Like with Mayor Bellwether's memorial to Judy Hopps.
Difference is that Doof actually is genuine about honoring a poor soul lost to tragedy, unlike bellwether who couldn´t give a fuck off-camera
This is ridiculous...Doof isn't at fault for Perry's death. Parry constantly attacked his inators. Doof never sought out Perry.
So clearly...Monogram is the one to blame. If he didn't keep sending Perry after Doof, the platypus would be alive today!
In my mind the whole gig always felt like a sort of "game/friendly banter" between Doof and Perry/Monogram...They had a strictly formalized way of doing things:
- Doof does something that could be constructed as "nefarious" in a *Poke the Poodle* way.
- Francis sends Perry to "foil" Doof
- Perry arrives and gets restrained by Doofs contraptions
- Doof explains his "nefarious scheme" - possibly including some horrid backstory bit of his shitty life - to Perry (who waits patiently)
- Only once Doof gets ready to enact his "evil plan", does Perry escape and battle against Doof (the one time Perry can´t be arsed to foil Doof on account just how *petty/pathetic* todays gig is, Doof actually gets seriously pissed at Perry and DEMANDS being foiled - that time Perry took his time foiling him for dramatic purposes while pretending to be encased in chocolate and helpless, Doof purposefully dragged on his countdown and grew actually worried)
- During the fight, some part in Doofs design goes "oopsie" (more often than not a self-destruct button Doof insist on building in in an easy to reach spot) and accidentially gets rid of whatever P&F were up to on their end before self-destructing , leaving Doof "defeated and vowing revenge" and Perry escaping back home
So in the end it all was a well-rehearsed playfight to the three of them...
Now, project yourself in Doofs place:
Your life was just plain SHIT until at one point you met two guys who were willing willing to faff around with you and do that giant shpiel about "Good vs. Evil". Sure, you were pretty much always on the losing end of your "fights" with them, but it still felt so great to have people that are for all intents and purposes your BEST FRIENDS. You couldn´t be happier - heck, it all turns out so great that you never experience the one of those dreaded Mild-Life Crisises all others of your age bracket tend to suffer from.
Then one day you decide on a whim to change things up just the slightest bit to liven up things once in a while. All seems dandy like always - you and and your best friend (which you might or might not have admitted to him in a calm moment) are duking it out again, with silly moves and stuff.
...But something goes awry all of a sudden this time. Because you fudged the script by doing things differently, your friend slips up and ends up dead, his neck snapped in two like a tree branch. And with that, the laughter you three shared for so long withers to nothing, a shroud of shocked silence descending over everything.
You never wanted this to happen. Sure, you always said that you wanted to win against them and maybe you toyed with imagining how nice it´d be to come out on top for once in this routine...but not like that - with one of your friends dead at your shivering hands and the other plain hating your guts for it.
In a vain attempt to drown your crushing guilt, upon taking over for good you erect a memorial of your fallen friend and deem it off-limits for any vandalisation on pain of SEVERE punishment.
Now you stand here, doing your best at being a proper Overlord of your home while asking yourself often enough "Was it worth the price I had to pay to get things *My Way*?"
In the end, it wasn´t really anyones "fault" that Perry died - things simply took a bad turn and everyone in the know hangs their head in sorrow at his passing.
But Doof feels/is "responsible" for the Danville left in the wake of this grand tragedy and so he wants to make things right in some way again.
He might not be a proper Hero, but he is for sure the most tragic King around Gridlocked.