So, quick question, because I'm working on an omake. What's Boss Awesome's relationship with Fred? I haven't seen BH6, and him being "literally just Stan Lee as a superhero" makes it fairly easy to think of how he is as a person, but I need to know that.
The other users are on point. Boss Awesome is Fred's heroic father who supports his son following in his footsteps/making his own hero identity. Fred was granted access to Boss Awesome's old equipment (like a crime computer that uses punch cards) and calls his dad for advice often, but Mr. Fredrickson is often traveling around the world and not always available to provide his experience while wrestling local animals or fighting mummies in tombs.

I'm personally guessing that they never formed, given Fred debuted as Fredzilla. The divergence point could have been Tadashi not running into the fire which if I recall was the main catalyst for BH6's actions in the movie particular.
That feels like it'd be too early to diverge from, considering we know Fredzilla and Go Go took on their hero IDs here. That didn't happen without Hiro's drive getting them involved.
I'm personally guessing that they never formed, given Fred debuted as Fredzilla. The divergence point could have been Tadashi not running into the fire which if I recall was the main catalyst for BH6's actions in the movie particular.
I think the only problem with that is that Fred is a superhero and GoGo is in jail. Which might not even really be an issue depending on how it's framed, but something has to have happened to them.
Edit: Tobe'd
That feels like it'd be too early to diverge from, considering we know Fredzilla and Go Go took on their hero IDs here. That didn't happen without Hiro's drive getting them involved.
Maybe Hiro just gave up after he was stopped from killing Callaghan instead of getting the group back together to stop him at the Krei building? It's not like anybody but Callaghan, the kids themselves, and the butler would be aware that "Fredzilla" had been around before he made public news after all.

It's also possible something could have been retconned or changed from the villain's side of the story instead to make the scenario better fit in to DVV:GL.
Maybe Hiro just gave up after he was stopped from killing Callaghan instead of getting the group back together to stop him at the Krei building? It's not like anybody but Callaghan, the kids themselves, and the butler would be aware that "Fredzilla" had been around before he made public news after all.

It's also possible something could have been retconned or changed from the villain's side of the story instead to make the scenario better fit in to DVV:GL.
What if the Divergence Point was when the rest of BH6 were trying to stop Wrath!Baymax, and one of them died purely by accident?
Bill's perfectly sane, unfortunately. He's just a dick.
Well. You're not wrong. He's actually in full control of his mental faculties, he's just got the inherent "Being From Another Plane" madness about him - that is, normies who stand too close to him go crazy trying to comprehend his -Totally normal to him!- thought process and state of being.
Well. You're not wrong. He's actually in full control of his mental faculties, he's just got the inherent "Being From Another Plane" madness about him - that is, normies who stand too close to him go crazy trying to comprehend his -Totally normal to him!- thought process and state of being.
Most eldritch abominations that stumble across Earth have a hard time understanding why humanity react the way they do to them. Bill, on the other hand, has a VERY good understanding of human psychology and DOES understand why people may find him weird or disturbing (He's been manipulating humanity for thousands of years, after all).

Sadly, he just uses this knowledge to double down on the weirdness and absurdity.
Most eldritch abominations that stumble across Earth have a hard time understanding why humanity react the way they do to them. Bill, on the other hand, has a VERY good understanding of human psychology and DOES understand why people may find him weird or disturbing (He's been manipulating humanity for thousands of years, after all).

Sadly, he uses this knowledge to double down on the weird and absurdity.
I disagree, if you dredge through the DVV papers, Bill actually has a trait that gives him a buff to Knowledge on everything... EXCEPT the notion of how Humankind operates, where he catches a malus.

Of course, it's been stated that the DVV handbook is kinda being tossed out the window, and I just like to start minor argument-discussions for fun and to get people's brains whirring.
I dunno, Axolotl did hint at Bill having some deeply repressed issues about burning his home dimension into nothingness...
"Sixty degrees that come in threes.
Watches from within birch trees.
Saw his own dimension burn.
Misses home and can't return.
Says he's happy. He's a liar.
Blame the arson for the fire.
If he wants to shirk the blame,
He'll have to invoke my name.
One way to absolve his crime.
A different form, a different time."
Which implies that Bill has some very very deeply repressed issues. Just wanted to add some context. :)
Most eldritch abominations that stumble across Earth have a hard time understanding why humanity react the way they do to them. Bill, on the other hand, has a VERY good understanding of human psychology and DOES understand why people may find him weird or disturbing (He's been manipulating humanity for thousands of years, after all).

Sadly, he just uses this knowledge to double down on the weirdness and absurdity.
There's a large difference between knowledge and understanding, moreso when put in to practice. Bill knows how humans react in specific ways therefore he uses that to his advantage. He pretty clearly doesn't quite "get" why they care that way though. It shows a bit in that episode where he possessed Dipper and in bits of his dialogue talking to Ford.

It's like the equivalent difference of being able to answer that 1+1=2 but not being able to answer why 1+1=2.

Bill is a dream demon and literal, non-metaphorical being of chaos. His mentality is kinda on a different plane entirely.
For some reason this was on my YouTube home page.
For those unaware, that "Doof's Daily Dirt" part comes from that in-character Doofenshmirtz youtube channel that was running for a while. He also did a special appearance on "Shark Tank."
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Legoshi in: Beastar of Doofania (Canon)
All the Bellweather talk inspired the Omake bug in me. As a note, I'm headcanoning for this omake that the Manga and Anime of Beastars just... doesn't happen at all. Mostly the names and relationships are what'd be existent, if heavily modified due to the very fundamentals of the setting being so radically different. Except maybe for the idea that a murder had taken place that, by this point, Legoshi has already solved.


Legoshi in: Beastar of Doofania


While Danville, or Doofania if you like to humor the local Megacorp guy who gives you free meals, had certainly gotten weirder in more recent years, seeing a wolf wearing people's clothes that wasn't a toon was certainly not a regularity. However, if you live in Doofania rather than merely visit it, then you quickly learn that the best option when it comes to the strange and unusual is to acknowledge that it exists and then move on with your day. Unless it's actively in your face and asking for directions. Then you politely answer his questions before getting a move on with your day.

Dwelling on things that make you panic isn't good for anyone's blood pressure, after all.

Legoshi, meanwhile was wrestling with all sorts of profound and confused feelings. To be honest, his old home hadn't exactly been the most friendly or welcoming place, especially after a major incident had caused an even greater divide between the 'predators' and the 'prey' than what the animal stereotypes already promoted. It was a major reason why he had to move to America, after all. The promise of Zooptopia and its freedoms, plus its lack of suffocating social stereotypes, was tempting enough that he had moved in a year or two earlier in hopes of securing a place for himself and, considering her interest, Haru.

However, that's when the predators began going Feral. Now, Legoshi was no stranger to the divide it caused - if anything even the predators vs prey divide would have been far, far more relaxed than the complex social roles of his hometown of Cherryton. No, that isn't what bothered the wolf.

What was eating at his heart was the fact that going feral seemed to happen at random. Sure, he hadn't seen any cases of it happening until he reached Zootopia, so he wasn't blind to the idea that it was specifically something screwy within the boundaries of the town. Something had to be causing predators to go feral.

The fact of the matter, however, is that if no one has figured this out yet, then no one would even have a clue as to what was triggering a predator's instincts to go feral. It could be something complex or deliberate, Legoshi mused, but it could also just as easily be some sort of mold. And if what was causing it is unknown, then the how would be even more obscure. Would it happen instantaneously? How long did it last? Would there need to be a specific cure to resolve it?

What worried Legoshi was that it would be time delayed, or worse yet that 'going feral' would be caused by some specific, yet unknown stimulus. If Haru visited him and her perfume somehow set him off, or if they were hanging out and a few days into her visit he suddenly went off...

He had considered and dismissed the idea of suggesting his theory to anyone with any sort of authority in Zootopia. For one thing, he simply didn't know who to go to. The Psychologists? A Doctor? A Scientist? The Mayor? And furthermore, with the Predator/Prey divide, there was always the chance that Legoshi would be dismissed out of hand simply because he'd be a predator, hoping to make himself seem less dangerous because he thought that the disease wasn't something innate in predators.

No, there really was only one solution.

"Hello, Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated Hire Desk!" The human at the desk chirped cheerfully. "How may we assist you today?"

"Oh, uhm," Legoshi tried to remember his English lessons as best as he could. "I would... like a job please."

"Oh certainly. What are your qualifications?"

Instead of answering, the wolf pulled out a letter of recommendation from his old boss, Gohin. As she read the letter, Legoshi sent a silent prayer of thanks to his mentor for both the letter and the idea. While Doofenshmirtz's revival of the Dinosaurs was well known - and oh boy wouldn't that have impacts on the religious groups back in Cherryton - Gohin had been the one to point out that the 'diseased lunatic' would have needed a team of master geneticists to revive dinosaurs from simple DNA. Geniuses who could probably do more with it than anybody else alive.

Furthermore, their Evil Benefits Package had incredible health care coverage. Most notably, according to Gohin's research, there were some rather strange and specific clauses on weird genetic diseases. Most of them were thinly veiled allusions to being able to cure werewolf-ism or being a vampire, but the way they were worded suggested that their employees could voluntarily undergo a full genetic scan for any sort of problems.

Like if a predator's 'feral' gene had been triggered by something inside of Zootopia. And if they were capable of doing just about anything to edit that genetic makeup...

"Oh, so you've interned under a Doctor in Psychology who specialized in addiction, and helped handle the more physically difficult patients?" The secretary smiled as she typed something out on her computer and handed Legoshi back his envelope. "Well I think I have just the job for you. Just take this and head towards the main office building - it's three blocks past the Brutalist mega-mall and a block to the left. It's one of the plainer buildings in the area and quite tall, so you can't miss it! Just go in and ask to go to floor 3. They should be able to guide you from there. "

Legoshi had a hard time remembering the directions - even after a year his English was only passable. But he didn't say anything, instead nodding and heading out. Much to his fortune, he was able to follow them to the T and soon found himself inside the main offices of the man who brought back the dinosaurs.

Embarrassingly, the thought of seeing one made Legoshi's tail wag, much to the annoyance of another employee who practically took up the rest of the elevator. The man rumbled something about 'simpleton species playing catch up with the humans' as the wolf left the elevator. He walked up to the desk which was, to Legoshi's surprised, manned by a living cartoon character. It was his first time, so he honestly didn't know how to go about things.

"Ehhhh," The blue, teenaged rabbit munched on a carrot. "What'cha here for, doc?"

"Uhm..." Legoshi gave him Gohin's Letter. "I'm here for a job."

"A job? Well let's see who you'd be working for."

The blue rabbit read over the letter. The longer he read, the more Legoshi felt nervous. The rabbit did have a very serious look on his face as he read it, even if something seemed a bit over the top about it. The toon even took out a magnifying glass at one point to scrutinize something. Which, honestly confused the wolf - if he needed a magnifying glass to read, then shouldn't the rabbit be wearing glasses? Then again, maybe Gohin's hand-writing was as bad in English as it was in-

"OH! This is from a shrink! I was wondering what the fancy words were for!" The rabbit said, startling Legoshi and causing the wolf's tail to curl. "You're gonna want the Big T. End of the hallway. If you hear something about stealing electricity, then you've got the right door. Or just listen for the ranting. Then you REALLY can't miss it, bub."

Legoshi blinked. Ranting? Stealing electricity? He really was uncertain now if his English was any good after hearing that. It surely couldn't be what he thought it meant, right?

Even so, he took the odd rabbit's instructions and walked to the end of the hall. So far, no ranting or declarations of theft. If anything...

"I think we've made some excellent progress today," Came a gentle, if somewhat tinny voice. "Still, don't rush things. True mental health takes time and effort, and acceptance and understanding is the first step."

"Thank you Technor-"

"Please, madam, call me TECHNOR the Mechanical Man."

"All right then. Thank you TECHNOR the Mechanical Man."

Legoshi smoothly stepped out of the way as a woman in frizzy orange hair opened the door. She looked a lot more relaxed than most humans Legoshi had seen.

"Well, I guess if I see that my Husband has sold his Antique Plate collections for some sort of new business venture, I'll try to not jump to confrontation. See you next week!"

"Of course." Once the woman left, Legoshi was just about to think about what to do when the tinny voice spoke up again. "Please enter. TECHNOR the Mechanical Man's senses are far superior to most organic species, and as such I know you're there and in need of something."

Urged by generations of Nippon bred politeness and many, many lessons in etiquette by his grandfather, Legoshi entered. Without really thinking about it, he turned to where he had heard the voice and bowed.

"Pleased to meet you, Tech- I mean TECHNOR the Mechanical Man-san. My name is Legoshi. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Ah, an anthropic wolf. Interesting."

When Legoshi stood up from his bow, he had to do a double take. What he saw wasn't a human, a toon, or even another anthro. Instead, it was a giant TV Screen with legs and arms, sitting on a hover couch. The predator stilled at the unnatural, imposing presence.

"Come now, my Therapist module is still in effect. While I know you do not have an appointment, a walk-in is acceptable since my schedule is rather open at the moment-"

"Uhm, sorry TECHNOR-san! I'm here about a job!"

Legoshi bowed again and held out the letter. TECHNOR took the letter and read it over swiftly. The wolf watched carefully as the robot processed things. A sense of dread crawled down his spine when the machine switched from the face of a calm, gentle therapist to the look of a madman who just got a new toy.

"Oh, you're here to become my minion in the art of Psychological therapy and Rehabilitation? Why didn't you say so!" The hover couch swiftly floated behind Legoshi, cutting off his escape. "TECHNOR the Mechanical Man is more than willing to accept the aid in the name of villainy and mental wellness!"

" seem really committed to the idea of being evil here," Legoshi noted in a voice that only sounded calm if you couldn't hear his internal screaming or see his knees shaking slightly.

"Ah, already questioning the paradigm and mentality of your employer? Excellent! That'll get you put on the accelerated training course!"

TECHNOR swiftly snatched up the wolf and hurtled through the wall, leaving the poor predator clinging to his metal chassis. The Mechanical Man laughed as he headed towards parts of the city unknown.

Legoshi, all the while, began to rethink his life choices. For a second, he considered the idea of going feral to be far more preferable to whatever madness seemed to be in store for him as TECHNOR's employee/minion.

All it took was remembering Haru to set the Wolf's face in a look of determination so fierce that TECHNOR couldn't help but become that much more eager to put his new toy/minion to the test.


A/N: I have zero clue why I had the urge to put Legoshi of Beastars into a DoofQuest omake, of all things, but all in all I like this so far and might write another in the future.

EDIT: Thanks to @MrHobbit for the advice on cleaning up a couple of things. And a contribution to unclunk one of the sentences (pertaining to Gohin pointing out to Legosi that, hey, reviving dinosaurs from DNA is something that qualifies one for a genius in the field of DNA.
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Just had a thought on when the Bill doomsday clock could tick to zero: Phineas's 18th Birthday.

Bill would love to laugh at Linda for being the only person in Doofania to not know about her children's exploits, but the Mysterious Force prevents that. But going by the future episode, the M.F. stops working once Linda has the authority to bust the brothers.
One comment, just to clarify things about Doof. It's not just a psychological hangup that's preventing him from considering Norm and/or Princess CJ his children.
There's an actual technological aspect to it too, Doof is incredibly confused as to why Norm would even think that since he never programmed him to, and that's why more AI research would help.
One comment, just to clarify things about Doof. It's not just a psychological hangup that's preventing him from considering Norm and/or Princess CJ his children.
There's an actual technological aspect to it too, Doof is incredibly confused as to why Norm would even think that since he never programmed him to, and that's why more AI research would help.
Interlude: You Made Me Love Xanadu- Out of the Blue
Diplomacy Check: Convince the spirits to leave you alone!
DC 80 needed: 100+89+15+20+7+15 (Spirit Appeasement Experience)=246
Ludicrous Critical Success!

You stare out into the howling storm. Your choler rises, and you hear the call to battle that made you Khan of Khans, but you still it. There are many things in the world that cannot be fought into submission. More now, perhaps, than in the age you ruled.

Still, this is a challenge. To your might, to your bravery. You are Temujin. You do not back down. Undaunted, you stride forward, directly towards a pair of glowing white eyes.

A menacing shape resolves in front of you. In form it reminds you of a lion; or near enough. But its skin is leathery green, with no fur that you can see. Its mane is the only hair on its body, pulled backwards into vast spikes. A single wicked horn sits atop its head.

The creature stares at you with baleful white eyes as you approach, three-toed claws digging into the snow. It sniffs gently at the air, searching for something.

With a flash of insight, you realize what you are talking to. So you return to your native tongue and speak the words that were exchanged with the spirits nearly seven hundred years prior.

All is silent. The mountain listens.

"What did he say?" the Max boy asks from behind.

"Eet vas too fast, I deed not catch it," Your tutor replies. "Someting aboot a… pact?"

The creature in front of you snorts, once, and then turns, plodding off into the snow with heavy footsteps. The howling dies, and one by one, the eyes in the snow fade into the storm.

"Well whatever 'e said, it seems ta 've worked!" Arizona says thankfully.

"They vill vait for us," you say simply. "Come."


The night ends, day is born, and the sun sinks low in the sky once more before you reach your destination.

To your pleasant surprise, Max has been more agreeable ever since his uncle showed up. Arizona Goof has been decent company on this journey, but you're not quite sure what to make of the odd archaeologist. While he's a competent survivalist, his insistence on doing things 'the hard way' is unusual. Why would he refuse to use a lighter to start a fire, or even flint and steel? Rubbing two sticks together was one of the most time-consuming methods he could've used, yet for some reason he insisted on doing that every single time you stopped for a meal.

"So I gotta ask, Max… what's with the constant downer mood? You told me you love adventure." The witch-girl casually questions him while using her staff to clear snow off the ground.

"Uh… yeah. Adventure. As in 'sneak out late at night' or 'pull a fast one on the principal.' Not this Indiana Jones sh.... Ah, stuff." He amends his swear at the last second after catching a glare from Von Drake. "Going out in the middle of nowhere, with no wifi or running water, delving into ancient deadly temples or horrible mountain passes? It's like camping, only people are trying to kill you! No thanks."

"Huh. Must've misjudged you," she comments idly. "Me? This is the kind of stuff I've been living for. Besides, nothing out here is worse than anything the lizard could throw at us. I've been to the Underworld before and this doesn't have anything on that."

You wonder if this is just an idle boast or if there's some truth to her words. Knowing what you do about the witch-girl, it could be either. Now is not the time to waste on such thoughts- you must make it to Xanadu before sundown.


You can't remember the last time you made this pilgrimage. The route was not so hazardous in ages past, when this land was the heart of your empire. While you may not have to worry about bandits in this modern age, the heavily disused trails have crumbled over the centuries, leaving you with nothing more than rocky outcroppings to climb. In some cases you are nearly scaling a sheer cliff.

Slowly but surely you make progress towards the old site. The entrance to the settlement is marked with a red paifang made out of stone, decorated with the imagery of grinning dragons. The designs have faded with age, but maintain their significance.

Beyond the giant gate, you see a large village hewn into the mountainside, hidden from above by taller peaks and below by the treacherous, winding path needed to reach it. The settlement is tightly designed to contain homes, farms, and other buildings needed to maintain their independence from the outside world. At the center of Xanadu is a large palace or temple that was not there when you last visited. The same is true of the tall bridges and walls of roughly-hewn stone connecting and protecting the different parts of the settlement.

"Wowzers!" Arizona Goof shouts. "It's Xanadu!"

You nod. Many have died trying to follow the spirits to their homeland, either due to carelessness while climbing or invoking their wrath. They are fierce warriors and fiercer guardians of their protectorate. The legend of the mountain spirits and the treasures they protected were known in your time, but seemingly climbed to new heights long after.

Along the paths and defensive positions, you see them. Statues of humanoid creatures in combat stances beside monstrous beasts, each one made of stone. Their features are those of animals brought together. Heads like apes, crocodiles, or camels. Horns from elk or oxen. The limbs, scales, and tails of serpents. The warriors have large wings like bats and wield swords or spears, while the lion dogs sit as silent guardians with stone pearls around their collars.

Arizona looks at the statues curiously, pulling out a small book from deep in his pockets and flipping through a great many pages. He doesn't seem to have any success, since after reaching the end he flips through again. You can hear him muttering to himself about how 'this doesn't make sense' and how his guidebook doesn't have any information on these archaeological features.

"An astonishing find!" Your tutor declares.

"It's like a whole city of statues," the Witch-Girl says in mild wonder.

"No," you reply. "Not statues."

You find the creature that judged you among them, staring towards the gate in expectation as the sun slowly descends beyond the mountains.

As the last rays of the sun finally pass beyond the horizon, the courtyard suddenly comes to life with a chorus of roars. One by one, the stone creatures burst out of their rocky prisons. Eyes blaze in shades of red or white as they step forward from where they were rooted. Vast leathery wings stretch, free from their confines. The many beasts, each more varied than the last, roar towards heaven as they break their stone cocoons. Your traveling companions, every one of them, gasp in varying shades of surprise and awe.

Once again, you step forward fearlessly. The spirits and shishi around you watch warily as you walk through their midst. Your comrades follow behind. The Max boy seems to be wary, while both Janna and your tutor look around them with vast smiles on their faces. The archeologist seems to have been struck speechless. The strange creature, the one the staff calls 'Leopold', whines with uncertainty.

The building at the center of the village is one you recognize, in form if not in person. It is one of the low, open-domed temples of your people, those raised by your ancestors for centuries in veneration of the lord of the sky. While the form is old and worn, it seems still to hold power of a different form.

Standing in front of the building, watching you with the caution of hard-earned wisdom, is a yellow-brown spirit whose scarred beak protrudes over a shaggy white beard. The robes he wears are simple in make, yet the air of authority hangs unmistakably upon him.

You step forward, and grasp his arms in the zolgokh of your people. "Хуучин гэрээ хүчинтэй юу?"

The spirit pulls you close. "Бид харах болно."

"Alright, enough of this stupid language barrier." Feldrake complains. "You should all be lucky I brushed up on my ancient steppe language translation spells."

The staff flashes, causing more than a few of the spirits to reach for their weapons, but when it fades nothing has changed but the words in your mouths.

"What… are you guys?" Janna asks.

The leader of the clan gazes at her.

"To the Mongols we were spirits of heaven. Some have called us xiezhi, pixhu, or yaoguai. But when last we heard of your people, you called us... Gargoyles."