If we wanna stack strength on strength, I'd say go for potion maker and really hope that coffe machine pans out. But part of me really wants to talk with Xanatos to make sure we don't get ripped off... Choices choices.

Also might as well outright say mea culpa here and admit I was probably freaking out too much over what to tell Xanatos.
Yeah, I'd like to second this. I was fundementally wrong about the point of contention, and made a larger deal over it than was accurate. I'll make sure to update my priors on Xanatos already knowing things even further. Thanks to everyone who correctly predicted that, or who came to the same decision for other reasons.
Hmmm. There's still the candle thing to deal with, right? Do any of these cause better or worse defenses against the Living Dead?
PA HA HA HA HA! We were SO anxious about how much we should tell him about Toffee...And he already KNEW! Of COURSE he already knew, we were fools to think he didn't! Ha...Funniest shit i've ever seen.
Retroactive Xanatos Intrigue Check: How much does he know about the Metaworld Wars?
DC 75 needed: 95+72+45+11=223
Extreme Critical Success!
Ah, yes, Xanatos. Figures he'd crit a retroactive Intrigue check.

Opposed Intrigue Check: Are these Xanatos' Real Feelings?
Doofenshmirtz Intrigue Check: 58+14+38+10+5+7=132
Xanatos Intrigue Contest: 8+72+45-20(???)+11=116
Doofenshmirtz Success!
Sooo.... looks like a Shego-Xanatos alliance is already in place. And it also looks like Xanatos was trying to talk Shego up to us, meaning that he probably wants us in an alliance with Shego or just wants us to flat out join their little duo. And the fact that they collaborated on giving the government more military strength and that Xanatos is sponsoring a candidate probably means the US Government is in on this as well.

It also probably means that Shego isn't sponsoring the Drug Ring, because she's allied with Xanatos and Xanatos is with the US Gov and the Gov threatened military action against the Drug Ring.

Intrigue Check: How does Xanatos feel about being called Xanay?
DC 150 needed: 44+14+38+10+5+7=118

He loves it. You have no idea why Janna is grinning maniacally, though.
Shouldn't be so cagey, Xaney!

Well, we're probably not going to have any trouble getting Feldrake some dark artifacts.

[ ] Ask Xanatos What's Good
Doof knows next-to-nothing about magic, and asking Janna is a bit of a gamble. Might as well ask the hyper-competant guy who's taken it upon himself to introduce us to magic if he'll point us in the right direction. On the other hand, whoever Janna introduces us to might be recruitable, and getting a potion maker to go with our magitech auto-brewer would be pretty good. Hard to decide.

Isn't she from Ducktales?
Magica de Spell is an old comic character, her niece(?) Lena is from the 2017 Ducktales. (If that's what you were asking. But yeah, she's from Ducktales)
Damm....Xanatos just kept on making Intrigue his bitch. Xanay though. Khuhuhuhu, let's hope it will grow on him.

One woman with a red dress and a mane of silver hair is even getting thrown out by security trolls!
Pfffttttt, THAT'S EDA from Owl House!! She's here!? Quick go get her! Where's the Master Ball!? She is the number 1 magic user I want in our payroll.

As for the vote. Either Janna or Xanatos. Whichever works.
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You're certain Xanatos notices too, and based on what you know of the guy with his brilliant web weaving and distant but careful stewardship of New York, that seems like the sort of thing he'd care about. Xanatos is intentionally painting Shego in the best possible light, which means…

You have no idea what this means.

But it seems important.

He thinks we want to date Shego and doesn't want to set us off by bad mouthing her. Or he knows we want a three way allience and is showing he's not opposed to the idea even if he doesn't like her style.

Xanatos doesn't seem to react once Janna is finished reading off the prophecy, though you do notice that Max looks a little creeped out from the atmospheric effects Janna was adding for dramatic effect.

Xany Negaverse is screaming right now.

[ ] Find a Potion Seller

Their potions are too strong and we are too weak for their potions.

One woman with a red dress and a mane of silver hair is even getting thrown out by security trolls!

That one owl witch lady people have been talking about!

Intrigue Check: How does Xanatos feel about being called Xanay?
DC 150 needed: 44+14+38+10+5+7=118

He loves it. You have no idea why Janna is grinning maniacally, though.



All in all Potions could be automated through the power of coffee.

Janna's contacts might give out a hero unit but more likely would put us more in touch with some of Starverse characters.

Talking with Xany I have no idea what would come of it.
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[ ] Find a Potion Seller

This, since we're gonna be pushing into the Potion business, might as well make contacts and see if we can head things off from becoming a problem. Pretty sure Doof wouldn't mind making these potion makers into his employees.
Yeah, I'd like to second this. I was fundementally wrong about the point of contention, and made a larger deal over it than was accurate. I'll make sure to update my priors on Xanatos already knowing things even further. Thanks to everyone who correctly predicted that, or who came to the same decision for other reasons.
Me third. I mean, whenever we're dealing with Xanatos it's always possible that he already knows stuff, we just have to pick what we'll tell him in case he doesn't. Still, I made a huge deal out of it, and turns out it didn't really matter how much we chose to tell him because he already knew more than even we did. That's Xanatos for you.

Also, I think we actually scored some brownie points today for being more in the loop than pretty much anyone else.

Edit: Actually, Xanatos probably also knows about Bill, one way or another.
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What if it's not Eda(lyn), but in fact Meryln, Stanley's Vegas ex-wife who managed to outcon him? I know there's implication that they're the same character, possibly, but it might be a good fake-out.
Still internally screaming about Eda. I know it was just a cameo, but IT'S EDA! I want to see Eda's card, even if we never get to hire her.

... Actually, Eda would probably be a mean generalist unit. A middling Martial (or a trait to use Occult as Martial), a so-so Diplo, High Intrigue, middling Learning, and Sky-High Occult.

Probably some nasty traits, though.
Getting Contacts in the Bazaar was one of the rewards of sending Janna there, so I'd like to see what they are, at least. No need to keep hanging off Xanatos' coattails.
Intrigue Check: Does Xanatos visibly react to this in any way?
DC 140 needed: 23+14+38+10+5+7=97
He definitely has an idea as to what the prophecy means. Especially since Owen admitted he's using divination himself.
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You know, Xanatos is honestly to smart to just allow that nickname without at least mentioning that it bothers him and requesting for us to stop....

It is weird he is just letting it go by without mentioning it.

All kings even Doof have a measure of fear and respect assign to them. He can take the insulting name stoically rather easily. It's annoying not an issue.

I believe he wants to court Doof's support . Both are aware a massive threats to the planet and despite our secessionist leanings we have come across as surprisingly sane or at the very least careing.

He wants to put us to work against Toffy taking a nickname to make that an easier sell is well easy
A middling Martial (or a trait to use Occult as Martial), a so-so Diplo, High Intrigue, middling Learning, and Sky-High Occult.

Probably some nasty traits, though.
She's self-proclaimed strongest witch on the isles, with her only real competition seeming to be Belos, whatever his deal is. I'd say at the very least she has a very high functional Martial.

Is Hooty in her stat line as a trait, do you think? Because if so, her martial skyrockets whenever she's near her house.
All kings even Doof have a measure of fear and respect assign to them. He can take the insulting name stoically rather easily. It's annoying not an issue.

I believe he wants to court Doof's support . Both are aware a massive threats to the planet and despite our secessionist leanings we have come across as surprisingly sane or at the very least careing.

He wants to put us to work against Toffy taking a nickname to make that an easier sell is well easy
Eh, even if he wanted to court support he would be smart enough (and has enough insight) to know that doof is REALLY unlikely to take being politely asked to stop referring to him by that nickname badly.

Feels out of character for him if just a tiny bit
Well, that certainly went well enough! Everyone's up to speed on Toffee and the prophecy, and Xanatos doesn't seem to be against Shego.

As for the preliminary shoppimg, I'm personally in favor of looking for potions, as we did get that upgraded coffeemaker this turn.
Eh, even if he wanted to court support he would be smart enough (and has enough insight) to know that doof is REALLY unlikely to take being politely asked to stop referring to him by that nickname badly.

Feels out of character for him if just a tiny bit

The first step to being middle-aged is being defeated in social combat by a "quirky" teen.

The second step to being middle-aged is admitting that defeat.
Eh, even if he wanted to court support he would be smart enough (and has enough insight) to know that doof is REALLY unlikely to take being politely asked to stop referring to him by that nickname badly.

Feels out of character for him if just a tiny bit

Allowing the nickname engenders familiarity. He might not like it but a manipulator knows when to swallow his personal feelings and play along eith the idiots.
I'm thinking potions or contract, we don't want Xanatos to completely stack the deck.
Magica de Spell, hmm. We might know from Dennis that Donald and Magica don't like each other, but she doesn't have a reason to go after us. We aren't the richest or have much, just need to keep an eye on Felldrake to make sure no one steals him.
Still internally screaming about Eda. I know it was just a cameo, but IT'S EDA! I want to see Eda's card, even if we never get to hire her.

... Actually, Eda would probably be a mean generalist unit. A middling Martial (or a trait to use Occult as Martial), a so-so Diplo, High Intrigue, middling Learning, and Sky-High Occult.

Probably some nasty traits, though.

unfortunitly that's very unlikely to be her.

beloc if he won would have turned her luc and her sister into stone andgotten ahold of the door.

even without the stone his win con was the Door. And without that she can't get to earth.