skill (1 AP) [Ki Refinement]
Grinding up our Sight should be an auto-pick - you don't get good without putting the time in.
We've finished the Mental Shield, and there were two other options to focus on regarding Kakara's unique mental skills: Speed and a complete restructuring. Ultimately, we decided we couldn't trust Dazarel for the restructuring, but the Speed option still looks like a good one - WOG is that it's basically an option to let us come up with plans with multiple contingencies in the middle of a fight.
I think I might have promised
@KnightDisciple to work on Crowd Training before the haitus, but it's a solid choice anyway. We will often be fighting multiple enemies at once, including during this invasion.
Ki Refinement and Perfect Multiform are just both really good.
Getting Tien Style to Journeyman would be a big boost in a fight - I'd rather focus on it with a broad view rather than focusing on a specific move.
Ki Stealth would be incredible if it blocked out our ki signature entirely, but even a reduction would be enough to make using high PLs safer - both out here in the universe, and at home on Garenhuld. The ultimate goal would be something that lets us train Golden Oozaru and even unlock SSJ2 without threatening detection.
You know who was completely undetectable at high Power Levels? Mystic Gohan. I am including a trip to ask him about it!
Having looked at the scene again, Goku comments that Gohan is "stronger than he ever was as a Super Saiyan, but he looks like he hasn't changed a bit!" This might mean that it's purely a lack of visual effects, or that there's a difference between actively checking him out and passively detecting him - probably the first, sadly. It might be nice to ask about it, but it's probably not worth an action.
General Training includes training for Bassoon, and will make the team more capable - certainly worth spending time on.
Historical Insights is interesting because we don't know what we don't know - we might get cool world building, or we might get luckier and hit upon something that will change our plans later on. Knowing is half the battle!
I used to try and come up with fun plan names, but ultimately people get less confused if you just use your username, even if it does feel a little awkward.
EDIT: Made the last Sight action a look at the invasion fleet. This is probably more important than looking at the other two planets.
EDIT 2: We should probably actually look at how Cell did his Perfect Multiform at some point, and if we're going to implement any lessons learned there into our own version we probably need to do it this turn or the next. As such, I'm dropping the Speed learning for a look at Cell's use of the technique, since we hopefully won't be
personally in any desperate fights in the next few turns.