The Most Boring Nega-Quest
You are Knit Robert Knots Esq., owner of the beigest office in New Orleans and stenographer for the Louisiana charter of the Boring Club. After a thankfully boring, but unfortunately long process of executing the estate of your former neighbors, you have found yourself with a large sum to expand your firm. We live in times that are too exciting, lets try and fix that.
....I'd play it. What are Bobby's stats though?
This is isn't true. They are about equal but not more powerful. Glomgold has more then enough money to buy them one by one. Xantos can make them break a part with ease. Dor well can hat them a part. The 19th Lord of Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain, Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürstin von Flügel has the numbers and tech to really hurt them. Every King has something that balances them with other kings.

Okay, I get you misinterpreted my post. When I said "collectively" I met acting as a group. Which means that like, your first three miss the entire point. If they act together, they are the most powerful. Their weakness is that they rarely do, usually acting apart. But if they were to collectively throw their weight behind an action, that is big, bigger than any one king doing it. As for your final one, the Tempest Kingdom is canonically losing, holding on only due to strong defenses. She may be able to hurt them, but frankly given they are barely managing a defensive war, there is little to no evidence that the Tempest domain has the numbers and Tech to take them down. Yes, every king has a balance, the Zaibatsu's weakness is that they usually don't act collectively, which is why I specified that before posting.
If they act together, they are the most powerful. Their weakness is that they rarely do, usually acting apart. But if they were to collectively throw their weight behind an action, that is big, bigger than any one king doing it.
So each head of the company is pretty much the "King" regards to their action ability? Is quite possible the only reason why they haven't united yet is their big daddy Yokai haven't care to step in yet, prefer to let the "kids" handle it themselves, though it can be changed if someone pissed him off hard enough.
Okay, I get you misinterpreted my post. When I said "collectively" I met acting as a group. Which means that like, your first three miss the entire point. If they act together, they are the most powerful. Their weakness is that they rarely do, usually acting apart. But if they were to collectively throw their weight behind an action, that is big, bigger than any one king doing it. As for your final one, the Tempest Kingdom is canonically losing, holding on only due to strong defenses. She may be able to hurt them, but frankly given they are barely managing a defensive war, there is little to no evidence that the Tempest domain has the numbers and Tech to take them down. Yes, every king has a balance, the Zaibatsu's weakness is that they usually don't act collectively, which is why I specified that before posting.
I think you're over estimating the Zaibatsu. Even if they did manage to act together, I don't think they have the resources to take on someone like Shego or Xanatos. I could see them taking on the weaker Kings, but not as much as you suggested.

I certainly couldn't see them ever beating Doris. I'm honestly inclined to say that The Tempest Domain would have a shot at making any effort to attack them ruinous to the point that they couldn't do it, with the chance of victory being slim.
I think you're over estimating the Zaibatsu. Even if they did manage to act together, I don't think they have the resources to take on someone like Shego or Xanatos. I could see them taking on the weaker Kings, but not as much as you suggested.

I certainly couldn't see them ever beating Doris. I'm honestly inclined to say that The Tempest Domain would have a shot at making any effort to attack them ruinous to the point that they couldn't do it, with the chance of victory being slim.

I think you are underestimating the collective power they control. Between nanobots, the ability to induce superpowered monsters, AI, economic control of California's major industries, and more think-tanks and scientists than any other individual king. Yes, the don't have the stats of Shego or Xanatos in their area of specialty but would have an action economy that would make SV drool*. I feel you are underestimating them at your peril. But I suppose their disuinited nature means we won't really find out.

*If they were united, which again they aren't. And can't really be made to, because their primary competition is often each other.
I think you are underestimating the collective power they control. Between nanobots, the ability to induce superpowered monsters, AI, economic control of California's major industries, and more think-tanks and scientists than any other individual king. Yes, the don't have the stats of Shego or Xanatos in their area of specialty but would have an action economy that would make SV drool*. I feel you are underestimating them at your peril. But I suppose their disuinited nature means we won't really find out.

*If they were united, which again they aren't. And can't really be made to, because their primary competition is often each other.
Xanatos has magic and he is Xanatos. While Shego probably has enough Martial that she can afford to drown them in numbers.

California also has a rather, precarious, water situation that could easily be exploited.
But do they? They've got super tech people, it probably wouldn't be impossible for them to whip up some fancy new desalination plants to solve it outright.
How long would that take and how much public instability would the issues cause?

Even if we ROB away the competition between the individual members of the Zaibatsu, the other kings still have a lot more. Doris has brainwashing, Xanatos has Intrigue and Magic, Shego has manpower, ect. I'm not sure if Glomgold could fight them off, but he has an absolute ton of money and I'm sure that it wouldn't be pleasant for them to do it at all.
Xanatos has magic and he is Xanatos. While Shego probably has enough Martial that she can afford to drown them in numbers.

California also has a rather, precarious, water situation that could easily be exploited.

He is Xanatos is one of the worst arguments this thread has. Despite his memic status, he is not unbeatable. If he was, there wouldn't be a quest, just "Xanatos" written everywhere. Also, magic is not a cure-all, and treating it as such is beyond annoying. If it proved effective enough, it isn't like the Zaibatsu can't start hiring.

A for Shego, they are the only group that has the supers to match her forces. If she tries martial directly, she either needs to limit her damage enough to not break the masquerade* (in which case they can assault her stewardship, intrigue and diplomacy weakpoints) or she goes all out, and managed to also have to fight the US govt at the same time.

Like they are powerful, and I might give them the match 4 out of ten times. But I believe you are vastly dismissing the potential power of a united Zaibatsu. The super-tech they control, backed by the enormous wealth they have makes them the strongest.

How long would that take and how much public instability would the issues cause?

Even if we ROB away the competition between the individual members of the Zaibatsu, the other kings still have a lot more. Doris has brainwashing, Xanatos has Intrigue and Magic, Shego has manpower, ect. I'm not sure if Glomgold could fight them off, but he has an absolute ton of money and I'm sure that it wouldn't be pleasant for them to do it at all.

Brainwashing is frankly, not that impressive. Dev has it. Heck, Dr. Cyrus Bortel neuro-compliance chip does the same thing. And he was up for hire. Mind-control isn't an unknown entity in this world.

*Yes, supers are accepted, but she plays ball as merely being a powerful CEO
Don't forget that Yokai can essentially force the Zaibatsu to work together under the threat of being portaled like Kreitech.

So the Zaibatsu situation can be exploited but ram it too hard and Yokai will step in to correct the issue.
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Don't forget that Yokai can essentially force the Zaibatsu to work together under the threat of being portaled like Kreitech.

"Do it or I kill you" is a great way to find yourself stuck in the neck with a serum that turns you into a ravenous monster when you least expect it. Yokai isn't the only player there, and I doubt he can control them that easily when they don't have similar interests.
He is Xanatos is one of the worst arguments this thread has. Despite his memic status, he is not unbeatable. If he was, there wouldn't be a quest, just "Xanatos" written everywhere. Also, magic is not a cure-all, and treating it as such is beyond annoying. If it proved effective enough, it isn't like the Zaibatsu can't start hiring.
I know that Xanatos isn't unbeatable, the fact that Fox is dead is evidence enough of that particular fact. How do you propose that they deal with his Intrigue? They can certainly hire magic users, but Xanatos has much more experience and institutions on his side.

How exactly do you propose that the Zaibatsu beat any King without breaking the Masquerade? Syndrome is the exception. Shego isn't a slouch in Intrigue by nearly any measure. While Doris is extremely well fortified and the excessive mind control would make dealing with her silently rather difficult.

Giving them the match 4 out of ten times, that is in no way whatsoever equivalent to "probably more powerful than any other earth-based king." Your first statement implied that they could win more times than not, which both DLord and myself were arguing against. I never said that the Zaibatsu were not formidable.
"Do it or I kill you" is a great way to find yourself stuck in the neck with a serum that turns you into a ravenous monster when you least expect it. Yokai isn't the only player there, and I doubt he can control them that easily when they don't have similar interests.
We can't be sure, but the setting doc says Yokai controls them through threat or force. That said, perfectly possible the companies bristle under his rule. It'd personally love to work something out with Sycorax.
Don't forget that Yokai can essentially force the Zaibatsu to work together under the threat of being portaled like Kreitech.

And then he goes to sleep and gets murdered, sure.

Threat of force only lasts so long as you can threaten force, which he cannot indefinitely do to such a large and diverse group of people and abilities.
Very nice!

But now I'm paranoid and REALLY want to set up a spy network against Sheego.

Now why wouldn't the good doctor do this?
Oh sorry! I didn't mean to inspire paranoia! Whoops.

i kinda feel like half way though she should have been interrupted by a sandwich to the face.
Oh my goodness that's a hilarious thought. Clearly I need to do this if I do another musical Omake.

The Most Boring Nega-Quest

You are Knit Robert Knots Esq., owner of the beigest office in New Orleans and stenographer for the Louisiana charter of the Boring Club. After a thankfully boring, but unfortunately long process of executing the estate of your former neighbors, you have found yourself with a large sum to expand your firm. We live in times that are too exciting, lets try and fix that.

[ ]Install New Security System:
DC 40
You have found a beige silent-alarm system but lost the instruction manual while unpacking it. Should be simple enough to install… right?

(Reward: Chance of someone breaking in undetected reduced slightly, ???)

Adjust health and fitness routine
[ ]DC 15
With the food shortage, your doctor has recommended planning for when your stockpile of tasteless cereal dries up. It's important to maintain a BMI of 21.7, the median of standard weight status.

(Reward: Knit Knot's health is maintained, ???)

Move Heavy Box
[ ]DC 80
A package of significant size and weight has been delivered to the warehouse. Let's bring it to the mailroom.

(Rewards: Whatever is in the box, side entrance unobstructed)

[ ] Reach out to a Seminar Company
DC 65
It's been years since you've done your "Knit Knot's Guide to a Boring Office Environment" presentation and the company you previously used for networking with interested parties has since gone bankrupt. The phone book (with a beige slip on cover) list several alternative agencies, all you have to do is convince one of them that dullness sells.

(Rewards: Unlock Speaker actions, possibility of rapport with other speakers later on)

[ ] Talk with Neighbors
DC 40
You have started renting out the room through a third party and a firm has finnaly moved in. You should greet them

(Reward: Adhere to common courtesy, ???)

[ ] Attempt to draw in more customers
DC 115
General advertising guidelines dictate that when promoting a good or service, it should be made to seem as exciting as possible. You however have no desire to misrepresent how dull your consulting is… This will take some pondering.

(Reward: Public is more aware of your company, ???)

[ ]Prioritize Consultation
DC 35
It brings you satisfaction to know that your making your customers lives a bit more boring. Let's give it our all.

(Reward: Increase in Income this turn, clients impressed by your commitment)

[ ]Hold Internship Interviews
DC 55
There is a lot of paperwork to be done, see if any of the local students can handle the monotony of your work.

(Reward: Unlock more complex Stewardship actions)

[ ]Increase Production
DC 80
You currently lack the output for your products to be available outside of stores in town and a few specialty retailers around the state. Perhaps it's time to automate.

(Reward: Moderate Boost in Income)

[ ]Decipher Vague Requests
DC 90
A series of letters have been sent to you requesting your assistance with making the sender's life less exciting. With poor penmanship and the writer never directly states the source of the issue, it will take a close examination and cross referencing to your encyclopedias to make heads or tails of the info.

(Reward: ???)

[ ]Find Old Textbook on Toon Studies
DC 65
You only used the first half in the Intro to Toons course you were assigned as an elective. Perhaps the second half holds the secret to steering clear of their antics

(Reward: Toon Research Unlocked, Mother will not insist you come over for 2 turns)

[ ]Locate Warehouse Mouse
DC 10

[ ]Flavorless flavor packets
DC 75
With sources of food being limited, you won't be able to get around having to eat spiced foods in some cases. You just need to go over your notes on tasteless cereal and extrapolate it.

(Reward: Food on table is guaranteed to be bland, increases effectiveness of "Non-Eccentric Eccentricities" trait)

[ ]Explore Warehouse Rooms
DC 60
Perhaps their powers can be used for boredom.

(Reward: New research options available, ???)

[ ]Look into "Wobble Goggles"
DC 30
The ability to "see things from a different perspective" might assist in dealing with what you inherited.

(Reward: Gain understanding of how to use Wobble Goggles)

I wanted to make the intro post to a quest that no one would play no matter how evil their dimension is. To accomplish this I dug around for a character who would be a big kill-joy to the entire setting.

And general notes on the above
  • Knit Knots is a 1-dimensional character from Season 1 of Imagination Movers
  • His niece Nina is from Hawaii and the Movers went to throw her a surprise party
  • "Non-Eccentric Eccentricities" is a trait which acts as a boon/malus to diplomacy
    • Characters who are unhappy with how crazy everything is will enjoy his advocacy for dullness
    • Characters who are used to insanity will assume Knit Knots is a poorly thought-out alter-ego
OH MY GOSH. I never thought I'd see an Imagination Movers inspired CK 2 Quest, even as a joke! I'm a bit of a sucker for the younger kids shows because of having to watch them with my bro and having them grow on me.

Also, I can see this as being one of those hilariously ironic quests where people make sure they do Knit Knot's boring stuff tongue in cheek, which should be just great fun.